Nainen ja mies istuvat luokassa vierekkäin suomenkielen kurssilla.
Photo: Marja Väänänen

The Finnish Adult Education Centre

More than 5,400 inspiring courses, 300 lectures and events every year. Teaching is provided mostly in Finnish, but courses with instruction in other languages are also provided. See all courses and lectures offered by Helsingin työväenopisto(Link leads to external service)

Go to Helsingin työväenopisto website(Link leads to external service)

Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää

Swedish Adult Education Centre Arbis

More than 800 inspiring courses, as well as a lectures and events, every year. Teaching is provided mostly in Swedish, but courses with instruction in other languages are also provided.  See all courses and lectures offered by Arbis(Link leads to external service)

Go to the Arbis website(Link leads to external service)

Helsinki Finnish Adult Education Centre Työväenopisto

Visiting address:
Helsinginkatu 26, 00530 Helsinki
Opening hours:

The opening hours of Työväenopisto locations are determined according to the courses and events on a daily basis.

Swedish Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors arbis

Visiting address:
Dagmarinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki

Adult Education Centre locations on the map

Adult Education Centre locations on the map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)