Local residents’ initiative

Local residents’ initiative is your most direct way of influencing the City’s decision-making.

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Making a local residents’ initiative

Initiatives are submitted to the City Council and can be taken by ordinary local residents. The more signatures your initiative has, the faster it will be processed. 

  1. Creating an initiative

    The easiest way is to use the  Kuntalaisaloite.fi(Link leads to external service)  online service. You can also cast your vote on ongoing initiatives. Young people (ages 13–17) are provided with their own  initiative channel(Link leads to external service)  through which they can conveniently submit development ideas. 

    Initiatives can also be submitted directly to the City Register Office. 

    • Mark the initiative clearly with the word “initiative” 
    • Include your contact information 
    • Include your address so that your municipality of residence can be verified 
  2. Deliberation in the City Council

    The City Council is informed of local residents’ initiatives that fall within the scope of the City Council. 

    Local initiatives are brought up for discussion in the Council at least once a year. If two per cent or more of Helsinki residents eligible to vote take the initiative on an issue, the issue will be taken up within six months. 

  3. Provision of information

    The taker of an initiative is notified of the actions resulting from the initiative. You can also watch the   City Council meetings(Link leads to external service)


An initiative on the organisation of a referendum can be made by four per cent or more of the municipality’s residents eligible to vote. The City Council shall decide whether the proposed referendum should be carried out without delay. You can initiate a referendum in the same way as a local residents’ initiative. 

Citizens’ initiative 

Helsinki residents can also make a difference by taking national initiatives. A citizens’ initiative is similar to a local residents’ initiative but concerns legislation covering the whole country. More information:  kansalaisaloite.fi(Link leads to external service)