
Some of our social and healthcare services are subject to a fee. We also charge fees for missed appointments that are not cancelled.

On this page

We charge two types of fees:

  1. Fixed-sum fees are the same amount for everyone. One example of a fixed-sum fee is the outpatient clinic fee charged for a doctor’s appointment.
  2. Income-based fees depend on your ability to pay. They are based on you and your spouse’s combined income. We charge income-based fees for services such as long-term assisted living or regularly provided home care.

Healthcare fees

Fee Price Please note!
Health station appointment 0 € An appointment with a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional at a health station is free of charge for you.
Missed appointment 56.70 € We charge clients aged 18 and above a non-attendance fee for missed and uncancelled appointments.
Medical certificate fee

56.70 €


The amount depends on the quality of the certificate or statement.  We do not charge fees for medical certificates related to treatment.
Driving licence certificate 68.10 €  
Vaccinations 0 € Vaccinations covered by the national vaccination programme are free of charge.
Treatment of communicable diseases 0 € We provide treatment and medication free of charge for generally hazardous communicable diseases. Medication is also free of charge for communicable diseases classified as notifiable and monitored communicable diseases in Finnish legislation.
House call by a doctor for clients of temporary home hospital care 25.80 €  
House call by a doctor in temporary home care and home nursing care 0 €  


We will charge a visiting fee for every visit to the dentist. In addition to the visiting fee, you will have to pay care-specific client fees. A single visit or treatment may include several procedures. The prices for the different procedures are listed below.

We also charge

  • the dental laboratory's dental technology expenses for prosthetics, occlusal physiology and orthodontics treatment as well as
  • material expenses related to implant treatment.

If you are under the age of 18, dental care is free of charge, and you will not be charged client fees. However, if you lose or damage the orthodontic braces due to improper use or obvious negligence, the dental care is not free of charge. In this case, you will pay for the dental technology expenses incurred from acquiring new braces or repairing damaged braces according to the actual expenses, even if you are under the age of 18.

Fee Price Please note!
Dentist’s appointment 17.90 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Dental hygienist’s appointment 13.80 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Specialist dentist’s appointment 26.30 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Missed appointment 56.70 € We charge clients aged 18 and above a non-attendance fee for missed and uncancelled appointments.
Limited oral and dental health check-up 25.80 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Basic oral and dental health check-up 25.80 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Extensive oral and dental health check-up 51.20 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Procedure fee for preventive care 11.50 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Anaesthesia 11.50 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
X-ray 11.50–25.80 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Dental fillings 25.80–105.20 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Tooth removal 25.80–75.00 € The service is free of charge for those under the age of 18.
Home visit by dentists for clients who are in temporary home care 25.80 €  

Fee Price Please note!
Daily fee for short-term institutional care EUR 66.90

Charged for each day spent at a healthcare facility, including the days of arrival and discharge.

We will not charge the fee for the day of discharge if your care continues in another healthcare facility on the same day. We will charge the daily fee even if you leave the hospital on the day of your arrival.

Daily fee once the maximum payment limit is reached 25.10 €  
Daily fee for short-term institutional psychiatric care 30.70 € We will not charge the fee for an observation period, as defined in the Mental Health Act, unless it leads to the person being ordered to treatment against their will.
Psychiatric outpatient visit 0 €  
Missed appointment 56,70 € We charge clients aged 18 and above a non-attendance fee for missed and uncancelled appointments.
Medical certificate fee


56,70 €

We do not charge fees for medical certificates related to treatment.
Fee for day and night-time care 30.70 € Charged if the patient is only provided with care at night or during the day.
Outpatient clinic fee 66.70 €

Not charged at psychiatric outpatient clinics.

Also not charged if the patient is admitted to a hospital on the same day they visit an outpatient clinic or if they are a front veteran, disabled war veteran or under the age of 18.

Fees charged from clients under the age of 18   If a client under the age of 18 has received care for more than seven days within a calendar year, we will not charge the daily fee, fee for day or night-time care or rehabilitation fee. You must present an account of the previous days of care to the hospital.


School and student healthcare services are free of charge. Students aged 18 and above who are not residents of Helsinki must pay the outpatient clinic fee for every other doctor’s appointment.

We charge clients aged 18 and above a fee of EUR 56.70 for missed appointments that are not cancelled.

Fee Price Please note!
Serial treatment fee

EUR 18.60 / treatment session


Charged for a maximum of 45 treatment sessions per calendar year. We do not charge a fee from clients under the age of 18, for serial treatment provided in mental health work, for serial hyposensibilisation treatment or treatment for speech and sound impairments provided at a health station or for radiation and cytostatic treatment.

Therapies provided as medical rehabilitation

home visit

(physiotherapy, pool therapy, lymphatic therapy, speech therapy and neuropsychological rehabilitation)

EUR 16.40 / treatment session


Not charged from patients under the age of 18.

