Basic education
Basic educationBasic education covers grades 1–9 and is free of charge. We offer children and young people a safe and inspiring learning path with a range of different options to choose from.
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Find municipal decisions in the Decision-making section.
Basic education covers grades 1–9 and is free of charge. We offer children and young people a safe and inspiring learning path with a range of different options to choose from.
Wilma interface and app helps you catch up with your child's schoolwork, teaching, learning arrangements and assessment. The school sends all the important messages to parents and guardians via Wilma, and Wilma enables you to get in touch with your child's teachers and the school principal.
Are you new in Helsinki? Welcome! On our website you can find useful information on
School journey timeline
Daycare in Helsinki
Schools for children in Helsinki
Schools for teens in Helsinki
Universities and adult education
Ask basic education advisory services about our comprehensive schools.
+358 9 310 44986 (Link starts a phone call)
Mon–Fri at 10.00–12.00 pm noon and 13.00–15.00
At the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am –12 noon and 1 pm –3 pm
Street address: Työpajankatu 8, 00518 Helsinki
See contact details for Education Division advisory services
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