This is the City Executive Office

The Helsinki City Executive Office operates under the City Board. We serve as the general planning, preparation and implementation office for the City Council, City Board, Mayor and Deputy Mayors. The City Executive Office comprises six departments: Economic Development, Administration, Human Resources, Strategy, Economy and Planning, and Communications.

City Manager Jukka-Pekka Ujula manages the City Executive Office.

Rules of operation of the City Executive Office (in Finnish)

The Internal Audit Unit operates under the City Manager and is managed by the Head of Internal Audit. The internal auditing consists of independent and objective assessment, verification and consultancy work for the purpose of providing added value to the City of Helsinki and improving its operations.

Instructions for internal audits (in Finnish)

The City Executive Office includes public enterprises that operate as separate units.

Office holders: Central Administration(Link leads to external service)

City Executive Office’s departments

The City Executive Office comprises six departments: Economic Development, Administration, Human Resources, Strategy, Economy and Planning, and Communications.

Director of Economic Development Marja-Leena Rinkineva manages the Department.

The Economic Development Department is responsible for the City of Helsinki’s economic development, innovation and competitiveness policy, promoting entrepreneurship, and matters concerning employment and immigration.

Read more about the focus areas of the City of Helsinki’s economic development policy for 2022–2025

Director of Economic Development Marja-Leena Rinkineva manages the Department.

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The Administrative Department is responsible for the operating conditions of the City Council, City Board, Mayor and Deputy Mayors; overseeing the administrative procedure; supervising case management and document management; providing office services; managing security and preparedness; and providing legal representation and expert services.

The Administrative Department is made up of five units. In addition, the Department includes a team of special advisers and a team of senior advisers, which are directly subordinate to the Administrative Director.
The Administrative Director manages the Administrative Department Kirsi Remes.

Registrar's Office

Decision-making(Link leads to external service)

Legal Services

The Legal Services are responsible for providing legal representation and legal expertise for the City of Helsinki organisation.

The Legal Services Unit does not provide counsel to private individuals. Private individuals may turn to the legal aid office for legal aid or counsel. 

The Helsinki Legal Aid Office is located in Salmisaari in the Helsinki district of Länsisatama at the street address: 
Porkkalankatu 13 G 
Tel. +358 29 566 0120.

The Human Resources division is headed by Human Resources Director Petri Lumijärvi.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for personnel policy, competence management and personnel planning practices, wellbeing at work and occupational safety as well as the employer operations and directing the HR processes. The Department is also responsible for personnel development services and change assistance.
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Strategy Director Markus Kühn manages the Strategy Department.

The Strategy Department is responsible for the City of Helsinki’s strategic development and coordination of key subject areas and 
projects; directing digitalisation and information management; statistics and research activities; international affairs; and directing security and preparedness at the city level.

Finance Director Tuula Saxholm manages the Department.
The Economy and Planning Department is responsible for tasks such as overseeing the City of Helsinki’s finances and operations. It is also responsible for group governance, the City Strategy and developing the administration.

Economy of Helsinki

Procurement and tendering

Helsinki City Group

The Communications Department is responsible for the City of Helsinki’s centralised communications and coordinating the communications of the entire city. It is also responsible for marketing, participation and interaction, and providing general advice and advice on immigration. 

Communications Director Liisa Kivelä manages the Department.

Media contacts

Advisory services

Participation(Link leads to external service)