Therapies provided as medical rehabilitation


(physiotherapy, pool therapy, lymphatic therapy, speech therapy and neuropsychological rehabilitation)

EUR 18.60 / treatment session


Not charged from patients under the age of 18.
Physiotherapist’s direct appointments at health stations (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, foot therapy and treatment, speech therapy, nutritional therapy) EUR 0 / visit Therapy provided at a health station is free of charge for clients of all ages.
Remote appointment for physiotherapy


EUR 14.90 /treatment session (appointment) or EUR 13.10 /treatment session (home visit)

Rehabilitation and aid devices EUR 23.00 / day of care

We charge the fee for institutional rehabilitation provided to a disabled patient based on a separate decision.

We do not charge a fee for aid devices related to care and treatment or their fitting, replacement and maintenance as necessary. Aid devices are subject to a fee if the need for them is caused by an injury or occupational disease reimbursable under the Workers’ Compensation Act, Military Injuries Act, Motor Liability Insurance Act or Patient Injury Act.


Fees for senior services

Fee Price Please note!
Doctor's home visit in temporary at-home hospital care 25.80 €

We charge the fee for a maximum of two house calls per day.

A doctor's home visit in temporary home care and home health care is free of charge.

House call by members of the nursing staff in temporary home care 16.40 € We charge the fee for a maximum of two house calls per day. 

If your need for home care continues without interruption for more than two months, with house calls made at least once a week, we will charge the monthly fee for continuous home-based care.

Continuous and regularly provided home care

We charge a fee according to the amount of gross income that exceeds the income limit. All continuous, taxable earnings and investment income and annually recurring earnings and investment income (gross income) of the home care client are considered to be monthly income. Tax-exempt social benefits are not considered to be income, with the exception of child maintenance allowance and care allowance for pensioners. The veteran’s supplement, paid as a part of the care allowance for pensioners, is not considered to be income.

If you have a spouse, your and your spouse’s combined total income will be taken into account in the client fee. If one or both of you are provided with continuous and regular service at home, the client fee is determined on the basis of your combined total income. If you and your spouse are being provided with different services, your client fees are determined based on your personal incomes.

Calculate estimate for client fee with calculator


Family size, number of members 1 2 3 4 5 6
Income limit, EUR / month 653 1205 1891 2338 2830 3251
Income limits for continuous and regularly provided home care, according to the size of the family

If the family size is larger than 6, the income limit is increased by 389 euros for each subsequent family member.

We calculate the fee for continuous and regularly provided home care according to the payment percentage table below.

Service hours / month 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons
4 hours or less 8 7 6 6 6 6
5–8 hours 10 8 7 7 7 7
9–12 hours 17 14 12 12 12 12
13–16 hours 21 17 14 14 14 12
17–20 hours 24 20 16 16 14 12
21–24 hours 26 22 18 16 14 12
25–28 hours 28 24 19 16 14 12
29–32 hours 30 24 19 16 14 12
33–36 hours 32 24 19 16 14 12
37–40 hours 34 24 19 16 14 12
41 hours or more 35 24 19 16 14 12
Payment percentage table for the calculation of client fees for continuous and regularly provided home care
Example of fees for continuous and regularly provided home care

The client’s gross income is EUR 1,500 per month. The client lives alone and receives 15 hours of home care services per month. In this case, the payment percentage is 21.

The client fee is calculated as follows: (1,500–653) x 0.21 = 177.87
This means that the client fee is EUR 177.87 per month.

Formula: (gross income – income limit) x payment percentage/100

For more information about the changes to client fees, please contact your designated home care worker or the financial secretary who issued the payment decision, whose contact information can be found in the decision.

Service hours / month Maximum fee EUR / month
0–4 119,66
5–8 538,47
9–12 1017,12
13–16 1495,76
17–20 1974,40
21–24 2453,05
25–28 2931,69
29–32 3410,33
33–36 3888,98
37–40 4367,62
41 hours or more 4906,10
Maximum fees for regularly provided home care

The maximum fees apply if the client does not report their income or has a large income.

The maximum client fees for continuous and regularly provided home-based services entered into effect on 1 October 2021 by decision of the Social Services and Health Care Committee.

Fees Price Note

Meal service


Clients of all Home care units 

  • €5.00(lunch)
  • €1.80 (dessert)


 Transport fee €7.40 per transport.  Express delivery fee is €57.30 / delivery.  

Automatic meal device service


  • €6.40 (lunch)
  • €2.00 (dessert)

The service fee of €4.70 per day includes the deliveries and device rental. 

Express delivery fee €40.00 / delivery. 

Grocery delivery service  €9.73 (grocery collection and delivery, VAT 0%) You will receive one VAT-free delivery per week. Service provider Mehiläinen Ateriaali Oy.

Safety telephone service



  • A person living alone with a maximum income of €1,470 per month or a couple with a maximum income of €2,170 per month: the equipment rental costs €35.68 per month + alarm response €23.25 per visit.  
  • A person living alone with an income of over €1,470 per month or a couple with an income of over €2,170 per month: the equipment rental costs €71.35 per month + alarm response €46.50 per visit.  

The service includes a security phone and a security bracelet.

The safety service is an income-based service, which means that the service fee depends on your income and your spouse’s income. 

The installation of the safety phone is free of charge. The door alarm is free of charge for anyone with a safety phone. The GPS locator is free of charge. 

A maximum of five alarm response visits are billed per month.  

