A Message from the Lord Mayor
Development in the Hands of the City Council
The Lord Mayor´s Sector
A Wide Range of Services
City Planning and Infrastructure
Municipal Business Enterprises and Technical
Brief facts about Helsinki
Lord Mayor directs the overall operation of the City administration and
general financial planning. His (or, as presently, her) responsibilities
include overseeing preparatory preparation of business relating to the
budget and other aspects of the administration of City finances. An additional
task in 1997 was the drafting of an outline strategic plan for the coming
four-year period. The guiding principles emphasised in it were quality
of services, attention to environmental questions and the physical and
social wellbeing of residents. International affairs and the development
of business and economic policies are nowadays also important aspects
of the Lord Mayor's work.
City finances on a sound footing
In its own financial planning, the City actively sought
means of adding further momentum to economic development. With the business
sector doing well, tax revenues increased. The City's deliberate policy
of increasing investment had a positive effect on the building sector
and job creation. Exercising its power to determine the municipal tax
level, the City struck a rate of 16.5%, half a percentage point lower
than the previous year. This contributed further to purchasing power and
helped stimulate the services sector.
Internationalisation a resource
Helsinki's participation in international cooperation has
grown strongly. Exchanges of information and experience, especially within
the frameworks of European city networks, have become a natural aspect
of our work. Energy management, environmental questions, urban planning
and cooperation between institutions of learning feature prominently in
our priorities. Helsinki pursues a policy of promoting the local economy
by encouraging foreign investment in the city, supporting international
companies when they establish operations here, and helping Helsinki-based
companies in their efforts to internationalise. The interest of international
investors and companies in Helsinki is added to by the city's status as
Finland's leading skill centre, with its universities and advanced research
establishments. Other strong assets include the high standard of infrastructure
supporting business, superb services and a safe and healthy living environment.
Helsinki's geographical location at the heart of Northern Europe is likewise
a distinct advantage. Important cooperation partners from Helsinki's perspective
are, besides the other EU capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. An important
argument that Helsinki pushes in its international marketing is its proximity
to Russia and the other countries around the Baltic, especially Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. Beyond Europe, Helsinki has established relations
and markets itself in, among other places, the USA and the Far East.
Actively promoting business
The need for the City to pursue a policy of actively promoting
business development has been accentuated in recent years. Success in
international competition among urban areas requires that strengths be
developed and effectively highlighted. Population growth and the paradoxical
combination of continuing high unemployment and incipient labour shortages
in some growth sectors pose challenges that must be responded to. Companies
must be given better conditions in which to strive for success and job
opportunities must be increased. The Business Development Unit launched
at the beginning of the year has improved the City's ability to act effectively
in this respect. Environment respected As a competition factor, the environment
is important for companies, the national economy and even the prosperity
and wellbeing of states, a fact that underscores the need for an importance
of cooperation on both the local and the national level. Rather than seeing
business and the environment as opposing interests, the goal from the
outset should be good cooperation between companies, the authorities,
environmental organisations and political decision makers. A local programme
for sustainable development is being drafted by the City. One of the main
principles enshrined in it is that of stimulating cooperation between
the authorities responsible for the administration of sub-areas of the
city and local residents.
Helsinki networking
Recognising the need to ensure that adequate resources are
channelled into information technology, the City has been determinedly
developing its technology infrastructure. It is also participating in
several joint projects both nationally and within the European Union.
An example is the Equality project, in which telematics and information
technology are being employed as instruments to improve services in residential
areas. The part of Helsinki chosen for implementation of the project is
a new residential district, where home services for elderly and handicapped
persons were developed with the aid of telematics. The information network
was also used to carry details of other public services, develop an information
service to assist civic organisations in their efforts and create a virtual
services market and shopping services. One of the extensive technology
projects in which the City is participating is Helsinki Arena 2000, being
implemented on the initiative of the Helsinki Telephone Corporation (HPY).
The intention is to create a three-dimensional model of the city, which
people will be able to tour using their personal computers. When the system
is operational, all of the cultural, commercial and public services in
the capital will be within convenient reach of everyone via their keyboards.
Examples of the sub-projects carried out in 1997 include the City Museum's
virtual version on the Internet, the information about public services
posted on the City's Web pages and Helsinki Water's online application
which enables customers to transact business electronically.
Lord Mayor of Helsinki
Eva-Riitta Siitonen |
- General planning and management
- The municipal plan - preparation
- The Budget - preparation and control
- Environmental affairs
- Fire and rescue services |
(FIM = Finnish markkas; 1$=ca. 5.5 FIM)
- Income FIM 185 million
- Expenditure FIM 1,076 million
- per inhabitant FIM 1,995
- Investment FIM 97 million
- Personnel strength 1,159
- % of total City employees 3