Information about Participation in Helsinki

Get to know Helsinki’s principles of participation and the practical ways we promote city residents’ opportunities to influence the City's services and decision making.

Our participatory model 

The City of Helsinki’s model for ensuring active participation and equality is for all residents of Helsinki. The model ensures Helsinki residents, organisations and business community and other stakeholder members can influence and trust the City’s operations. Adherence to the participation model increases equality by ensuring city residents can influence their community. 

The City of Helsinki’s participation and interaction model aims to improve understanding, non-discrimination and the quality of services between population groups. It also enables the City to activate vulnerable groups to participate in social activities. 

Implementation methods of participation by theme

The themes and goals of the participation and interaction model are implemented in the city of Helsinki with the help of dozens of different operating methods and services.

The City of Helsinki is committed to helping every child and young person feel included, believe in their ability to influence matters, and get their voices heard in many ways in Helsinki.

Read more: Participate and influence

It is important to promote clients' participation in the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division. We support diversely the implementation of our clients’ rights and regularly report on various phenomena that affect our clients’ well-being and health. The reports and surveys help us make our services more client-oriented.

Read more:

The Culture and Leisure Division maintains and improves the opportunities for Helsinki residents of all ages to foster their well-being, learning and active citizenship. In our Division, promoting inclusion means

  • customer-oriented service development
  • equal and responsible provision of public services
  • supporting free civil society and democracy education
  • supporting city residents’ independent activities
  • openness of decision-making
  • meeting and listening to city residents.


Promoting inclusion is part of the work of every employee of the Culture and Leisure Division. Learn more about our services: Culture and Leisure Division | City of Helsinki 

All Helsinki residents can participate in city planning. You can comment on all current plans or participate in resident events.

Read more: Participate in city planning

You can meet city decision-makers, employees and other experts at various residents' evenings and events. These events are used to discuss current plans, services, or current issues in a particular neighbourhood.

You can ask questions and suggest topics for future events on the Kerrokantasi- service. Voice your opinion - Kerrokantasi ( leads to external service)

 Events are also organised remotely. You can follow some of the events on the Helsinki Channel. Etusivu - Helsinki-kanava ( leads to external service)

For information on upcoming residents' evenings and events, see the events calendar. Events calendar - Tapahtumakalenteri ( leads to external service)

Mayor's residents' evenings

We organise Mayor's Evenings in different neighbourhoods two to four times a year. The evenings are hosted by the Mayor of Helsinki, and the discussion is attended by city experts from various fields. Invitations to the residents' evenings are distributed by post to residents in the area.

We organise these events in cooperation with local residents' associations. Neighbourhood associations can request a residents' evening in their area by sending a letter to the Mayor.

Helsinki City Council(Link leads to external service)

The City Council is the highest decision-making body of Helsinki. It is elected through local elections every four years. The City Council oversees the City’s operations and finances.

Helsinki City Board(Link leads to external service)

The City Board operates under the City Council, managing the City’s operations, administration and finances.

Working groups and advisory boards(Link leads to external service)

A working group is a body comprising a number of persons of trust appointed by the City Board to execute temporary tasks or long-term duties for no longer than the duration of the City Board’s term in office.

An advisory board is a body comprising a number of persons appointed by the City Board to investigate or prepare a certain matter or a cluster of matters, or to monitor a certain activity.

Who decides what?(Link leads to external service)

The page describes the roles of the decision-making bodies of the City in decision-making.


Participation Plans and reports

Get to know the participation plans of the city's various divisions.

The City of Helsinki Education Division oversees the city’s early childhood education, pre-primary education, basic education, general upper secondary education, and vocational education and training in Finnish.

Through the link below, you can get to know the education divisions participation plan.

Participation plan 2023-2025(Link leads to external service)

The City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division is responsible for planning, construction and maintenance as well as building control and environmental services related to the Helsinki urban environment.

Through the link below, you can get to know the Urban Environment Divisions participation plan.

Participation plan 2023-2025(Link leads to external service)

We provide wellbeing, health and security for Helsinki residents through cooperation and solid expertise.

Through the link below, you can get to know the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Divisions participation plan.

Participation Plan 2023-2025(Link leads to external service)

The Culture and Leisure Division is divided into four departments, namely the Library, Culture, Sports, and Youth Departments, as well as the Administration.

Through the link below, you can get to know The Culture and Leisure Divisions participation plan.

Participation plan 2023-2025(Link leads to external service)