Cleaning service 

(service voucher)


  • A person living alone with a maximum income of €1,138 per month: the value of the service voucher is €24 per hour.
  • A couple with a maximum income of €1,575 per month: the value of the service voucher is €24 per hour.
  • A person living alone with an income of €1,138.10–€1,422 per month: the value of the service voucher is €21 per hour.
  • A couple with an income of €1,575.10–€2,107 per month: the value of the service voucher is €21 per hour.


In exceptional cases, we may provide cleaning services as a city-funded service. The price of the service is either EUR 5.30 per hour or EUR 8.50 per hour, depending on the income. The income limits are the same as for the service voucher. The service can be granted for up to two hours per month.

Calculate estimate for client fee for services to support living at home

The rehabilitative assessment period is billed in the same way as temporary home care. The first visit is free of charge, after which one visit costs EUR 9.60. A maximum of two visits are billed per day, in which case the maximum fee is EUR 19.20 / day.

The client fees for communal and supported housing are based on your gross income. We will no longer determine a minimum amount of disposable funds for you in the future.

The client fee depends on the number of service hours provided, the size of your family and your ability to pay. We charge a fee according to the amount of gross income that exceeds the income limit.

The client fee does not cover housing costs or meals. The full-board meal fee is EUR 497.95 per month, and the half-board meal fee is EUR 373.50 per month.

Family size, number of members 1 2 3 4 5 6
Income limit, EUR / month 653 1205 1891 2338 2830 3251
Income limits for communal and supported housing, according to the size of the family

 Client fees are calculated according to the payment percentage table below. 

Service hours / month 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons
4 hours or less 8 7 6 6 6 6
5–8 hours  10 8 7 7 7 7
9–12 hours  17 14 12 12 12 12
13–16 hours  21 17 14 14 14 12
17–20 hours  24 20 16 16 14 12
21–24 hours  26 22 18 16 14 12
25–28 hours  28 24 19 16 14 12
29–32 hours  30 24 19 16 14 12
33–36 hours  32 24 19 16 14 12
37–40 hours  34 24 19 16 14 12
41 hours or more 35 24 19 16 14 12
Payment percentage table for long-term assisted living and supported housing

Example of fees for long-term assisted living and supported housing

The client’s gross income is EUR 1,500 per month. The client lives alone and has been granted 10 hours of services per month. In this case, the payment percentage is 17.

The client fee is calculated as follows: (1,500–653) x 0.17 = 143.99
This means that the client fee is EUR 143.99 per month.

Formula: (gross income – income limit) x payment percentage/100

The fee for long-term 24-hour service housing is 85% of the client’s net monthly income after lawful deductions such as pharmaceutical costs and rent have been made as special deductions. If a client’s income is higher than that of the client’s spouse, the spouse’s income will be taken into account when determining the client fee. In this case, the treatment fee is 42.5% of the spouses’ combined net income after the lawful deductions. If a client’s income is lower than that of the client’s spouse, the spouse’s income will not be taken into account when determining the client fee.

If the fee determined on the basis of the spouses’ combined monthly income would be higher than the fee determined on the basis of the client’s own income, the maximum fee charged to the client is the fee determined on the basis of the client’s own income.

If the client fee is calculated on the basis of the spouses’ combined income, the spouse staying at home may keep an amount corresponding to the basic amount of social assistance. The amount left at the client’s disposal is always at least EUR 182.

Reporting medicine expenses

The client fee for long-term 24-hour service housing takes into account the client’s medicine expenses for medicines, clinical nutritional preparations and emollient creams as a special deduction. A special deduction from medicine expenses is made from the income on which the fee is based when the client fee is determined.

Two special deductions from medicine expenses are taken into account in client fees.

  • It is not necessary to apply for a client fee deduction for medicine expenses reimbursed by Kela (reimbursable under the Health Insurance Act), as they are automatically taken into account in client fees to the extent of the annual maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs. When a client reaches the annual maximum limit, he or she is left with a co-payment of EUR 2.50. The client pays this co-payment from his or her available funds, and it is not taken into account as a deduction from the client fee.
  • Clients must submit a separate application for a deduction from the client fee for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela (non-reimbursable under the Health Insurance Act). Non-reimbursable medicine expenses are taken into account in the client fee to the extent that a health care professional has deemed them necessary.

How to apply for a special deduction for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela

Apply for a special deduction for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela with the form “Consideration of medicine expenses in long-term 24-hour service housing client fees (303-525)” (in Finnish).

Fill in the form “Consideration of pharmaceutical costs in long-term 24-hour service housing client fees” (PDF)

A special deduction is made starting from the month stated in the application. Please note that the amount of the special deduction is calculated on a monthly basis and taken into account in the client fee decision as continuous. This means that the information provided by the client is used to calculate the amount of medicine expenses in an average month.

When filling in the application, make sure to check the following.

