In club activities, children learn how to be part of a group. Clubs also offer versatile pedagogical activities, outdoor activities, and exercise through play and art. Clubs also offer families an opportunity to make contacts to other families in the neighbourhood.
Club activities are provided in Finnish.
Club activities are aimed at children who are cared for at home from the age 2 until the beginning of free-of-charge pre-primary education in the age of 5 or 6. Children who receive home care allowance can also participate in the club activities. If the child is paid allowance for private care, the child cannot take part in the city's club activities.
The operating year starts when the school year begins, or by 1 September and ends on 31 May. The clubs follow school term dates and holidays. At the beginning of the season, the child's monthly care hours in club activities will be agreed upon with the family.
Places in club activities that begin in the autumn should be applied for by the end of April. The leading playground instructor of the district will contact the families about the club decisions.
Clubs are open early childhood education activities organised by the municipality, which means that children do not have a subjective right to a place in a club. It is not part of the municipality's statutory services but the municipality organises it as an additional service for families.
Application for a club with a paper form
How the process works
Applying for a place in club activities electronically is not possible at the moment. If you want to apply please fill in a paper application and send it to the club you are applying to, any playground or via secure e-mail.
Application for a club using a paper form is possible in the following situations:
- the child does not have a Finnish personal identity code,
- the family does not have Finnish online banking credentials or
- electronic application is not possible for some other reason
The completed form is mailed to or left at the preferred club or any municipal playground.
If you have applied on paper and you have a non-disclosure agreement for personal safety, we will send you the decision primarily by secure email. Alternatively, you can pick-up the decision from our offices at Työpajankatu 8 by booking an appointment.
If you or the applicant child does not have a Finnish personal identity number, we will send the decision either by secure email or on paper to your home address.
Fill in a form
Application for a club with a paper form
Playgrounds with club activities during school year 2025-2026
Southern Helsinki:
- Playground Lahnalahti at Lauttasaarentie 40a
- Playground Ruoholahti (outdoor activities) at Laivapojankatu 8
- Playground Seppä at Sepänkatu 2
- Playground Taivallahti at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 22
Kallio - Pasila - Vallila
- Playground Arabia at Arabianpolku 1 a 1
- Playground Intia at Intiankatu 44
- Playground Linja at Toinen linja 6
- Playground Sanna (forestclub) at Pasilan puistotie 8
Reijola - Munkkiniemi - Haaga
- Playground Isoneva at Isonnevantie 16 a
- Playground Laurinniitty at Laurinniityntie 14
- Playground Viiri at Herukkakuja 3
- Playground Ulvila at Ulvilantie 17 B
- Playground Kannelmäki at Kanneltie 1 a
- Playground Strömberg at Strömberginpolku 5
- Playground Vähätupa at Vähätuvantie 4 a
Maunula - Oulunkylä
- Playground Etupelto at Etupellontie 8
- Playground Maunula at Kuusikkotie 2 a
- Playground Mäkitorppa at Mäkitorpantie 42
- Playground Torpparinmäki at Ylätuvanpolku 4
Malmi - Latokartano
- Playground Kotinummi at Uudenpellonkuja 5
- Playground Maasälpä at Maasälväntie 3 a
- Playground Salpausselkä at Salpausseläntie 1 a
- Playground Viikkari at Laivuri Petterin kuja 3
Puistola - Suutarila - Jakomäki
- Playground Kankarepuisto at Jakomäenpolku 6
- Playground Kesanto at Kesantotie 13
- Playground Linnunrata at Linnunradantie 8
- Playground Nurkka at Nurkkatie 2
South-Eastern Helsinki
- Playground Orava at Karhutie 11
- Playground Kiiltotähti at Ilomäentie 8
- Playground Rudolf at Rudolfintie 8
Mellunkylä - Vuosaari
- Playground Kiikku at Kiikku 6
- Playground Lohikäärmepuisto at Lohikäärmepolku 3
- Playground Mellunmäki at Pyhätunturintie 2
Myllypuro - Vartiokylä
- Playground Iso-Antti at Valkovuokonpolku 20
- Playground Myllynsiipi at Yläkivenrinne 6
- Playground Mustakivi at Vedenottamontie 6
Southern Helsinki:
- Playground Lahnalahti at Lauttasaarentie 40a
- Playground Ruoholahti (outdoor activities) at Laivapojankatu 8
- Playground Seppä at Sepänkatu 2
- Playground Taivallahti at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 22
Kallio - Pasila - Vallila
- Playground Arabia at Arabianpolku 1 a 1
- Playground Intia (forest club) at Intiankatu 44
- Playground Linja at Toinen linja 6
- Playground Sanna at Pasilan puistotie 8
Reijola - Munkkiniemi - Haaga
- Playground Isonneva at Isonnevantie 16 a
- Playground Munkki at Perustie 38
- Playground Piika at Arentinkuja 5
- Playground Vähätupa at Vähätuvantie 4 a
Maunula - Oulunkylä
- Playground Etupelto at Etupellontie 8
- Playground Maunula at Kuusikkotie 2 a
- Playground Mäkitorppa at Mäkitorpantie 42
- Playground Torpparinmäki at Ylätuvanpolku 4
Malmi - Latokartano
- Playground Kotinummi at Uudenpellonkuja 5
- Playground Maasälpä at Maasälväntie 3 a
- Playground Salpausselkä at Salpausseläntie 1 a
- Playground Traktori at Tyynelänkuja 7
- Playground Viikkari at Laivuri Petterin kuja 3
Puistola - Suutarila - Jakomäki
- Playground Kankarepuisto at Jakomäenpolku 6
- Playground Kesanto at Kesantotie 13
- Playground Linnunrata at Linnunradantie 8
- Playground Nurkka at Nurkkatie 2
- Playground Tapuli at Kimnaasipolku 7
- Playground Kurranummi at Kotinummentie 51
South-Eastern Helsinki
- Playground Orava at Karhutie 11
- Playground Kiiltotähti at Ilomäentie 8
- Playground Rudolf at Rudolfintie 8
- Playground Tuorinniemi at Agnetankuja 4
- Playground Roihuvuori at Prinssintie 1
Mellunkylä - Vuosaari
- Playground Kiikku at Kiikku 6
- Playground Lohikäärmepuisto at Lohikäärmepolku 3
- Playground Mellunmäki at Pyhätuntunrintie 2
Myllypuro - Vartiokylä
- Playground Iso-Antti at Valkovuokonpolku 20
- Playground Myllynsiipi at Yläkivenrinne 6
- Playground Mustakivi at Vedenottamontie 6