Visual storytelling

Visual storytelling is an effective way to bolster Helsinki’s image. Our narrative is based on our value proposition “It’s a good life” and our brand cornerstones: free, wildly urban, extraordinary, sustainable and functional. Visual storytelling helps us to convey emotion and create interesting, effective and consistent visual communications. Visual storytelling also makes us unique and stand out. We use the methods described in these guidelines in all City of Helsinki communications, both internal and external.

On this page

Photo: Juha Valkeajoki, Maija Astikainen, Jussi Hellsten, Miikka Pirinen, Shoot Hayley, Julia Kivelä, Vesa Laitinen, Jesse Kämäräinen, Sami Halinen, Kimmo Brandt. Kuvitukset: Lille Santanen.

We use visual storytelling to build and strengthen the image of Helsinki as a city where everyone can live a good and sustainable life – with the freedom to express themselves and live in the way that suits them best.

In images, Helsinki appears as a functional, sustainable, free, equal and trustworthy city: a city in which urban nature offers plenty of room to breathe and recharge, a city where you can sense its original and sometimes even quirky atmosphere throughout the seasons.


Photographs tell a unique story of our city and convey strong emotions. We show the real Helsinki through interesting contrasts: it’s not just any urban city. The main characters in our images are Helsinki residents, staff, companies and visitors.


Useampi Helsingin brändin mukaista kuvaa ihmisistä.
Photo: Salamata Mboup, Shoot Hayley, Jussi Hellsten ja Juha Valkeajoki.

We use photographs to communicate freedom: our photos convey an idea of a Helsinki that is equal, where everyone can express themselves and live in the way that suits them best. We avoid stereotypes in our visual storytelling.

PLEASE NOTE: By using pairs of images, we encourage people to identify conventional thought patterns and to discover images that help us build a distinctive visual narrative in line with our brand. The images that have been crossed in the pairs could work in the right context.

Skeittaava nainen mekossa ja skeittaava mieshenkilö.
For example, skateboarders come from all walks of life. Photo: Maija Astikainen ja Pexels: Brett Sayles,
Erilaisia ihmisiä joogaamassa.
Yoga can be practised by all kinds of people Photo: Cliff Booth ja iStockphoto: Milorad Kravic

Helsinki is wildly urban; it is a characteristic that combines both our physical and our spiritual connection with nature. Urban nature is present in our images, sometimes directly and sometimes more subtly.

Kaksi naista ratikassa sukset mukana sekä kuva ratikasta.
A skier on board a tram evokes thoughts of nature nearby. A tram shot from the outside does not tell a story in the same way. Photo: Juha Valkeajoki ja
Nainen melomassa kaupungintalon edessä ja luontokuva.
The contrast between the urban and natural environments communicates Helsinki’s uniqueness in a different way to a conventional seascape. Photo: Maija Astikainen ja Vastavalo kuvapankki: Anne Saarinen

By creating an eye-catching atmosphere in the images, we can highlight Helsinki’s extraordinary character. Changes in seasons and weather conditions provide opportunities to shoot original images that are visually captivating.

Alastomia ihmisiä juoksemassa uimaan ja nainen lapsen kanssa rannalla.
Swimmers in the city of white nights depict the extraordinary nature of Helsinki; the image of the beach is generic. Photo: Miikka Pirinen ja Unsplash: Jonathan Gallegos
Erilaisia kaupunkikuvia.
Helsinki is not always teeming with people, and it has architecture that divides opinions, which makes our city so special. This may make a more original image than a prettified one. Photo: ja iStockphoto: Jarih

Sustainable and functional In the images, Helsinki appears as a city with a reliable infrastructure. We build sustainable solutions for the benefit of the entire world, while we live our lives in a functional environment.

Kuvapari, jossa toisessa ambulanssi ja järjestysmiehiä ja yliviivatussa esiintyjä lavalla ja yleisöä takana
Events organised in Helsinki are diverse, functional, safe and sustainable. The city is involved in enabling events and developing them in cooperation with event organisers, and this is reflected in the visual storytelling alongside the people taking part in the events. Photo: Kuva: Skyproduction ja Tuska / Jesse Kämäräinen
Jäänmurtaja ja auto lumen peitossa.
Challenging conditions are part of everyday life in Helsinki. The city remains functional in all conditions. Photo: Jussi Hellsten ja Unsplash: Egor Myznik

We use images to convey an idea of a diverse city that is relaxed, free and humane. Not just happy people pose in our photos: we show life in all its variety. The effects used in our images, such as a sense of motion, are natural and understandable.