  1. Expenses eligible for a special deduction includes only medicines, clinical nutritional preparations (including vitamins) and emollient creams not reimbursed by Kela. Expenses for wound care equipment, nappies, flannels or other medical supplies are not eligible for a special deduction.
  2. Check whether the client has a prescription for the medicine expenses that are not reimbursed by Kela.
    • If the client has a prescription for them, list the client’s prescription medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela in Section 2.
    • If the client does not have a prescription for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela, list the client’s non-prescription medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela in Section 3. You need the signature of a health care professional. Note! The signature of the health care professional confirms the need for the medicines.
  3. Check the application attachments.
    • Provide a pharmacy’s list of prescription purchases and purchase receipts for the last three months as an attachment. If the list of medicines shows the prices of the medicine expenses indicated in the application, separate purchase receipts are not required.
What happens if the client’s medical expenses are eligible for a special deduction change?

If the client’s medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela change significantly, a review of the special deduction can be applied for again. In this case, the information, need and price of the new medicine must be stated in the application. However, please note that the special deduction is made on a monthly basis. For this reason, changes of a few euros in medicine expenses do not have a significant impact on the amount of the special deduction. If the client’s medicine expenses change by, for example, EUR 5 or more per month, it is advisable to report the change.

The fee for long-term institutional care is 85% of the client’s net monthly income after deducting pharmaceutical costs, for example (not applicable to institutional healthcare). If the client’s income is higher than their spouse’s, the spouse’s income is taken into account in the calculation of the client fee. In this case, the treatment fee is 42.5 per cent of the spouses’ combined net income. If the client’s income is lower than their spouse’s, the spouse’s income is not taken into account in the calculation of the client fee.

If the fee determined on the basis of the spouses’ combined monthly income would be higher than the fee determined on the basis of the client’s own income, the maximum fee charged to the client is the fee determined on the basis of the client’s own income.

If the client fee is calculated based on the spouses’ combined income, the spouse staying at home can keep an amount corresponding to the basic amount of social assistance. The amount left at the client’s disposal is always at least EUR 122.

Institutional care provided during an informal caregiver’s leave costs EUR 12.80 per day.

Short-term institutional care costs EUR  66.90 per day.
Part-time institutional care costs EUR  30.70 (cost for day or night care).

Short-term service housing costs EUR 42.40 per day.
Part-time sheltered housing costs EUR 30.70 (cost for day or night care).

Fee Price
Day activities 4h or more with transport €24.90 /time) 
Day activities 4h or more without transport €19.00 /time) 
Day activities under 4h with transport €12.45 /time) 
Day activities under 4h without transport €9.50 /time) 
Day activities as statutory days of leave in informal care €12.80/time


Fee Price
Printing €0.45 /print
Sauna €3.40 /visit
Laundry room €1.30 /kg (cash payment)

Fees for services for children and families

Services provided by maternity and child health clinics are free of charge. We charge clients aged 18 and above a fee of EUR 56.70 for missed appointments that have not been cancelled.

Fees for mental health and substance abuse services

The client fee for long-term psychiatric outpatient care is based on your net income. The client fee is comprised of rent and the meal fee. You will always have a minimum of EUR 182 available to spend. Care provided by the psychiatric outpatient care unit is free of charge, except for the related partial maintenance fee.

The client fees for communal and supported housing are based on your gross income. We will no longer determine a minimum amount of disposable funds for you in the future.

The client fee depends on the number of service hours provided, the size of your family and your ability to pay. We charge a fee according to the amount of gross income that exceeds the income limit.

The client fee does not cover housing costs or meals. You will need to pay separately for your meals, security services and other support services. The full-board meal fee is EUR 497.95 per month, and the half-board meal fee is EUR 373.50 per month.

Family size, number of members 1 2 3 4 5 6
Income limit, EUR / month 653 1205 1891 2338 2830 3251
Income limits for communal and supported housing, according to the size of the family

 Client fees are calculated according to the payment percentage table below. 

Service hours / month 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons
4 hours or less 8 7 6 6 6 6
5–8 hours  10 8 7 7 7 7
9–12 hours  17 14 12 12 12 12
13–16 hours  21 17 14 14 14 12
17–20 hours  24 20 16 16 14 12
21–24 hours  26 22 18 16 14 12
25–28 hours  28 24 19 16 14 12
29–32 hours  30 24 19 16 14 12
33–36 hours  32 24 19 16 14 12
37–40 hours  34 24 19 16 14 12
41 hours or more 35 24 19 16 14 12
Payment percentage table for long-term assisted living and supported housing

Example of fees for long-term assisted living and supported housing

The client’s gross income is EUR 1,500 per month. The client lives alone and has been granted 10 hours of services per month. In this case, the payment percentage is 17.

The client fee is calculated as follows: (1,500–653) x 0.17 = 143.99
This means that the client fee is EUR 143.99 per month.

Formula: (gross income – income limit) x payment percentage/100

The fee for long-term 24-hour service housing is 85% of the client’s net monthly income after deducting pharmaceutical costs, for example. If the client’s income is higher than their spouse’s, the spouse’s income is taken into account in the calculation of the client fee. In this case, the treatment fee is 42.5 per cent of the spouses’ combined net income. If the client’s income is lower than their spouse’s, the spouse’s income is not taken into account in the calculation of the client fee.

