
Ask about the city! We can advise and guide you when you are looking for information on the city services and immigration related matters.

Chat, Call or Come see us


The chat service is available Mon-Thu 9–16 and Fri 10–15. 

You can start the chat on the lower right side of this page.


The phone service is available Mon-Thu 9–16 and Fri 10–15. 

Call 09 31011 111(Link starts a phone call)

Come see us

You can meet us at Central library Oodi and International House Helsinki.

Look up contact info

Keskustakirjasto Oodi lounaasta käsin katsottuna.

Central Library Oodi Helsinki-info

Visiting address:
Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
Opening hours:

Valid for the time being:
- Mon-Thu 10.00-18.00
- Fri 10.00-16.00

See details