Media contacts

This page contains a list of key City of Helsinki media contacts and helpful links. You are welcome to get in touch, we will be happy to help you!

On this page

Contact information by city division

Each of the City of Helsinki’s five divisions and various public enterprises handles its own operational and communications management independently. The Communications Department of the City Executive Office is responsible for central administration communications and city-wide coordination of the city’s communications activities. 

City of Helsinki emails follow the format opens default mail program) . Use the city’s telephone directory leads to external service) to find the contact information of city employees. leads to external service)

Media contacts Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00, tel. +358 9 310 26168(Link starts a phone call) ,
email: opens default mail program)

Chief Communications Officer Liisa Kivelä
tel. + 358 400 308 484(Link starts a phone call)

External Communications, Unit Head Pi Krogell-Magni
tel.  + 358 50 522 5953(Link starts a phone call)

Internal Communications, Unit Head Raija Gynther 
tel. +358 50 523 6879(Link starts a phone call)

Content Production, Unit Head Susanna Rautio
tel. +358  50407 830(Link starts a phone call)

Brand Unit, Unit Head Sanna Forsström
tel. +358 40 531 3713(Link starts a phone call)

Media contacts Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00
tel. +358 9 310 39330, (Link opens default mail program)

Communications Director Hanna-Kaisa Talvensaari
tel. +358 9 310 15964(Link starts a phone call)

Service Communications, Unit Head Mervi Kopomaa-Weymarn
tel. +358 9 310 43360(Link starts a phone call)

Marketing Communications, Unit Head Jetta Laajarinne
tel. +358 9 310 76931(Link starts a phone call)

Division's General Communications, Unit Head Suvi Pailokari
tel. +358 9 310 38804(Link starts a phone call)

Communications Specialist Nina Dale
tel. +358 9 310 23875(Link starts a phone call)

Early childhood education (Daycare and pre-primary education)

Unit Head Mervi Kopomaa-Weymarn
tel. +358 9 310 43360(Link starts a phone call)

Basic education (Grades 1-10)

Communications Specialist Samuli Kuki
tel. +358 9 310 87701(Link starts a phone call)

Upper general secondary schools and vocational training and education (Stadin AO)

Marketing Specialist Ilja Hakala
tel. +358 9 310 15129(Link starts a phone call)

Helsinki Adult Education Centre

Marketing Planner Ulla Kantanen
tel. +358 9 310 31578(Link starts a phone call)

Swedish-language education services (early childhood education and basic education)

Communications Specialist Isabella Mattsson
tel.  +358 9 310 31672(Link starts a phone call)

Swedish-language education services (upper secondary schools and Helsingfors arbis adult education)

Communications Planner Maria Lindh
tel. +358 9 310 70084(Link starts a phone call)

English-language communications

Communications Specialist Sari Kämppi
tel. +358 9 310 32325(Link starts a phone call)

International visits

International Affairs Planner Marika Lahti
tel. +358 9 310 82611(Link starts a phone call)

Communications Director Heikki Mäntymäki
tel.  +358 9 310 37368(Link starts a phone call)

Media and Customer Communications, Unit Head Virve Kuusi
tel.  +358 9 310 79528(Link starts a phone call)

Urban Environment Division Communications Unit email: opens default mail program)

Nature, environmental health and food safety

Communications Specialist Matti Miinalainen
tel. +358 9 310 31520(Link starts a phone call)

Parks and planning of green areas

Chief Specialist Lotta Silfverberg
tel. +358 9 310 42171(Link starts a phone call)

Traffic and street planning

Communications Specialist Aki Antinkaapo
tel. +358 9 310 52920(Link starts a phone call)

Street planning, parking control and temporary traffic arrangements

Chief Specialist Daniel Helander
tel. +358 9 310 39919(Link starts a phone call)

Crown Bridges project

Communications Specialist Lauri Hänninen
tel. +358 9 310 20494(Link starts a phone call)

Street and park maintenance

Communications Specialist Heli-Anneli Valinen
tel. +358 9 310 33071(Link starts a phone call)

Building control

Communications Specialist Marjukka Haavisto
tel. +358 9 310 26446(Link starts a phone call)

City owned buildings

Communications Specialist Marja Valjus
tel. +358 9 310 48500(Link starts a phone call)

Zoning and plots

Communications Specialist Kiia Koliseva
tel. +358 9 310 26478(Link starts a phone call)

Head of Communications and Marketing Essi Eranka 
tel. +358 40 568 13 69(Link starts a phone call)

Customer Interface Director Jussi Kaisjoki
tel. +358 40 519 6632(Link starts a phone call)

Marketing Manager Jonathan Heino
tel. +358 40 504 4724

Communications Manager Ilpo Kiiskinen
tel. +358 50 0211 261


Communications Specialist Milla Visuri
tel. +358 9 310 34052(Link starts a phone call)