If the client fee is calculated based on the spouses’ combined income, the spouse staying at home can keep an amount corresponding to the basic amount of social assistance. The amount left at the client’s disposal is always at least EUR 182.

Reporting medicine expenses

The client fee for long-term 24-hour service housing takes into account the client’s medicine expenses for medicines, clinical nutritional preparations and emollient creams as a special deduction. A special deduction from medicine expenses is made from the income on which the fee is based when the client fee is determined.

Two special deductions from medicine expenses are taken into account in client fees.

  • It is not necessary to apply for a client fee deduction for medicine expenses reimbursed by Kela (reimbursable under the Health Insurance Act), as they are automatically taken into account in client fees to the extent of the annual maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs. When a client reaches the annual maximum limit, he or she is left with a co-payment of EUR 2.50. The client pays this co-payment from his or her available funds, and it is not taken into account as a deduction from the client fee.
  • Clients must submit a separate application for a deduction from the client fee for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela (non-reimbursable under the Health Insurance Act). Non-reimbursable medicine expenses are taken into account in the client fee to the extent that a health care professional has deemed them necessary.

How to apply for a special deduction for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela

Apply for a special deduction for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela with the form “Consideration of medicine expenses in long-term 24-hour service housing client fees (303-525)” (in Finnish).

Fill in the form “Consideration of pharmaceutical costs in long-term 24-hour service housing client fees” (PDF)

A special deduction is made starting from the month stated in the application. Please note that the amount of the special deduction is calculated on a monthly basis and taken into account in the client fee decision as continuous. This means that the information provided by the client is used to calculate the amount of medicine expenses in an average month.

When filling in the application, make sure to check the following.

  1. Expenses eligible for a special deduction includes only medicines, clinical nutritional preparations (including vitamins) and emollient creams not reimbursed by Kela. Expenses for wound care equipment, nappies, flannels or other medical supplies are not eligible for a special deduction.
  2. Check whether the client has a prescription for the medicine expenses that are not reimbursed by Kela.
    • If the client has a prescription for them, list the client’s prescription medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela in Section 2.
    • If the client does not have a prescription for medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela, list the client’s non-prescription medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela in Section 3. You need the signature of a health care professional. Note! The signature of the health care professional confirms the need for the medicines.
  3. Check the application attachments.
    • Provide a pharmacy’s list of prescription purchases and purchase receipts for the last three months as an attachment. If the list of medicines shows the prices of the medicine expenses indicated in the application, separate purchase receipts are not required.
What happens if the client’s medical expenses are eligible for a special deduction change?

If the client’s medicine expenses not reimbursed by Kela change significantly, a review of the special deduction can be applied for again. In this case, the information, need and price of the new medicine must be stated in the application. However, please note that the special deduction is made on a monthly basis. For this reason, changes of a few euros in medicine expenses do not have a significant impact on the amount of the special deduction. If the client’s medicine expenses change by, for example, EUR 5 or more per month, it is advisable to report the change.

Short-term institutional care in substance abuse services costs EUR 66.90 per day. If you think that you cannot afford to pay a client fee, you can apply for a reduction or non-recovery of the client fee. Apply for a reduction or waiver of the client fee for substance abuse rehabilitation with your responsible employee at substance abuse services.

Psychiatric short-term institutional care costs EUR 30.70 per day.

Temporary housing at Hietaniemenkatu Service Centre, Castréninkatu housing unit and No Fixed Abode NGO (VVA ry) costs EUR 14.60 per day.

The emergency housing is free of charge for clients.

Fees for disability services

Support, guidance, assistance, treatment and care provided by the housing services for people with disabilities are free of charge to the client. The client pays for other costs related to housing and everyday life, such as meals, electricity, use of the sauna and laundry room, as well as any communal detergents and hygiene products they may use. The client also pays rent directly to the landlord. This applies to everyone aged 16 and over.

The client fee for persons under the age of 16 is charged on the same basis as the fee for long-term institutional care.


The lease agreement is made between the tenant and the Urban Environment Division’ facilities services, the service provider, or other landlord. The tenant pays the rent directly to the landlord.

Maintenance fee and electricity charge

The maintenance fee covers everyday expenses that arise regardless of whether a person has a disability and are not related to their need for assistance or support. It covers costs such as:

  • shared cleaning supplies
  • hygiene products
  • the use of a washing machine and sauna in shared spaces
  • supplies used in communal areas.

The fees are charged as follows:


Fees Price Note
Maintenance fee 30 €/month  
Electricity 13,50 €/month If the apartment does not have its own electricity meter or electricity is not included in the rent.

Meal services

Meals are charged per individual meal.
No additional fees are charged for special dietary requirements.

Meal fees are as follows:

Fees Price
Main meal 6,10 €
Snack 3,10 €

Institutional care and family care

The fees for long-term institutional care and family care are charged according to the client’s ability to pay and are based on the client’s income. In family care, the client retains at least EUR 182 a month for personal expenses. In long-term institutional care, the client retains at least EUR 122 a month for personal use.

Short-term housing services

The client fee for short-term housing services is EUR 42.40 per day.

Short-term institutional care

The client fee for short-term institutional care is EUR 54.60 per day. The client fee for part-time care is EUR 25.10 per day.

