Non-discrimination and gender equality

We want Helsinki to be a good city to live in and just the city for you. You have the right to access services, participate in city activities, and to be treated with respect, regardless of your background or personal characteristics. We are committed to promoting non-discrimination, equality and human rights in all our activities.

We have many ways of promoting non-discrimination and gender equality

Our services and activities play a key role in realising the fundamental and human rights of the residents in their everyday lives. By promoting non-discrimination and gender equality, we aim to ensure that everyone can benefit from our services, and that no one need fear discrimination or harassment. Each of our employees has a responsibility for this in their own operations.

To promote non-discrimination and gender equality, we have compiled special measures into equality and non-discrimination plans for services and personnel, which we update at least every council term. The non-discrimination and gender equality perspective is also strongly linked to many of our other programmes, plans and policies such as our wellbeing plan, accessibility policies and participation model.

Accessibility Representative and Specialist in the participation of Helsinki residents with disabilities

The city’s Accessibility Representative and Specialist in the participation of person with disabilities provide general advice and guidance on accessibility and disability issues but do not deal with individual issues such as applications or complaints.

Contact details of the City of Helsinki’s Accessibility Representative on the Helsinki for all website(Link leads to external service)  

Contact details of the Specialist in the participation of Helsinki residents with disabilities 

Commissions and councils

The Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Commission (Link leads to external service) appointed by the City Board promotes, monitors and evaluates the implementation of non-discrimination and gender equality in our services and operations. In particular, the influential statutory bodies of the Elderly Citizens Council(Link leads to external service) , the Council on Disability (Link leads to external service) and the Youth Council(Link leads to external service) promote the equality and inclusion of their own reference groups.