Enrolling and applying to school

In all our comprehensive schools, children receive high-quality education highlighting the joy of learning, doing things together, experimentation and innovation. This page features information about enrolment and applying for different options in basic education.

Enrolling to local school

Every child in Helsinki has an automatic school place in a comprehensive school in their own residential area. This is called the child’s 'local school'. If you accept the place in local school offered to your child, enrol the child in school during the application period, either online or by visiting the school.  

Enrol your child in a local school in Grades 1 and 7:

Enrolling to Grade 1

Enrolling to Grade 7

For pupils moving to Helsinki or inside Helsinki:

If you wish to enrol your child in a local school to grades 2–9, or to grades 1–9 in the middle of the school year, find your own local school on the Service Map and contact the principal of the school. For more information, see the links below.

If you have moved or are moving to Helsinki from abroad, see also the page Starting basic education in Helsinki.

Read more about local schools and admissions:

Welcome to your local school

School admission principles and admission areas

Applying for weighted-curriculum education

You can also apply for a place in weighted-curriculum education for your child. Some of our schools offer weighted-curriculum education from grade 1, 3 or 7 onwards. An applicant to weighted-curriculum education must take an aptitude test.

Weighted-curriculum education

Preparatory education

If the child's language skills are not yet adequate to start basic education in Finnish or Swedish, you can enrol the child in preparatory education.

Read more about preparatory education

Starting school a year later or a year earlier

A guardian may apply for their child to start school either later or earlier well in advance before the child is supposed to start school.

Read more about starting school a year later or earlier

Extended compulsory education

A child is entitled to extended compulsory education if they will not be able to achieve the prescribed goals of education in nine years because of a severe disability or illness.

Read more about extended compulsory education

Enrolment in home schooling

In home schooling, the guardian assumes the overall responsibility for the performance of their child’s compulsory education.

Read more about home schooling

Finnish-language primary school admission areas, grades 1–6

The numbers represent the number of schools in the area shown on the map. Click on a number to find out the exact location and name of the school. The same school can appear twice on the map, as we show the information for the current school year and the next school year.

Admission area, Finnish-languages schools, grades 1-6 - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Swedish-language primary school admission areas, grades 1–6

The numbers represent the number of schools in the area shown on the map. Click on a number to find out the exact location and name of the school. The same school can appear twice on the map, as we show the information for the current school year and the next school year.

Admission areas. Swedish-language primary school, grades 1–6 - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Finnish-language lower secondary school admission areas, grades 7–9

The numbers represent the number of schools in the area shown on the map. Click on a number to find out the exact location and name of the school. The same school can appear twice on the map, as we show the information for the current school year and the next school year.

Admission area, Finnish-language schools, Grades 7-9 - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Swedish-language lower secondary school admission areas, grades 7–9

The numbers represent the number of schools in the area shown on the map. Click on a number to find out the exact location and name of the school. The same school can appear twice on the map, as we show the information for the current school year and the next school year.

Admission area, Swedish-languages schools, grades 7-9 - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)