Helsinki as event city

It is important to us that Helsinki is a dynamic, functional and responsible event city that offers people a range of experiences throughout the year. This page will provide you with information on our decision-making and goals that steer the development of events in Helsinki.

A vibrant urban culture, complete with events, tourists and restaurants, is a key strategic priority for promoting Helsinki’s vitality and well-being. The development of eventness is guided by the City Strategy, Helsinki tourism and events programme and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  The programme presents concrete measures to promote the development of eventness for the benefit of tourists, residents, event visitors and local businesses.

Helsinki tourism and events programme 2022–2026 (PDF)


The implementation and monitoring of the programme is the responsibility of the City Executive Office’s Economic Development department’s Travel and Tourism unit and the Communications department’s Brand unit, working in close cooperation with Helsinki Partners, the Helsinki Event Foundation and the city divisions.

Helsinki tourism and events programme 2022–2026 includes the following three strategic goals:

1. Helsinki is a vibrant and internationally attractive city for tourism and events

We invest in attracting international tourists, with a particular focus on the strengths of each season – events can be enjoyed in Helsinki year-round. Helsinki’s competitiveness regarding international congresses and major events is also supported. We broaden our diverse range of events, strengthening the appeal of our distinctive city culture, where nature is a special part of the urban landscape.

2. Helsinki is an international pioneer and solution provider in sustainability, tourism and events

We consider sustainability a differentiation factor and competitive advantage. We aim to be the most sustainable destination in the world, and we have put environmental sustainability and carbon neutrality at the forefront of development. We emphasise social sustainability and inclusiveness.

We promote sustainable development by pursuing the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) label and the top position in the Global Destination Sustainability index, among other things.

3. Helsinki is a smart destination and a functional event city

Helsinki was chosen as the smartest travel destination in Europe (European Capital of Smart Tourism) in 2019. Helsinki has every chance of becoming the world’s smartest and most functional visitor destination in cooperation with its companies, scientific community and residents.

In the coming years, we will invest in knowledge management to ensure that Helsinki serves as the best possible platform for new innovations, partnerships and digital development. We also strive for a seamless event organiser’s path for permits and notifications based on the ‘one-stop-shop’ principle.

Helsinki City Strategy 2021–2025

UN Sustainable Development Goals(Link leads to external service)

Sustainable Travel Finland(Link leads to external service)

Global Destination Sustainability -index(Link leads to external service)