Short-term family care

The fee for short-term family care is EUR 42.40 per day.


The client fee for rehabilitation granted as special care to a person with a developmental disability is EUR 18.80 per day of care.


If the client has a valid decision granting them service housing at home as a person with severe disabilities and the short-term housing services are provided as part of this service housing, the client is only charged for meals.

If the client pays rent to another housing unit during their time in short-term care, the client is only charged for meals.

Care during an informal carer’s statutory leave

The client fee for care during an informal carer’s statutory leave is EUR 12.80 per day. For care provided at the client’s home, the charge is EUR 12.80 for 12 hours, applied to each 12-hour period commenced.

No client fees are charged where care during the leave is provided by a substitute carer or through hourly compensation.

Daytime activities, namely work and day activities, are free of charge to the client.

In daytime activities granted under the Act on Special Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, the client is charged for meals, but transport to and from the activities is free of charge.

In day activities granted under the Act on Disability Services and Assistance, clients are charged for meals and transport.

In work activities granted under the Social Welfare Act, clients are also charged for meals and transport.

If the client attends daytime activities during short-term care provided through housing services or family care, they will be charged separately for meals. In the case of institutional care, meals provided during day-time activities are covered by the client fee for institutional care.

Based on a decision by Social Services, Health Care, and Rescue Services Committee, the client fee (or co-payment) for transport services provided under the Act on Disability Services and Assistance and the mobil-ity support provided under the Social Welfare Act is based on the zone-based ticket prices of Helsinki Region Transport (HSL). For transport within the transport services’ service area (Helsinki, Sipoo, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen), the copayment charged to the client is equivalent to the valid price of a ticket for the AB zone.

Work and study commutes

The client can choose between the number of trips taken or the price of a monthly ticket as the basis for the copayment, which is paid retrospectively. Clients with support for work or study commutes do not need to pay separately for trips for leisure activities and running errands.

Study commutes outside the transport service area

The copayment due from the client is the price of a student ticket on public transport.

Work commutes outside the transport service area

The copayment due from the client is based on the cost of travel using the least expensive means of public transport.

Trips granted for special care to a person with developmental disabilities

Trips granted for special care to a person with developmental disabilities are free of charge to the client. You can retrospectively claim for reimbursement of transport costs to the disability outpatient clinic for reasons other than health care, with a receipt or invoice required for the claim.

The client fee for meals provided during holiday period activities for children with disabilities is EUR 6.10 per day.

Income statement for a client fee decision

Income-based fees depend on your ability to pay. They are based on you and your spouse’s combined income. To determine the income-based client fee, we need to know your income and expenses. You can submit an income statement using an electronic or paper form (the paper form must be printed and sent by post).

Income-based client fees may be determined based on your gross or net income. Income-based client fees are divided into the following gross and net income-based fees:

Gross income-based client fees include

  • client fee for continuous and regular home services (regularly provided home care)
  • client fee for long-term assisted living for the elderly (over the age of 65) (Note: applies, among others, to those with a spousal decision.)
  • client fee for long-term assisted living for working-aged people (under the age of 65; those in mental health or substance abuse rehabilitation or with memory disorders)
  • client fee for supported housing for working-aged people (under the age of 65; those in mental health or substance abuse rehabilitation or with memory disorders).

Submit an income statement form for gross income-based client fees online(Link leads to external service)

You can also fill in and print the form yourself and send it by post to the address on the form.

Income statement form, Client fees based on gross income (pdf)

Net income-based client fees include

  • Client fee for long-term 24-hour service housing for the elderly (over the age of 65)
  • client fee for long-term 24-hour service housing for working-aged people (under the age of 65; those in mental health or substance abuse rehabilitation or with memory disorders)
  • client fee for long-term institutional care in social and health care
  • client fee for temporary housing
  • client fee for long-term family and institutional care for people with disabilities or intellectual disabilities
  • client fee for long-term psychiatric outpatient treatment (Aurora and Eltsu units) and family care.

Submit an income statement form for net income-based client fees online(Link leads to external service)

You can also fill in and print the form yourself and send it by post to the address on the form.

Income statement form, Client fees based on net income (pdf)

Reduction or non-recovery of client fees

If you think that you cannot afford to pay a client fee, you can apply for a reduction or non-recovery of the client fee. The reduction and non-recovery of client fees is based on the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare.

The customer fee will be reduced from social service fees and income-based health care fees such as regularly provided home care and long-term 24-hour service housing. We do not grant reductions of fixed-sum healthcare fees, such as dental care fees or outpatient clinic fees.

You can apply for a reduction or non-collection of the customer fee for income-related client charges in health care and social welfare as well as for fixed-sum client fees in social welfare.

Reduction or not charging the client fee is not possible for fixed-sum healthcare fees. These include outpatient clinic fees, oral health care fees, temporary home health care or home hospital care, as well as short-term institutional care in a hospital, for example.

Income-based client fees for social services

  • continuous and regularly provided home-based services (home care)
  • long-term housing services (24-hour service housing, communal living, supported housing)
  • long-term institutional care
  • long-term family care.

