You have the right to know what information has been recorded about you by social services and healthcare professionals and how your information has been used. You can also request rectification of incorrect information.
The time within which you must get access to non-urgent care and treatment is laid down in law.
Some of our social and healthcare services are subject to a fee. If you cannot afford to pay an invoice you receive from us, you can apply for a reduction or non-recovery of the client fe
If your first language is neither Finnish nor Swedish, you have the right to an interpreter.
We monitor both our own operations and the services we purchase.
A service voucher is a payment commitment granted by the City of Helsinki. You can use it to pay for services provided by private service providers.
You can contact a Social and Patient Ombudsperson for advice if you or your family member or friend has been mistreated by healthcare or social services or if you would like to receive information on your rights.
Your feedback provides us with the information we need to develop and improve our services.
You have the right to choose which healthcare unit you go to for services.