Kuvia kaupungista eri valoituksella.
The long exposure time highlights the functionality of the city but does not look artificial. Photo: Roni Rekomaa ja Unsplash
Kuvia ihmisistä.
People doing different things instead of posing in photos creates a genuine, free atmosphere. Photo: Shoot Hayley ja iStockphoto

Our style is boldly authentic. Our wildly urban city comes across as a unique, sometimes wacky but genuine place.

Kuva kivipatsaista sekä kuva tyhjästä kaupungista.
A funny detail describes Helsinki’s peculiar character better than a generic image. Photo: Laura Dove ja Seppo Laakso.
Ihmisiä musiikkiifestivaalilla ja piknikillä.
A photo from a heavy metal festival is more authentic than a posed photo of a picnic Photo: Jesse Kämäräinen ja iStockphoto: ViewApart

In photos, the city’s extraordinary nature can be accentuated with lights, camera angles and cropping. Shooting in the evening, during a storm or from a new angle can create a visually captivating image, which allows us to evoke stronger emotions in the viewer, making the image and its message much more memorable.

Kuvia erilaisilla kuvakulmilla ja valoilla.
The surprising camera angle is suitable in this context and visually much more interesting than the generic image. Photo: Juha Valkeajoki
Kaupunkikuvia sateella ja aurinkoisena päivänä.
A rainy night – the lights and reflections create an image that is more impressive, both visually and emotionally, than a street scene shot in beautiful weather. Photo: Jussi Hellsten ja Teina Ryynanen
Kuva myrskyisestä sekä aurinkoisesta Helsingistä.
The storm cloud over the city looks beautiful and interesting, while also creating a slightly threatening and oppressive atmosphere; compare it to the image with the same subject shot in more average weather. Photo: Jussi Hellsten ja Adobe stock: Grigory Bruev

Our images are timeless, fresh and natural. When photoshopping images, it is important to ensure that the result looks natural. We only use black and white images in connection with historical subjects.

Each image builds an image of our city. News images and images posted on social media channels build the brand the same way as images used in campaigns and advertising.

Esimerkkejä valokuvien käytöstä.
Valokuvien käyttöesimerkkejä

We can communicate sensitive subjects such as mental health, substance abuse, loneliness and homelessness indirectly through images, using methods such as shooting from a distance or with a shallow depth of field or a slower shutter speed through reflections, so that the service provider is visible while the client remains unrecognisable. Sensitive subjects may be easier to depict using illustrations than photographs. It is advisable to consult a professional when brainstorming illustrations and storyboards.

Esimerkkejä haastavista aiheista.
Describing conceptual ideas, such as sadness or anxiety, is difficult. It is important to understand that people interpret images in different ways. Misinterpretations are minimised when text content reinforces and complements the meaning of the image. Photo: Kaisa Sunimento, Vastavalo: Ari Andersin, Tuula Roos ja Riitta Weijola.
Esimerkkikuvia hankalista aiheista.
We try to avoid ambiguous and overly symbolic motifs. Photo: Vastavalo: Riitta Weijola ja iStockphoto: Shapecharge

We often create a better image by describing the result rather than the service itself: an example would be a happy health and social services customer. We can approach the topic of salary through visual means, but instead of using conventional shots depicting someone spending money or a recruitment situation, we use pictures to convey the feeling of how much we like our job. An easy and tangible subject works best in photographs, and clichéd symbolism should be avoided.


Esimerkkikuvia hankalista aiheista.
We aim to use images that are clear and easy to understand. Photo: Julia Kivelä, Kaisa Sunimento, Jussi Hellsten. Pexels: RDNE Stock project, Anete Lusina. Unsplash: Ozkan Guner ja Vastavalo: Riitta Weijola
Esimerkkejä kliseisestä symboliikasta
We try to avoid cliches and symbolism. Photo: Pexels: Cottonbro studio ja Kampus Production.

In campaigns, there are no limits to ideas or the implementation of images. However, campaigns must be recognisable as part of the Helsinki brand and visual identity.