Income-based customer fees within health care

  • long-term institutional care

Fixed-sum client fees for social services

  • temporary home-based services (homecare, home services for families with children)
  • service promoting inclusion and social interaction (day activities)
  • support services (safety telephone and wristband, cleaning, bathing service, meal delivery, grocery delivery service)
  • short-term housing services (24-hour service housing, temporary housing)
  • short-term institutional care
  • short-term family care.

If you would like to apply for a reduction or non-recovery of client fees for short-term care periods or day activities for the elderly, please contact your case worker.

You can apply for a reduction of client fees by submitting an online application to the Client fee decisions and expert services​ unit. You can apply for a reduction or waiver of client fees for substance abuse services with your responsible employee. 

The application opens in a new window.

Submit an online application (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Application with a form or in free form

Alternatively, you can fill out Helsinki’s fee reduction form or write a free-form application. Submit the application to client fee decisions and expert support together with expenditure receipts (e.g. receipts and bank statements).. You can apply for a reduction or non-recovery of fees for a period of no more than 12 months.

Fill in the form Reduction or non-recovery of health care and social welfare client fees (pdf)

You must include the following information in the free-form application:

  • To which fees does the reduction apply?
  • For which period of time or from which date would you like to apply for a reduction or non-recovery of fees?
  • Your reasons why you are applying for a reduction or non-recovery of fees.

Please sign the application and append copies of your own and your spouse’s expenses from the last two months that you would like us to take into account.

Expenses taken into account in the reduction and non-recovery of client fees

  • Rent/maintenance fee, attach a breakdown of rent/fee payments
  • Reasonable housing costs, including electricity and water
  • For an apartment used for personal living:
    • Home insurance, that is, insurance for movable property (so-called basic home insurance)
    • Any other mandatory residential property insurance
    • Home loan interest
  • Student loan interest
  • Child maintenance payment
  • Interest related to the purchase of a car if you have received support for the purchase of the car under the Disability Services Act
  • Additional taxes on pension income (for the applicable month)
  • Fees for home care support services and day activities related to you being a client of home care services (meal and grocery delivery service fees, personal hygiene service and safety phone)
  • Private safety phone fees (monthly rent, etc.) that are not related to you being a client of home care services
  • Long-term prescription medicines reimbursable by Kela (prescribed for 3 months or more), attach a pharmacy medication list for the purchased long-term medicines
    • Medication expenses will be taken into account up to the annual maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs. In the case of service housing with 24-hour assistance, medicines reimbursable by Kela have already been taken into account in the client fee decision.
  • Foreclosure, attach the foreclosure decision from the National Enforcement Authority Finland as well as a summary of the debtor’s foreclosure matters, if you have not submitted them before
  • Debt settlement, attach a copy of the District Court decision or payment schedule if the court decision does not indicate the amount of payment

Consideration of assets

The client fee is not reduced and it is still charged if you or your spouse have total assets of more than EUR 8,000.00 in savings on your accounts or as quickly liquidated assets. Such assets include telephone shares, fund units, savings insurance, securities and account currency.

Assets do not include, for example, an apartment in private use, a holiday home or other real estate, which cannot usually be liquidated quickly.

As a rule, the decision to reduce the fee or not charging it is made from the beginning of the application month. The starting point for calculating the applicant’s ability to pay is that expenses are deducted from the income.

A discount cannot be granted on the deductible part of the service voucher, as the regulation on the moderation of client fees does not apply to the service voucher.

Effect of service interruption on client fees

This section concerns a situation where you need to temporarily interrupt one of the following services:

  • long-term service housing with 24-hour assistance
  • long-term institutional care
  • long-term family care
  • continuous and regular services provided at home
  • communal and supported housing

If the service is interrupted

  1. at your request or for any other reason due to you:
    • temporarily for no more than 5 days, you will be charged for the entire duration of your absence. Your absence is calculated from the day you leave.
    • for more than 5 days but less than 1 month, the fee will be charged for the part exceeding 5 days. The fee will be charged again as usual when your return to the service, starting from the date of arrival.
    • for the whole month, no client fee is charged at all.
  2. for a reason related to the wellbeing services county or if you are in short-term institutional care:
    • the client fee is not charged for the period of your absence, not even from the date of entering or leaving institutional care.

Please note that in service housing with 24-hour assistance, the collection of rent is not interrupted.

For ongoing and regular home-based services, as well as communal and supported housing, the client fee includes all elements of the fee that are included in the monthly fee charged from you. Housing costs are not included in the monthly client fee and are not affected by the interruption rules.

  • You go on holiday on 1 August and return on 7 August. You will be charged a client fee for the first 5 days from the day you leave for the holiday (1 August – 5 August). The day following the waiting period or the days until return are free of charge.
  • You are hospitalised on 1 August and return on 7 August. The client fee will not be charged for the period 1 August – 7 August. The client fee will continue to be invoiced from the following day 8 August onwards.
  • You are away the whole month. The client fee is not charged at all, even if the reason for your absence is your own holiday. 

You do not need to interrupt the support services or day activities separately, as the invoicing of the services in question is based on actual use.

