
The bridge immediately attracted attention, and Auroransilta won the annual award of the Finnish Association of Civil Engineers. - Photo Raoul Charpentier


A new handsome arch bridge crosses over the street of Nordenskiöldinkatu adjacent to Helsinki Ice Hall and the Olympic Stadium. Named Auroransilta, the bridge connects the Central Park of Helsinki and its 10 kilometres of forest ways to the Töölönlahti park area in the Helsinki city centre.

Auroransilta was opened in November 2012 to serve pedestrians and cyclists. The construction of this 4-million-euro structure, with a span of 160 metres, lasted more than a year.

The bridge immediately attracted attention, and Auroransilta won the annual award of the Finnish Association of Civil Engineers. The award winner was chosen by Archbishop Kari Mäkinen. He explains:

“This is a pioneering bridge. The concept with non-aligned, asymmetrical arches is technically demanding and aesthetically first rate. The bridge stands as a symbolical monument to cycling, walking, jogging and running. Amidst fast-paced and accelerating city life, it points to a city culture of the future, which has room and channels for a slow pace and tranquility.”

In the winter, the 5-metre-wide bridge deck also accommodates ski tracks.

Bridge design is by WSP Finland Oy. The contractor was Lemminkäinen Infra.

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Helsinki Info - English Supplement

Publisher: City of Helsinki
Editor-in-Chief: Rita Ekelund, Phone (+358 9) 310 36074
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