We will run scheduled maintenance work in Asti on 1 July 2024 between 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm. During this time, Asti will be out of use. 
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the maintenance work.

Options for early childhood education

From the table below, you can find the most suitable early childhood education option for your child.
  Daycare centre Round-the-clock care​

Group family daycare centre 

(family daycare)​



(family daycare)​

Family daycare in the care provider’s 



Private early childhood education​

(daycare centre and family daycare)

For whom? Children under school age​ Children under school age​ Children under school age​ Children under school age​ Children under school age​ Children aged 2-5  Children under school age​
When? According to the families' needs, Monday to Friday between 6:15 and 17:30

24/7 or​ Monday to Friday between 6:15 and 22:00 (evening care units)

9 hours between 7:00 and 17:00 ​ 8 to 9 hours a day and approximately 40 hours a week 8 to 9 hours a day and approximately 40 hours a week 2 to 3 times a week, approximately 2.5-3 hours a day Private daycare centre or family daycare provider determines the opening hours
Where and how to apply?

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

On Asti online service(Link leads to external service)

or by using a paper form

Get in touch with the private service provider directly.
Subject to a fee​ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Private daycare centre or family daycare provider determines the early childhood 

education fee​

Languages​ Finnish, Swedish and North Sami​


(Evening care also in Swedish)

Finnish and Swedish   Finnish Finnish English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Russian, Swedish and Spanish

In a daycare centre


In a daycare centre

In a group family daycare centre


In turns in the families' homes​

In the home of the family daycare provider


At playgrounds or daycare centres​ Private daycare centre or family daycare provider is responsible for arranging the place​