The monthly fees for security services cannot be temporarily interrupted, but you must separately terminate the service.

In case of home care interruptions (hospital/holiday/short-term period), the safety bracelet/button of the safety phone or GPS tracker is left at home.

Also note that if you are a home care client and your home care interruption continues for more than 3 months, your service will be terminated.

If you move from one care facility to another or change the service, the client fee for the ending service will be terminated from the end date. Duplicate client fees are not charged. This applies to both city housing and purchased services units.

The client fee also ends on the date of the client’s death. The payment of the rent ends in accordance with the termination of the lease agreement at the end of the notice period. In city housing, it may be possible for the payment of rent to end earlier if the new tenant moves into the apartment during the previous tenant’s notice period and pays the rent.

Appeal for rectification of a client fee

You have the right to request an administrative review of a payment decision concerning the fixed-sum fees for healthcare and social services. Examples of services for which the fee is the same for all clients include dental care fees, daily fees for care at a hospital or care institution, outpatient clinic fees, and appointments subject to a fee. However, you cannot appeal for rectification of a fixed-sum fee on the grounds that paying the invoice would jeopardise your livelihood. You can appeal for rectification of a fixed-sum healthcare fee if there is an error in the fee or if the fee is unjustified.

Before appealing for rectification, please check that your invoice is for a flat fee. Income-based fees are not flat fees.

In the case of an income-based fee, you can appeal for rectification of the fee decision. You have received instructions on how to appeal in connection with the decision. If you have questions about the fee decision you have received, you can primarily contact the decision-maker. The contact information can be found in the decision you have received.

Please also note that you cannot appeal for rectification of a fee charged for an unused service. If you want to dispute a fee for an unused service, you must complete a separate form. See Appeal against a fine.

Request an administrative review of the invoice within 30 days of receiving the invoice.

A request for an administrative review is a free-form letter that must include the following information:

  • reasons why you are requesting an administrative review of an invoice and a description of how you would like the invoice to be changed
  • information on the invoice (invoice number, payer’s first names and last name)
  • a copy of the invoice, if available
  • your contact information.

Please address your request for an administrative review to the Social Services and Health Care Sub-committee. Send your request to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office.

Send your request for an administrative review by secure mail(Link leads to external service)

Request an administrative review of the invoice within 30 days of receiving the invoice.

A request for an administrative review is a free-form letter that must include the following information:

  • reasons why you are requesting an administrative review of an invoice and a description of how you would like the invoice to be changed
  • information on the invoice (invoice number, payer’s first names and last name)
  • a copy of the invoice, if available
  • your contact information.

Please address your request for an administrative review to the Social Services and Health Care Sub-committee. Send your request to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office.

Go to the City of Helsinki Registrar's Office webpage

If you have received an incorrect invoice, we will rectify it. One example of such an invoice would be an invoice for an incorrect treatment period. We will rectify the invoice to correspond to the service you have received.

Please contact the location that provided you with the care or service. You can also contact the Financial Management Services (Talpa) by calling +358 (0)9 310 25300(Link starts a phone call) or e-mailing the address talpa.asiakaspalvel(at)hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)

Go to the Talpa website to learn more(Link leads to external service)

Non-attendance fee for a missed appointment

If you do not attend an appointment you have booked and do not cancel it, we will charge you EUR 56,70 for the missed appointment. This fee is only charged from persons aged 18 and above.

We will charge the non-attendance fee for any missed appointments with the following services:  

  • health stations
  • maternity and child health clinics
  • dental clinics
  • physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • podiatry
  • nutritional therapy
  • internal medicine outpatient clinics
  • psychiatric outpatient clinics
  • geriatric outpatient clinics
  • school and student healthcare.

We will also charge a non-attendance fee for remote appointments with the services mentioned above.

A fee for a missed appointment will not be collected from you if collecting the fee would be unreasonable or if you have an acceptable reason for not cancelling your appointment.

The fee will also not be charged if we have not notified you of the fee for a missed appointment and have not given instructions on how to cancel the appointment or place.

If you want to appeal against a fine you received, please contact theThe City of Helsinki’s Department of Financial Management Services. Go to the Financial Management Services website.(Link leads to external service)  

If the fee applies to dental care, see more detailed instructions on the dental care website.

How to apply for a cancellation of the penalty fee for an unused dental care appointment

Fees for remote appointments

The client fee charged for remote appointments is 80% of the client fee for a similar chargeable face-to-face appointment. Chargeable services organised as remote appointments include medical rehabilitation therapy, geriatric outpatient clinic appointments and oral healthcare.

Free-of-charge remote appointments include doctor’s and nurse’s appointments at health centres, occupational therapy, nutritional therapy, podiatry and family coaching.

Private home services not subject to value added tax

If your ability to function has become impaired due to age, illness, or exhaustion caused by informal care or other similar reasons, you can purchase home services and related support services from a private company without value added tax.

Home services cover assistance related to housing, personal care and other activities that are part of normal life. Home care support services refer, for example, to a meal service, clothing care, cleaning, bathing and accompanying services as well as services promoting social interaction. Read more about private home services.

You can also find this page at hel.fi/health-and-social-services/fees.