City Organisation

The City of Helsinki organisation is made up of the City Council, which appoints the Mayor and Deputy Mayors for one electoral term at a time, as well as the City Board, four city divisions, the Central Administration and committees.

The City's decisions in one place(Link leads to external service)  

Kaupungintalon arkkitehtuuria kohti Suomen lippua.
Photo: Paavo Jantunen

City of Helsinki’s divisions provide the city’s services

This website provides an introduction to the City of Helsinki organisation. Find the services offered by the city in the website’s main navigation, grouped by theme.

City of Helsinki’s front page

Search city services

International House Helsinki advices people who move to Helsinki.
Photo: Susa Junnola

Advisory and support services

The ‘Contact us’ page provides assistance, contact information and services that will help you communicate with the City of Helsinki. The Helsinki-info advisory service offers advice and guidance on the City of Helsinki’s services and immigration.

 Search for contact information