Esimerkkejä kampanjakuvista.
Photo: Viisi sormea (N2 Albiino) ja Työväenopisto/Arbis kurssit (N2 Albiino)
Esimerkkejä kampanjakuvista.
Photo: Nouse toiselle asteelle (N2 Albiino) ja Leikkipuisto-kampanja (N2 Albiino)

We can use wave motifs to combine colour surfaces or other images with photos to add different types of contrast.

Luontokuva ja kuva urbaanista rakennuksesta.
Photo: Jussi Hellsten ja Vastavalo: Pekka Piiparinen

The contrast between the natural and urban environments. 

Kukkakuva ja talvinen kuva.
Photo: Arttu Kokkonen ja Pexels: GM Rajib

Combining two images to create contrasts in size and colour.

Historiallinen mustavalkoinen kuva ja sininen korokuvio.
Photo: Shoot Hayöey

Combining a historical image with modern graphics.

Pariskunta kesäpäivä ja keltainen korokuvio.
Photo: Shoot Haylet

Combining images and colour. 

Links to the materials and more information on downloading images can be found in  the Download elements section .

Always fill in a written consent form when you want to use any images in marketing. If the person to be photographed is a minor or dependent the consent form must be signed by the guardian. If the person is between the ages of 12 and 17, this person must sign the consent form themself, in addition to their parent or guardian.

In the photography permit, ask for consent for filming, publication and potential transfer of the images.

Please note/remember that the use of a person’s image and name in ordinary news journalism and communications is permitted without the person’s permission, provided that the use is necessary for news reporting and the context in which the image is used is not offensive. Images must also not breach the privacy of the person being photographed.

Download consent forms here (PDF, Finnish, Swedish, English) (Link leads to external service)


Illustrations are perfect for depicting abstract ideas, complex concepts and subjects that are difficult to photograph. Illustrations also allow us to demonstrate, enliven, decorate or clarify our messages. By choosing a specific illustration style and applying that style consistently across all materials, we can create recognisable visual communications.

Kollaasi kuvituksista.
Photo: Aysha Tengiz, Lille Santanen, KokoroMoi ja Emilia Erfving

In the illustrations, we show a city where everyone can express themselves and live in a way that suits them best. An equal city welcomes all people and businesses, and everyone trusts each other.

Kuvituksia erilaisista henkilöistä.
Our illustrations depict a diverse range of people, and we also take various minorities into account. Photo: Riku Ounaslehto ja Lille Santanen.
Kuvitus perheestä.
We avoid reinforcing stereotypes. Photo: iStockphoto

Our illustrations depict Helsinki, not just any city. We always include recognisable Helsinki features and invest in insightful details.

Urbaaneja kuvituksia.
We let viewers find familiar and recognisable Helsinkiscapes, stories and characteristics in our illustrations. We also choose subjects from outside the city centre as motifs of our illustrations. Photo: Lille Santanen ja Riku Ounaslehto
Kuvitus kaupungin siluetista.
We depict Helsinki instead of a general urban landscape in our illustrations. Photo: iStockphoto

We use illustrations to creatively share mad and funny stories. We can communicate Helsinki’s extraordinary character and visualise its wildly urban nature with illustrations.

Kuvitus Mantasta ja jouluaiheinen kuvitus.
The atmosphere of the remote May Day celebrations during the Covid pandemic was illustrated in an innovative and memorable manner. The Christmas greeting conveys the familiar yet extraordinary idea of Helsinki without any stereotypical Christmas themes. Photo: Sanna Mander ja Studio Jenni & Jukka
Juhla-teemaista kuvitusta.
We avoid generic illustrations. Photo: art-skvortsova

We can visualise sustainable development, its goals and visions with illustrations. We try to avoid insipid symbols often used to describe sustainable development.

Kettu hahmoja ja maapallo kädellä.
The Fox character has been used to illustrate sustainable development themes in a fun way that is suitable for the young target group in the Fox model project developed by the City of Helsinki’s Education Division. Earth is a cliché in illustrations. Photo: Riku Ounaslehto ja iStockphoto

Clear and accessible visualisation of information and signage icons is an indication of a functional city. When we visualise information, we crystallise it and present it in a clear and interesting form. This means that the purpose of visualising information is to share information in an efficient and comprehensible manner, not to illustrate or decorate.