Culture centres

Communications Specialist Minna Roine
tel. +358 9 310 88802(Link starts a phone call)


Communications Specialist Marjo Haatainen
tel. +358 9 310 88403(Link starts a phone call)

Sports and exercise

Communications Specialist Juuso Hämäläinen
tel. +358 9 310 29993(Link starts a phone call)

Youth services

Communications Specialist Sylvie Daoud
tel. +358 9 31071628(Link starts a phone call)

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra

Communications Manager Marja Istala Kumpunen
tel. +358 50 555 3551(Link starts a phone call)   

Shared email: opens default mail program)

Communications and Participation Director Jaana Juutilainen-Saari
tel.  +358 50 380 9738(Link starts a phone call)

Communications, Unit Head Outi Huida
tel. +358 40 655 0063(Link starts a phone call)

Health and substance abuse services

Communications Specialist Markus Snellman
tel.  +358 40 334 0183(Link starts a phone call)

Hospital, rehabilitation and care services

Communications Specialist Katariina Kuronen

Family and social services

Communications Specialist Jenna Honkanen
tel.  +358 40 641 8002(Link starts a phone call) opens default mail program)

Rescue Services

Communications Unit Head Anna Lehtiranta
tel. +358 9 310 30014(Link starts a phone call) opens default mail program)  

Swedish-language services

Communications Specialist Evelina Rex
tel.  +358 40 702 0612(Link starts a phone call)

English-language services

Communications Specialist Trilce Sandoval Similä
tel.  +358 40 685 0608(Link starts a phone call)

Public enterprises

Communications Director Piia Rissanen
tel.  +358 9 310 33977(Link starts a phone call)

Communications Director Kati Toikka
tel. +358 9 310 76993

Communications Director Päivi Seikkula
Tel. +358 50 428 0516(Link starts a phone call)

Stara Media Services

Communications Specialist Janne Saavalainen
Tel. +358 40 139 3130(Link starts a phone call)

Communications Director Ville Korhonen
Tel. +358 50 303 3756 opens default mail program)

Press releases and news

Press releases from each of the City of Helsinki divisions and public enterprises can found on the website of the STT Info news(Link leads to external service)  service. You can find press releases from the individual divisions and enterprises under the Publishers tab.

News items published by the City of Helsinki can be found on the city website’s News list.

You can find all media releases published by the City Executive Office in Finnish on the STT Info website.(Link leads to external service)

You can find all media releases published by the Education Division in Finnish on the following STT Info website(Link leads to external service) .

You can find all media releases published by the Urban Environment Division in Finnish on the following STT Info website(Link leads to external service) .

You can find all media releases published by the Culture and Leisure Division in Finnish on the following STT Info website(Link leads to external service) .

You can find all media releases published by the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division on the following STT Info website(Link leads to external service) .

Media releases published by the Rescue Services can be found also on the following STT Info website(Link leads to external service) .

Photography and photography permits

You can also ask the City of Helsinki’s communications personnel directly about photography permits for the city’s areas and facilities. See below for a more detailed explanation of the principles of photography in different situations.

It is permitted to take photos and videos on the streets and in the parks of Helsinki without a permit, as long as you do not restrict other people’s access to the area being photographed and you use mobile equipment.

If you need to section off an area, you must make separate arrangements to rent it out. You will also need to secure a permit if you use large-scale equipment such as dolly tracks or a broadcast vehicle. 

If sectioning off an area will affect the traffic of pedestrians, bicycles or other vehicles, you must also draw up a plan for temporary traffic arrangements. A plan is also required when reserving parking spaces for a specific use.

Read more about renting an area and temporary traffic arrangements

Photography in libraries

All locations of the Helsinki City Library are public spaces that are open for everyone. You are allowed to take photographs and videos in these spaces. If you need help with choosing a location for photography, please contact the Helsinki City Library’s communications personnel(Link leads to external service) .

You should be considerate of the library customers, as they have a right to use the library’s services in peace. It is always polite to ask for permission if you want to photograph customers in the library. You must pay extra notice to children and young people under 18 years of age. You must always obtain permission from the parent or guardian if you want to photograph a child or young person under the age of 18.

Photography in museums

You are allowed to take photos and videos in the Helsinki City Museum, Villa Hakasalmi, Worker Housing Museum, Tram Museum and Burgher’s House. Please notify team leader Ari-Matti Helkapalo of your visit in advance at opens default mail program) or on +358 40 533 7238(Link starts a phone call) . You must always obtain permission from the parent or guardian if you want to take photos or videos of a child or young person under the age of 18.

Photography is allowed at HAM Helsinki Art Museum, but some exhibitions may prohibit photography. Please notify Press Officer Karri Buchert in advance of your visit at opens default mail program)  or on +358 50 304 6707(Link starts a phone call) . You must always obtain permission from the parent or guardian if you want to take photos or videos of a child or young person under the age of 18.

