If you have received a positive decision on transport services from us, you can order taxis from Helsinki Transport Service.
You can apply for special transportation for your child if your child cannot manage the school journey independently by public transport. Special transportation is granted on the basis of an expert opinion.
Voit käyttää Kela-taksia, jos olet toimittanut Kelaan terveydenhuollon antaman todistukseen pitkäaikaisesta oikeudesta taksin käyttöön. Täältä löydät Kela-taksien tilausnumerot.
You can get a reimbursement for your travel costs from Kela if you travel to a public or private healthcare provider.
Children under 16 years who attend treatment or rehabilitation regularly and travel alone have the right to use the services of a familiar taxi driver. Kela can also grant an adult the right to a familiar taxi driver based on an individual assessment.
You are eligible for discounted travel if you live permanently in the HSL area and your mobility is impaired owing to a permanent injury or chronic disease.
Individuals with visual impairments are entitled to a free HSL card. Accompanying individuals can also travel without a ticket.
Find information about assistance available at railway stations, taking assistive devices on trains, accessibility of trains and measures in disruptions.
You can obtain a parking permit based on your disability or illness. You can also apply for exemption from the basic vehicle tax.
You can apply for a refund of vehicle tax based on a disability by submitting an application through OmaVero. The refund is granted and paid after the vehicle is registered.
Sivulle on koottu tietoa esteettömästä liikkumisesta Helsingissä.
Find information on changes in traffic arrangements, caused by construction work and events.