Family care in family homes

Family care is intended for Helsinki residents with disabilities, whose living and care in their own home is not possible with the support of other services.

We offer temporary and long-term family care in private family homes.

The goal of family care in services for people with disabilities is to provide the possibility for family-like care and the formation of close, long-lasting relationships.

Family homes are located in Helsinki, elsewhere in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and in other Finnish municipalities. We organise services with the help of commission agreements or as purchased services.

In family care, you can also make use of other services for people with disabilities. You can, for example, participate in work and day activities and use transport services.

For long-term family care, we charge the full maintenance client fee, which is up to 85% of your monthly income. However, you will have at least EUR 164 per month for your personal use.

You can apply for our services through your local service point of Social Work for People with Disabilities.

For more information on service housing, please contact Counselling for People with Disabilities or your designated worker. Housing services are applied for using the disability service application form.

Family care contact details:

Office secretary +358 9 310 43170
Social instructor +358 9 310 69845
Social worker +358 9 310 43821

How do I apply for a family care place? 

Housing service is applied for using the disability service application form.  

See the instructions for applying for housing service 

If you receive a positive decision, we will select you a suitable family care place.