Erilaisia kuvituksia.
The illustration on the left summarises information related to sustainable development in an easy-to-understand format. The illustration on the right is not a visualisation of information, as it contains abstract references instead of information. Photo: Helsingin kaupunki ja iStockphoto.

Abstract, pattern-like illustrations can be used in contexts such as in the production of distinctive campaign and event materials. Pattern-like illustrations are suitable for different applications. They are also a good option if suitable photos are not available or a photo would not be suitable for the intended use. When using a pattern-like illustration, a wave motif is usually not required.

Kuosimaisia kuvituksia.
Photo: Kokoro&Moi

We prefer illustration styles that are in line with the Helsinki brand: natural and relaxed, not too realistic or picturesque in their implementations.

Urbaaneja kuvitusesimerkkejä.
Photo: Lille Santanen ja Aysha Tengiz
Huonoja esimerkkejä kuvitustyylistä.
Photo: Adobe Stock ja iStockphoto.

The wildly urban city can be depicted in a fun and flashy illustration style. Illustrations should be colourful and must use the city’s colour palette. We avoid using classical, historical and rustic-romantic illustration styles.

Villejä kuvitustyylejä.
Photo: Lille Santanen ja Jack Sachs.
Romanttinen kuvitustyyli
Photo: iStockphoto

Imaginative illustrations can be used to describe Helsinki’s extraordinary character. By combining an image and illustration it is possible to create new meanings for the visual message. We prefer a clear and strong style and avoid illustrations that are too much in a fairy-tale or comic-book style.

The campaign look for volunteering activities combines a photo and illustration, which supports the campaign concept. The illustrations on the children’s mobile library Stoori are inspired by maritime Helsinki. Photo: Pauline Korp, Jussi Hellsten, Riku Ounaslehto ja Maarit Hohteri.
Sopimattomia kuvitustyylejä Helsingin kaupungille.
Photo: iStockphoto

Helsinki’s sustainability and functionality can be demonstrated using an approachable, accessible and clear illustration style. The style may be personal, but avoid overly abstract and conceptual illustrations.


Kestävän kehityksen kuvituksia.
This digital visualisation of Helsinki describes a complex topic in an accessible way with a combination of different icons and illustrations. Illustrations for communicating climate issues combine a distinctive style with accessible content. Photo: KokoroMoi ja Lille Santanen.
Sekava kuvitus.
The message in this image is difficult to understand. Photo: iStockphoto

Illustrations are also well suited to campaigns. Campaigns are based on insightful ideas, and sometimes it may be easier to express an idea with an illustration than a photo. When illustrating campaigns, be sure to take Helsinki’s visual identity into account.

Kampanja kuvitus esimerkkejä.
These campaign examples make innovative use of illustrations and combinations of illustrations and photography. Photo: Kulttuurin kummilapset (N2 Albiino), Rikki - kun mieli särkyy (kaupunginmuseo), Mehut loppu (Miltton) ja Helsinki Curious (Miltton)

  • Download illustrations here:  City’s shared multi-purpose illustrations
  • Use illustrations to liven up PowerPoint presentations, to illustrate news, websites and instructions, and to visualise information.
  • Use illustrations in all kinds of communications: they are suitable for messages targeted at Helsinki residents and for marketing communications, from greeting cards to outdoor advertising.
  • Combine illustrations in a creative way and use single elements.

Visualising information

These guidelines will help you produce visualisations that are clear, concise and visually consistent with the city’s brand guidelines. Read more about  visualising information .

Esimerkki tiedon visualisoinnista julkaisussa.
The City of Helsinki has created its own house style for information graphics, which follows the general visual identity of the city.


Hundreds of ready-to-use icons have been created for Helsinki’s visual identity. They convey messages in a simplified visual form. Icons work well in different sizes and often come without explanatory text. They are designed to match the visual identity. They all need to be designed in a consistent visual style.

Icons are designed for three purposes, each with different criteria. All types of icons can be used as illustration icons, but only icons designed for signage and user interfaces can be used for these purposes.

Digitalisaation avainteemakuvituksessa käytetään useita kuvaketyyppejä ja kuvitusta rinnakkain.
Several types of icons and illustrations are used side by side for key theme illustrations for digitalisation.


Signage icons need to be easy to understand and accessible. They are based on icons widely used across the world.

