Family daycare provides children with opportunities for personal growth in a small group and in a home-like environment. In family daycare, children learn everyday skills through play under the instruction of their caregiver. Early childhood education is provided according to the city's curriculum for early childhood education, the care provider's own action plan and the group's pedagogical plan. A daycare centre director or family daycare instructor supervises family daycare caregivers.
The whole city is used as a learning environment, giving the children an opportunity to explore and find out more about their home town of Helsinki and its services. Daily routines can be flexibly adjusted based on the children's ideas and any special skills that their caregiver has.
Family daycare at the caregiver's home
A family daycare caregiver is an employee of the City of Helsinki who provides care for children in their own home.
The maximum group size is four children. The group can also include a pre-schooler or a schoolchild in the afternoon.
The care provider and the guardians agree on the hours of care separately for each child based on the guardians' working hours, studies or other needs. Family daycare caregivers generally work for 8-9 hours a day, for an average of 40 hours a week.
In the caregiver's absence, we will provide substitute care for the child at a daycare centre, group family daycare centre or in the group of another family daycare caregiver.
Group family daycare
Group family daycare is provided by two family daycare caregivers in premises of the City of Helsinki. The maximum group size is eight children. The group can also include two pre-schoolers or schoolchildren in the afternoon.
Group family daycare centres are open for nine hours between 7.00 and 17.00. For more detailed information on opening hours, please see the service location's details or contact Service guidance for early childhood education or the family daycare supervisor.
Three-family daycare
In three-family daycare, the family daycare caregiver works in the families' homes. This care is primarily provided in different families' homes on alternate weeks, which is why this type of care requires flexibility and close cooperation. The families take turns preparing food for the group and are compensated for it. A three-family daycare group includes four children under the age of seven. The group can also include a pre-schooler or a schoolchild in the afternoon. The group is formed by children from one to four families.
Children in three-family daycare are covered by insurance while in care. The City of Helsinki's insurance does not cover damage to property.
For more information on three-family daycare and care providers, please contact Service guidance for early childhood education or the family daycare supervisor.