For pupils starting Grade 7

Enrol your child in seventh grade using the Wilma form during the application period. If your child is studying in a local school assigned to them, they may continue their studies there or apply for a place in weighted-curriculum education.

On this page

Options after Grade 6

  • If your child studies in a local school with grades 1–9, the child will complete grades 7 to 9 in the same school.
  • If your child studies in a local school with just grades 1–6, we will assing the child a local school to complete grades 7–9.
  • You can also apply for a place in weighted-curriculum, bilingual or English-language education. Applicants must take an aptitude test or a language test. 
  • You can also apply for a place in a  school other than the local school assigned according to the pupil's home address. The pupil can get a place if there are places left in the school. 
  • If your child is already studying in weighted-curriculum, bilingual or English-language education, the child may continue these studies in grades 7–9 without taking a new aptitude test or a language test.

Enrol and apply for Grade 7 on Wilma

Enrol your child in seventh grade using the Wilma form during the application period. Use the same application form to enrol in your local lower secondary school, to apply for weighted-curriculum, bilingual or English-language education starting in grade 7,  and to apply to a school other than the child’s local school. A pupil can chooce up to five different options. Find the form on Wilma under section 'Siirtyminen 7 luokalle' ('Transitioning to grade 7'). Your school can give you more detailed instructions on how to fill in the Wilma form. Applications submitted late will not be processed.

Video instructions on how to use Wilma: Transition to grade 7(Link leads to external service)

Applications for the weighted-curriculum in music at the Swedish-language school Kottby Comprehensive school follow the school's own guidelines. For more detailed instructions, see  Grundskolan websiteKottby, section 'Intensifierad musikundervisning från årskurs 7'.

If you do not yet live in Helsinki or if you cannot use Wilma, see the application instructions at the end of this page.

Important dates

Applying to weighted-curriculum education in 2025–2026 school year.

  1. 1 November – 14 December

    Schools may hold information events. The dates and times of these events can be found on the schools’ websites.

  2. 16 December 2024 – 16 January 2025

    Enrolment and application period for Grade 7. Submit an enrolment form on Wilma.

    During the application period, the guardians of all sixth-graders must fill in a form on Wilma on their child's choices regarding the seventh grade options. 

  3. 23 January – 27 February 2025

    Aptitude or language tests and resit tests for weighted-curriculum, bilingual and English-language education and B2 Latin. You can find the test schedules on the schools' websites. No separate test invitation will be sent.

    Pupils can resit the test if their guardian has sent a medical certificate to the school proving that the student was ill on the actual test day.

  4. 26 March 2025

    Pupil admission decisions are posted.

Applicants who live in other municipalities and applicants in private schools who do not have access to the Wilma form should apply with a separate electronic application form.  

Pupils living in Helsinki have a priority when admitting pupils to teaching provided by the City of Helsinki. Applicants moving to Helsinki will be considered a Helsinki residents when their residential address in the national Population Information System is in Helsinki at the time of making the admission decision and at the start of the school year.

After the pupils living in Helsinki have been accepted into the groups of weighted-curriculum, bilingual or English-language education and if there are still places available, pupils from other municipalities who have passed the aptitude or language test will be admitted based on the order of their scores from the test.

School journeys for pupils from other municipalities must be arranged and paid by the pupil’s guardian. The same principles apply to secondary school admission, i.e. if the pupil applies for general education at a school other than their local school, the grounds for school admission remain the same and priority is given to applicants living in Helsinki.

By participating in the aptitude or language test, the pupil commits to accepting the offered school place if they are accepted in the weighted-curriculum education in question.

Your local school and its website will have more information available on all practical matters.

Weighted-curriculum education beginning in Grade 7

To gain admission to weighted-curriculum education, pupils must take an aptitude test, registering for it via Wilma. Pupils can apply for five different options, i.e. schools/weighted subject areas. The applied for options should be listed in the order of preference. Schools with the same weighted-curriculum education areas will use the same aptitude test, (with the exception of Helsinki Normal Lyceum, which uses its own aptitude test for Latin) and pupils will participate in the test at the school they listed as their first choice.

More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s website.

Art expression studies visual arts, music, crafts and performing arts. Pupils art expression make their own works of art and joint projects. Pupils visit different cultural institutions, such as theatres and museums. Cooperation is pursued with different cultural operators. Different art subjects are emphasised in different years. In the 7th grade, pupils get acquainted with different fields of art. In the 8th grade, the emphasis is on theatrical expression and in the 9th grade on an art form important for each individual pupil.

The aptitude test includes tasks in visual arts, music, crafts and performing arts. In the aptitude test, the pupil shows that they are able to cooperate.

The weighted curriculum in art expression can be studied at Puistopolku Comprehensive School.

The weighted curriculum in communication is suitable for anyone interested in communication, expression, information technology, creative writing and cooperation. The communication curriculum includes communication and expression exercises - together and alone. In addition, media literacy is practiced. Pupils create media works, such as videos, advertisements and magazines. At the same time, they learn information and communication technology. Communication pupils make study excursions. In the 9th grade, pupils study visual communication.

The aptitude test assesses the pupil’s communication skills.

The weighted curriculum in communication can be studied at Vartiokylä Lower Secondary School.

The pupil gets acquainted with their own movement and dance as art, as well as works in a group and practices performing in various parties and events at the school and the local environment. Pupils watch performances and visit museums, exhibitions and workshops. Dance art cooperates with other schools and cultural operators.

