You can find the contact information with the help of your postal code
You can find the telephone numbers of the social instructors for transport services in the phone book by the postcode of the area where you live.
If you have trouble finding a service point in your area of residence or contact information for your social instructor on this page, please contact Counselling for People with Disabilities.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
In matters related to the transport service travel cards, transport profiles and service vouchers, the office secretaries are available Mon–Fri 8.15–16.00 at +358 9 310 23100(Link starts a phone call) .
You can display and hide the contact information by clicking on the header.
Social Work for People with Disabilities, southern service point
Kallio Office Building
Toinen linja 4A, 00530 Helsinki
PO Box 6009, 00099 City of Helsinki
Go to the website of the southern service point
Social Work for People with Disabilities, eastern service point
Vuosaari Family Centre and Health and Well-being Centre
Kahvikuja 3, 00980 Helsinki
PO Box 6250, 00099 City of Helsinki
Social Work for People with Disabilities, western and northern service point
Ala-Malmin tori 2, 5th and 7th floor, 00700 Helsinki
PO Box 7980, 00099 City of Helsinki
Go to the website of the western and northern service point
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