Book an appointment by calling our customer service line. During the call, we will assess your treatment needs and urgency.
If you cannot attend your appointment, cancel or reschedule it via Maisa or by calling our client service line. Cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours before your appointment to avoid a penalty fee.
We utilise a call-back system, so if we are unable to respond immediately, kindly leave us a call-back request Mon–Thu 7.00–16.00 and Fri 7.00–15.00, and we will get in touch with you. Once you've submitted a call-back request, you don't need to contact us in any other way. One call-back request is enough. We will call you back from a City of Helsinki service number beginning with +358 (0) 9 310 .
Our customer service line operates Mon–Thu 7.00–18.00 and Fri 7.00–15.00. We answer cancellation calls and call back throughout the opening hours.
Call +358 (0)9 310 51 400(Link starts a phone call)
Cancellation appointments for those with a booking
If appointments become available with the professional you have already booked, you may receive an automatic text message about a cancellation slot, allowing you to access care sooner.