REST API for City of Helsinki Service Map
Terms of Use
Information from the REST interface of the service map may be used in accordance with the terms of use of the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license.

You may:
- Share - copy, distribute, display and present information.
- Remix - prepare altered works on the basis of the information.
- Use this data content for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
With the following terms:
- City of Helsinki Service Map must be mentioned as the administrator of data extracted from the REST API.
- The provider of this REST API is not legally accountable for accuracy or correctness of data provided by the REST API. Users of the REST API utilize the data on their own responsibility. The City of Helsinki is not accountable for any direct or indirect damage caused by use of the data. The City of Helsinki is also not accountable for any damages caused by breaks in operation of the REST API.
- Neither the name of the owner nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Notice: Pictures of the sculptures and public art cannot be used for commercial purposes. This information can be found from unit objects picture_caption_ fields.
Use of the REST API
The REST API offers your own web-applications easy access to the data content of the City of Helsinki Service Map. The REST API is implemented using principles of REST architecture. Data can be queried in JSON or XML formats.
Feedback about the REST API
We appreciate your feedback about the REST API and we are excited to know how your are using our REST API in your projects.
You can send your feedback to and
Current Version of the REST API
Version 4
See also: TPR Service Description Register REST API
Version history
9th of June 2011 - First version
12th of October 2011 - Units accessibility senteces added to the unit data model
6th of March 2012 - Second version
May 2017 - Fourth version for the needs of City of Helsinki new organization