Photography at cultural centres

You always need a permit to take photos or videos of performances or the premises at cultural centres. Please contact the staff of the cultural centre in question:  Annantalo(Link leads to external service) , Caisa(Link leads to external service) , Kanneltalo(Link leads to external service) , Malmitalo(Link leads to external service) , Savoy Theatre(Link leads to external service) , Stoa(Link leads to external service) and Vuosaari House(Link leads to external service) .

Photography is allowed in public spaces. You may take photos and videos of people in indoor sports facilities, as long as they are open to the public.

All kinds of filming is prohibited in outdoor swimming pools and indoor swimming halls.

Photography in locations administered by Sports Services is free of charge, unless you need to reserve a specific location or the photography disrupts other activities. To get a photography permit, please contact the communications staff of the Culture and Leisure division.

Outdoor areas

Photography is allowed in public areas, including photographing individual people. Private individuals cannot prohibit photography in public areas, and the authorities can only do so under specific grounds.

Photography is prohibited on the nudist beach located on Eastern Pihlajasaari island and during the nude swimming time slot on Seurasaari island.

More information: Office Secretary Sirpa Hietala, opens default mail program)

Sports halls and indoor sports facilities

You may take photos and videos of people in indoor sports facilities, as long as they are open to the public. Photography in indoor sports facilities is not punishable and does not require a permit, unless you need to reserve a specific location or the photography disrupts other activities. For example, you are allowed to take photographs of a family member, a friend or activities taking place at the location by using a camera phone.

However, photography in toilets, dressing rooms and similar facilities is prohibited as illicit viewing.

More information: Office Secretary  Merja Tammelin, opens default mail program)

Outdoor swimming pools

Photography in these locations generally requires a permit. Sports Services staff may grant a free-of-charge photography permit for the purpose of photographing a family member or a person who has given permission to be photographed, for instance.

Swimming halls

As a general rule, photography in pool areas and in their immediate vicinity requires a permit. Sports Services staff may grant an oral photography permit for the purpose of photographing a family member or a person who has given permission to be photographed, for instance.

Photography is allowed in customer facilities, such as cafés.

If you need help with choosing a location for photography, please contact the City of Helsinki Education Division’s communications personnel.

Photography at comprehensive schools

If you already know at which school you would like to take photos or videos, you can contact the school’s principal directly. You can find the contact information of the principals of the City of Helsinki’s schools on each school’s website . Photography of children and young people under the age of 18 requires a photography permit from their parent or guardian. Schools request photography permits from the parents and guardians at the start of the school year, but you should ask the parents and guardians for a separate permission for a particular photography project. Before taking any photos or videos, contact the school’s contact person to make sure that the photography permits for the children and young people are in order.

Photography at early childhood education locations

If you already know at which daycare centre or playground you would like to take photos or videos, please contact the unit in question directly. You can find a list of the City of Helsinki’s daycare centres on our website and their contact information under each daycare centre. The contact information for playgrounds is also available on each playground’s web page. Photography of children and young people under the age of 18 always requires a photography permit from their parent or guardian. Before visiting the daycare centre, make sure that the parents and guardians have provided photography permits. When photographing a child in the outdoor areas of playgrounds, you must ask for permission from the child’s parent or guardian. In the indoor facilities, you must also inform the staff about taking photos or videos.

Photography in general upper secondary schools and Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute

If you have already decided at which general upper secondary school you would like to take photos or videos, please contact the school’s principal. The contact information for general upper secondary schools is available on each school’s web page. If you would like to take photos or videos at Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute (Stadin AO), please contact the principal of the educational location in question or the education manager for the particular field of education. The contact information is available here(Link leads to external service) . Photography of children and young people under the age of 18 requires a photography permit from their parent or guardian. Before taking any photos or videos, contact the educational institution’s contact person to make sure that the photography permits for the young people are in order.

Photography at the Finnish Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki and Swedish Adult Education Centre Arbis

If you would like to take photos or videos in the premises of the Finnish Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki or Swedish Adult Education Centre Arbis, please contact the principal or the educational location in question. You always need a permit to photograph performances and the premises, so contact the building’s staff. Find the educational locations’ contact information here .

If you would like to take photos or videos at health, social and rescue service locations, please contact the City of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care Division’s communications staff directly.

Helsinki videos and photos

The City of Helsinki Media Bank is a repository for videos and photos of the city.  You must be a registered user to use the service.

City of Helsinki Media Bank(Link leads to external service)

The Helsinki Material Bank is another great source of inspiring photos and videos of Helsinki. Use of the Material Bank does not require registration. The images may be freely used to promote Helsinki and its services, but the photographer and Helsinki Partners must be credited.

Helsinki Material Bank(Link leads to external service)