  • Uses: indoor and outdoor signs in buildings and parks. You can also use them for illustration purposes.
  • There are 311 ready-to-use signage icons available (updated in October 2022)
  • Original file formats: PDF and SVG (vector), PNG (images)  can be downloaded here
  • New designs: specialised graphic design professionals
  • The City Executive Office’s brand and events unit collects and compiles a library of signage icons for shared use. 
Oodin puinen WC opastekuvake
Photo: Werklig
Aulatila jossa opastekuvakkeita mustalla värillä valkoisella taustalla
Photo: Maarit Hohteri

Designing new signage icons

Examples of the principles of maintaining a uniform style:

  1. Make use of Helsinki’s visual identity in your design.
  2. Do not round the ends of the lines.
  3. Use the wave motifs associated with the visual identity.
  4. Make use of the existing elements and characters.
  5. Strive for the same, consistent style.
  6. Always use the same red circle for prohibitory signs.
  7. Use Helsinki Grotesk Medium font in icons.
  8. Filled pictograms are more helpful to visually impaired people.
  9. Combine outlined and filled forms.
Erilaisia piktogrammeja.
  • Use underscores (_) to separate words in file names.
  • File names cannot contain letters Ä and Ö.
  • The file name must also include the file name extension (e.g. png) before the dot so that the file format can be seen on all devices.

Here are some examples of file names:

  • HKI_kulku_sallittu_png.png (Office programs and the internet)
  • HKI_kulku_sallittu_pdf.pdf (printed materials and signs)
  • HKI_ala_ruoki_lintuja_svg.svg (the internet)

Paper size: 120x120 mm

Formats: PDF, SCG, PNG. Resolution: 300 DPI

Käyttöliittymä kuvakkeita.

User interface icons are divided into eight categories:

  1. Arrows and operators
  2. Notifications and expressions
  3. Navigation
  4. Actions
  5. Forms
  6. Information
  7. Media and devices
  8. Social media

Download user interface icons from the Helsinki Design System (HDS) website (in English)(Link leads to external service)

(Link to an external service)(Link leads to external service)

Explanations for the icons can be found on the same HDS page. 

Käyttöliittymäkuvakkeita on kahdeksan eri kategoriaa ja ne on ladattavissa Helsinki Design System -ohjeistosta.

User interface icons should serve a clear and easy-to-understand purpose. Icons should not be used just for decorative purposes. It is recommended that you use a text label with an icon to provide a context. Icons themselves are ambiguous, and text labels clarify their meaning.

You can leave the text label out if the icon’s meaning is generally known or if it can be easily interpreted from the context. Volume buttons when playing a video would be an example of this. An icon and the associated content or text label must have the same meaning. Any contradiction or ambiguity in the meaning can confuse users and have a negative impact on usability and accessibility.

  • Uses: digital services. Can also be used as illustration icons for illustration purposes.
  • Responsible party, management and design: Helsinki Design System (HDS) design team.

User interface icons 

Puhelin, jossa Helsingin käyttöliittymä.
User interface icons are linked to the content and improve the user experience. Photo: Mika Ruusunen

Kuvittavia kuvakkeita.

Illustration icons are designed to work with explanatory text. They are used for illustration purposes.

  • Uses: Visualising information, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, patterned illustrations, posters, products
  • Cannot be used as user interface or signage icons
  • There are 000 ready-to-use illustration icons available (updated in August 2022)
  • Original file formats: PDF and SVG (vector), PNG (images)  can be downloaded here
  • Design: A graphic design professional or an illustrator
  • Responsible party in the city organisation: The City Executive Office’s brand and events unit
Palvelukeskus Helsinki käyttää ruokalinjastoissa sisältöä selittäviä kuvakkeita tekstin tukena.
Palvelukeskus Helsinki uses icons to support the text in food stations.

Moving images

The following graphic elements of Helsinki’s visual identity are used in videos and animations:

  • Helsinki framed logo
  • Colour palette
  • Typography
  • Wave motifs (surface-dividing)

In order to ensure a uniform, distinctive and clear outcome, it is recommended that other graphic elements are not used in videos and animations.

Check the technical specifications for videos in the section Material instructions for different channels.

Please note that the instructions for moving images are for the UHD format and, for example, the accompanying templates are based on it. Templates are not available for every format, but these instructions are applied to suit other formats. 

Kuvakaappaus videosta.
A screenshot from the Helsinki Freedom trailer.

