Decision making

The City’s decision-making process can be divided into the following five phases: initiation, preparation, decision making, notification and implementation.

Decision making(Link leads to external service)


The City Council is elected through local elections every four years. It oversees the City’s operations and finances. Helsinki’s other decision-makers and decision-making bodies include the Mayor, Deputy Mayors, numerous other municipal office holders and other bodies formed by elected officials. City of Helsinki administrative organisation.

City Council(Link leads to external service)

City Board(Link leads to external service)

(Mayor, four Deputy Mayors and 10 Permanent Members)

Central Administration


Board of Palvelukeskus Helsinki(Link leads to external service)
Financial Management Services municipal enterprise(Link leads to external service)
Board of Construction Services (Stara)(Link leads to external service) 
- Board of Employment Services Enterprise(Link leads to external service)
Central Municipal Election Board(Link leads to external service)

Education Division

Urban Environment Division

Culture and Leisure Division

Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division