Supported housing is an ideal choice if you are fairly independent in your daily activities but still require support and guidance for either independent living or transitioning towards it.
Service housing is a perfect option when you require care and attention for a portion of the day. We provide service housing in various settings, including supported living groups, group homes, housing groups, and our purchased services units.
Intensive service housing works for you if you need services continuously and around the clock. We offer intensive service housing in group homes, housing groups and in our purchased services units.
We provide both temporary and long-term family care within private family homes. Our family care services offer the flexibility to access additional disability services, including participation in work and day activities.
We offer short-term intensive service housing for children, young adults and adults with disabilities to support their living at home. You can live in our care facilities, for example during your informal caregiver’s days off.
We support your independent living by enabling apartment modifications. Modifications include widening of doorways and removing obstacles.
Devices and equipment to be installed in your apartment are intended to help you live as independently as possible in your own home. These include lifting devices, stairlifts and alarm systems.
We provide support through home visits and assistance with financial matters and similar concerns.
Home care refers to a service package consisting of home health care and home services. Regardless of your age, you can apply for home care by contacting Senior Info. You can also apply for concrete help from Home Services for Families with Children.