Helsinki supports the people of Ukraine

The City of Helsinki strongly condemns the war instigated by Russia in Ukraine. This page contains information on the city’s services and support for people fleeing Ukraine, as well as links to key services available from other authorities. This same information is available in Ukrainian (українською мовою) and Russian (на русском) via the links below.

Гельсінкі підтримує тих, хто втік з України, і тих, хто залишився в країні (in Ukrainian)

Хельсинки поддерживает беженцев из Украины и тех, кто там остался (in Russian)

Flags of Finland and Ukraine in front of the Helsinki City Hall.
Image: Sakari Röyskö
We support all Ukrainians who are currently residing in Finland and in Helsinki. You can apply for temporary protection immediately when you arrive in Finland. One year after you have received your residence permit based on temporary protection, you can apply for the right to a municipality of residence in Helsinki.

Applying for a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection

Temporary protection is intended to swiftly provide people fleeing the war in Ukraine with temporary protection status. The website of the Finnish Immigration Service provides more information on applying for temporary protection and on the services available to people who have been granted a residence permit. The website of InfoFinland also contains information about temporary protection.

Temporary protection for those fleeing Ukraine (Finnish Immigration Service)(Link leads to external service)

Temporary protection in Finland (InfoFinland)(Link leads to external service)  

Services for applicants seeking temporary protection (Finnish Immigration Service)(Link leads to external service)

Applying for the right to a municipality of residence

Ukrainian people living in Finland can apply for the right to a municipality of residence in Helsinki one year after they have received their residence permit on the basis of temporary protection. Once Helsinki is your municipality of residence, you have largely the same rights, services and obligations as permanent residents of the city. If you live in Helsinki without the right to a municipality of residence, you are entitled to only some of the city’s services. The websites of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) and the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) contain more information on the right to a municipality of residence and how to apply for one.

Instructions for applying for a municipality of residence for those who have arrived from Ukraine (DVV)(Link leads to external service)

What is a municipality of residence? (DVV) (Link leads to external service)

Temporary protection and municipality of residence (Migri)(Link leads to external service)  

Relevant news

Filter the city’s news in English for Ukraine-associated stories by choosing the topic of Ukraine in the city website’s news item search field.