Only the Regular and Bold styles of the Helsinki Grotesk font are used in video and animation materials. Both styles can also be used in italics.

The examples of text styles below are for guidance only. 

Helsinki Grotesk kirjasintyypin leikkaukset videoissa

All the colours in the City of Helsinki’s colour palette can be used in video materials. Always ensure accessibility, i.e. that the text is easy enough to read. Take this into account when selecting pairs of colours and if you intend to position text over a background image.

Helsinki City colour definitions

Accessible colour combinations

Wave motifs can be used in videos and animations in accordance with the visual identity guidelines. Wave motifs should not, however, be overused or used in such a way that they interfere with the content.

Wave motifs can be used in the background of the Helsinki framed logo or in the background of the opening frame.

Koromuoto videossa esimerkki kuva.

When positioning text on moving images, it is important to take into account the protected area, i.e. the title-safe area, which may become invisible on the TV screen or the cinema screen. Text should not be positioned outside this area.

Videon suoja-alue kuva.

Text can be positioned in the protected area in the opening frame either centred or aligned to the top left corner, on a colour background or on an image.

The text can be either white or coloured, depending on the background colour or the image.

Text font: Helsinki Grotesk Bold.

Videon alkuplanssi, jossa teksti on keskitetty.

Centred text in an opening frame

The text in the adjacent template is 400 px and the line spacing is 100% of the point size, i.e. 400 px. The text is centred in the protected area both vertically and horizontally.

Videon alkuplanssi, jossa otsikko tasattu vasemmalle.

Opening frame with text aligned to the left

The text in the adjacent template is 400 px and the line spacing is 100% of the point size, i.e. 400 px. The text is aligned to the top left corner in the protected area.

Videon alkuplanssi, jossa otsikko on keskitetty.

Opening frame with centred text on an image

The text in the adjacent template is 400 px and the line spacing is 100% of the point size, i.e. 400 px. The text is centred in the protected area both vertically and horizontally.

Due to the dark background video, the text is white.


Videon alkuplanssi, jossa otsikko tasattu vasemmalle.

Opening frame with text aligned to the left on an image

The text in the adjacent template is 400 px and the line spacing is 100% of the point size, i.e. 400 px. The text is aligned to the top left corner in the protected area.

Due to the light background video, the text is in Metro orange.

Text can be positioned in the protected area in the full-screen overlays either centred or aligned to the top left corner, on a colour background or on an image.

The text can be either white or coloured, depending on the background colour or the image.

Headline font: Helsinki Grotesk Bold Text Font: Helsinki Grotesk Regular

Videon koko sivun planssi, jossa otsikko tasattu vasemmalle.

Full-screen overlay with centred headline and text

The text in the adjacent template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is centred in the protected area both vertically and horizontally.


Videon koko sivun planssi, jossa teksti keskitetty.

Full-screen overlay with centred text

The text in the adjacent template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is centred both vertically and horizontally.

Videon koko sivun planssi, jossa otsikko tasattu vasemmalle.

Full-screen overlay with headline and text aligned to the left

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is aligned to the top left corner in the protected area.

Videon koko sivun planssi, jossa teksti on tasattu vasempaan reunaan.

Full-screen overlay with text aligned to the left

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is aligned to the upper left-hand corner.

Text is positioned in the protected area in the full-screen overlays either centred or aligned to the top left corner, on a colour background either on the left or the right. The text can be either white or coloured, depending on the background colour. 

Wave motifs can be used on the edge of the background

You can also leave a title-safe area around the colour background, in which case the background needs to be positioned from the middle of the screen to the title-safe area. Wave motifs must not be used on the edge of the background.

Videon puolen sivun planssi, jossa otsikko.

Half-screen overlay aligned to the top left-hand corner

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 100 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 120 px. The text is aligned to the upper left-hand corner.


Videon puolen sivun planssi koromuodolla ja otsikolla.

Half-screen text overlay on the right side with centred text Wave motifs can be used on the edge of the half-screen overlay.

Videon puolen sivun planssi, jossa otsikko ja marginaali.

Centred text in a half-screen overlay

The text in the adjacent template is 100 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 120 px. The text is centred both vertically and horizontally.

Videon puolen sivun planssi otsikolla ja marginaalilla.

