Your group instructor and subject teachers will support you. Support is also available from guidance counsellors, special needs teachers, school welfare officers, psychologists and school nurses. They all play an important role in guiding students through their general upper secondary education. Support and encouragement from classmates is another important resource in the daily lives of general upper secondary school students.
Learning is easier when you feel well. Every general upper secondary school employee is responsible for supporting and fostering your well-being, and student welfare employees have their own role to play in these efforts. Student welfare serves individual students and the school community.
Support for planning your future
General upper secondary education provides students with more freedom than basic education. However, you also bear more responsibility for your studies in general upper secondary school. You need to make choices related to your future as soon as you start your studies. We also plan your future together, and the school community supports you in making choices and completing your studies.
At the beginning of your studies, you will prepare a personal study plan that you will then update with the assistance of the school’s personnel throughout your studies.
Support for learning and special needs education are available
General upper secondary schools will provide you with support for learning and special needs education when you need it. For example, you can receive extra lessons or additional guidance for learning from a subject teacher.
A special needs teacher will guide and teach you how to strengthen your learning skills and study methods and overcome obstacles to your learning. A special needs teacher can also help you make any special arrangements you may need to take the matriculation examination.
Wide range of services
You can seek support for life management, social relationships and well-being from your general upper secondary school’s student welfare staff, psychologist and welfare officer. Healthcare and medical services are also available at our educational institutions.
At Konepaja Upper Secondary School for Adults, you can receive support from general upper secondary school mentors, special needs teachers and guidance counsellors.
Read more about the Education Division's Student health care services.