Half-screen text overlay with a margin on the right side with centred text 

Text is positioned in the protected area in the 1/3 screen overlays either centred or aligned to the top left corner, on a colour background on the left or the right. The text can be either white or coloured, depending on the background colour.

Videon 1/3-osa sivuplanssi otsikolla

1/3 screen overlay aligned to the top left-hand corner

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 80 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 96 px. The text is aligned to the upper left-hand corner.

Videon 1/3 planssi otsikolla

Centred text in a 1/3 screen overlay

The text in the adjacent template is 80 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 96 px. The text is centred both vertically and horizontally.

Overlays with names can be positioned either in the left or right upper or lower corner of the protected area. The text can be either white or coloured, depending on the darkness of the background video.

Overlays with names are normally positioned directly on the video without any background colour. A background colour can also be used in the background of the overlay if necessary.

Videon nimiplanssi valkoisella tekstillä

Overlay with white text

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is aligned to the lower left-hand corner.

The text can be aligned to the left or right in the lower third, on top of any subtitles.

Videon nimiplanssi valkoisella tekstityksellä

Lower third when the video has subtitles

The name can be aligned to the left or right in the lower third, on top of any subtitles.

Videon nimiplanssi värillisellä tekstillä

Overlay with a name with coloured text

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 150 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 180 px. The text is aligned to the upper right-hand corner.

Taustallinen videon nimiplanssi

Overlay with a name on a coloured background

The text in the adjacent opening frame template is 100 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 120 px. The text is aligned to the lower left-hand corner. The text is positioned on a coloured background.


Videon nimiplanssi värillisellä taustalla ja marginaalilla

The name and the title can be positioned either on a background that stretches across the screen or the background can be limited to just the name and the title.

Videon loppuplanssi, jossa Helsinki-kehystunnus on kuvan päällä.

Closing credits are always placed on a colour background for legibility purposes. The text is centred horizontally. The title and the names are separated by Helsinki Grotesk Regular and Bold fonts.

The text in the adjacent template is 100 px and the line spacing is 120% of the point size, i.e. 120 px. The text is centred both vertically and horizontally.

Videon loppuplanssi, jossa Helsinki-kehystunnus värillisellä pohjalla

The logo screen consists of the Helsinki framed logo and the background. The logo can be placed on an image or a coloured background. Wave motifs can also be used in the background.

The Helsinki framed logo is centred vertically and horizontally, and it is 1/3 of the video’s height in size.

Videon loppuplanssi, jossa Helsinki-kehystunnus on kuvan päällä.
Videon loppuplanssi, jossa Helsinki-kehystunnus on koromuodon päällä.
Videon kehystunnusplanssi


Video Helsinki Channel Social media channels Raw video footage
File format .mp4 tai .mov (H.264) .mp4 tai .mov (H.264) .mp4 tai .mov (H.264)
Frame rate 25 25 25
Video bit rate Min. 7 Mbps, max. 10 Mbps in long videos, CBR As per the publication channel requirements 48 Mbps
Audio bit rate 320 kbps 320 Stereo AAC or MP3, 320 kbps
Resolution 1920 x 1080 As per the publication channel requirements UHD 4K (3840×2160)
Aspect ratio 16:9 As per the publication channel requirements 16:9
Scan type Progressive Progressive Progressive
Audio Linear PCM, stereo, 48 kHz or 44 kHz Linear PCM, stereo, 48 kHz or 44 kHz Linear PCM, stereo, 48 kHz or 44 kHz
Audio level EBU R128 Standard -23 LUFS EBU R128 Standard -23 LUFS EBU R128 Standard -23 LUFS



Maps are used in the city’s communications every day. Maps are used to inform residents about news and important topics, in surveys and evaluations, and to guide residents on construction sites – there are countless uses for maps.

Rantareitin karttaopaste teline
Maps are used on the information board along the waterfront trail.

The City Survey Services in the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division has the main responsibility for the production and distribution of Helsinki maps. City employees have access to information about different services and materials in the  Maps and geospatial data section on the intranet.(Link leads to external service)

Most commonly used maps

(content from general to more detailed):

  • General map (three scales, Helsinki/Helsinki Metropolitan Area)
  • Guide map (detailed/fewer details, Helsinki only)
  • Cadastral map
  • Base map

Maps can be viewed at:  the Helsinki Map Service(Link leads to external service) or on the intranet  PaikkatietoVipunen(Link leads to external service)

Product names appear on the floating link ‘Kartalla nyt’ in the bottom right-hand corner. The Map Services pages also contain a lot of other geospatial data. For more information on the data (in Finnish), visit  paikkatietohakemisto.(Link leads to external service)

The City Survey Services’ maps are stored on the Mappi server available citywide (url: \\\Palvelu, only available in the city’s internal network) and the  Open geographic data(Link leads to external service) page. They are kept updated or updated at certain times of the year. 

Publishing rights

The most commonly used maps are open data. However, any published material must include a copyright notice in the form © Kaupunkimittauspalvelut, Helsinki 20XX. The licence for the materials is usually CC BY 4.0. More information can be found on the open data page.

Self-service and customised products

Maps are generally sold through self-service. However, if customised products are needed, please contact opens default mail program) . The cost of detachment will be charged in accordance with the current price list for orders from outside the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division.

Maps as vector files

The maps that are available as vector files (pdf/ai, in CMYK) are the general map and guide map, in which the different elements are on separate layers. For more information about the options and to place an order, contact: opens default mail program) .

Placing an order

When placing an order, you should know the area and the final size to be used in the printed product. This information will also help you choose the right product. The appearance of the maps can be customised, and sites and boundaries can be added (e.g. district and neighbourhood boundaries, school admission areas or other geospatial data). The City Survey Services team can transfer geospatial data to Illustrator using MAPublisher.

  • The easiest way to copy a map is by using a screenshot from the Map Services/Paikkatieto Vipunen (intra), if the content does not need to be edited.
  • Layers for graphic designers are also available from the  Map Services,(Link leads to external service)

(Link to an external service), (Link leads to external service) and have been designed in collaboration with the Communications Division.

  • Use the Print command to produce raster files that are more accurate than the screen resolution.

Just like printed products, maps for presentations can be customised to order.

  • As with presentations, the easiest way to create a static map is to take a screenshot.
  • An interactive map can be embedded from the PaikkatietoVipunen/Map Services using the Export, Share function.
  • If you need to use a map or geospatial data in an application, this will be done through the geospatial data interface. Information about open data  interfaces (Link to an external service)(Link leads to external service)
  •  and interfaces for official use can be found on the Maps and geospatial data page. Using a geospatial data interface requires an agreement with the City Survey Services. More information: opens default mail program)

Awareness of social norms and accessibility

Disability, ethnicity, gender, body type and sexual orientation are diversity features that are taken into account in visual storytelling. Images and illustrations show people of all sizes and appearances. Visual storytelling is diverse, inclusive and non-discriminatory. It does not maintain stereotypes of any groups of people. Inclusion is depicted in a natural and truthful manner. People in images and illustrations are active subjects, not objects. They represent only themselves, not their disability, ethnicity or age. 

Read more in the Guidelines to socially aware communications (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

All communications must be widely understandable and accessible. Images support accessibility as they generate interest, and they help people to understand and remember the topic. It is important that visual storytelling does not conflict with the other content, as the interpretation of images also affects the interpretation of the rest of the content. Like literacy of written text, visual literacy varies from person to person. People who have difficulty reading text, in particular, can understand a topic better through images.

  • Think of the purpose of an image (e.g. to convey information, to complement the text, to evoke emotions), and choose the image that is best suited for this purpose.
  • Assess whether those with poorer visual literacy can understand the image.
  • Make sure that the emotion evoked by the image supports the other content (emotional message).
  • Consider whether an abstract idea could be presented with an illustration rather than a photograph. (Photographs are often perceived as documentary, even if they are not meant to be.)
  • Choose images that do not have too many details to distract the viewer from the actual message.
  • When deciding on the layout, think about the order in which images and texts are read and position them accordingly.
  • Use symbols and symbolic images with caution, as they can be difficult to understand. If you use symbols, use the most commonly known symbols for their most typical use.
  • Consider whether the image or symbol needs text to support it.
  • Check that the image is clear in the size and colours in which it will be used.
  • Always add alternative text unless the image or graphic element is purely decorative. 

Instructions for ordering and uploading images (PDF)

Instructions for the workflow and advice on what to take into account when you order photographs or illustrations (in Finnish).  Download PDF(Link leads to external service)

Instructions for uploading images and metadata to the Gredi databank (in Finnish).  Download PDF(Link leads to external service)