In the aptitude test, the pupil completes teacher-led tasks both alone and in a small group of 9–12 people. The pupil shows their capabilities in movement-based tasks and group work.

The weighted curriculum in dance art can be studied at Kruununhaka Lower Secondary School.

The weighted curriculum in digital visual arts uses makes more extensive use of digital tools, such as computers and tablets.

The aptitude test is the same as in the visual arts aptitude test, but in addition contains one task that measures digital image capabilities.

The weighted curriculum in digital visual arts can be studied at Meilahti Lower Secondary School.

The pupil prepares meals in a healthy and ecological way, exercises in a varied way and also encourages other pupils to exercise. The pupil learns camping skills, such as preparing food and getting around in nature, on various excursions. Pupils practice planning and organising sports events. Teaching focuses on everyday, health and experience exercise. The goal is for the pupil to learn how to promote their own and others' well-being.

The aptitude test has tasks that measure the ability to plan and direct physical exercise sessions in a group. The aptitude test has various written tasks related to domestic science and well-being.

The weighted curriculum in domestic science and physical education can be studied at the Nordic Comprehensive School.

Pupils in Latin classes study Latin, ancient history and Greco-Roman mythology. The pupil develops their Latin language skills, which supports the learning of the mother tongue and other languages. Studying Latin broadly supports the understanding of learned borrowings and culture. Latin is studied as an optional B2 language.

The aptitude test measures Finnish language skills. There is a separate aptitude test for Helsinki Normal Lyceum. 

The weighted curriculum in Latin can be studied at Helsinki Normal Lyceum and the secondary schools of Herttoniemi and Töölö.

In mathematics, the pupil becomes enthusiastic about solving mathematical problems and deepens their mathematical understanding. It is nice to learn mathematics with others who are interested in mathematics. Mathematics skill are deepened and applied more than in other classes.

The aptitude test looks at the pupil’s basic calculation and verbal problem-solving skills. No calculators are used in the test.

The weighted curriculum in mathematics can be studied at the secondary schools of Maunula, Munkkiniemi, Pohjois-Haaga and Töölö, as well as at Helsingin Yhteislyseo Secondary School.

Pupils study and observe natural science phenomena. The studies include investigations and study visits. Each grade has its own theme, which involves an artistic and practical subject. Pupils in the 7th grade study the Baltic Sea, combining biology and visual arts. In the 8th grade, pupils make excursions to the forest and get acquainted with the connections between physics and physical education. 9th grade pupils cook and study chemistry as well as combine mathematics and geography.

The aptitude test has various tasks related to natural sciences and mathematics.

The weighted curriculum in mathematics and natural sciences can be studied at Vartiokylä Lower Secondary School.

Photography, videotaping and writing news and other media texts are practiced in the studies. In addition, media contents are studied. The pupils do their own media work in the lessons. The school’s photography and video tools and computers are used in media education. No own equipment is required. Media education pupils visit various media operators, such as newspaper editing rooms or companies as well as exhibitions.

The aptitude test has two parts: a group work test and an individual test. In the group work test, the pupil demonstrates that they are able to work together with others. In the individual test, the pupil performs writing and drawing tasks.

The weighted curriculum in media education can be studied at the comprehensive schools of Hiidenkivi and Vuoniitty.

The pupil can familiarise themselves with a theme that interests them: dance, drama, making cinema, visual arts, stage design, music, as well as performance technology, that is, sound reproduction and stage lighting. In the 7th grade, pupils get to know the various areas of the weighted curriculum. They deepen their knowledge in the 8th and 9th grade, specialising in a topic that interests them.

The aptitude test has various functional and creative tasks.

The weighted curriculum in expression can be studied at Pitäjänmäki Comprehensive School.

The teaching includes varied playing and singing exercises, the utilisation of music technology and the creative production of music. The main emphasis is on exercising music together, and the pupil also has the opportunity to develop their own skills and interests. Pupils play different instruments, develop their own musical expression and participate in various projects and performances.

The aptitude test includes rhythm and melody tasks, and the pupil gives a possible singing and/or playing sample.

The weighted curriculum in music can be studied at Kruununhaka Lower Secondary School, at the comprehensive schools of Laajasalo, Pakila, Porolahti, Suutarila and Vuoniitty, as well as at Oulunkylä Secondary School. Swedish-language weighted curriculum education in music is provided by Åshöjdens grundskola.

The weighted curriculum in nature and science supports the learning of biology, chemistry and physics in a practical way. The emphasis is suitable for anyone who is interested in nature, laboratory work or astronomy, for example. The pupil acquaints themselves with a wide range of natural science topics. Among others, study excursions are made, space and nature are studied and research is practiced. The pupil learns how they can influence their own environment and what kind of living environment the Earth is.

The aptitude test has applied tasks in natural science subjects.

The weighted curriculum in nature and science can be studied at the comprehensive schools of Käpylä, Merilahti and Vesala.

Physical education – Sports classes

Various sports and a wide range of basic forms of exercise are practised in physical education. Pupils have the opportunity to participate in sports exercises coordinated by Urhea before and after the school day a couple of times a week.

The aptitude test has indoor tests measuring movement skills, speed, endurance, strength, balance skills, sense of rhythm, mobility and equipment handling skills. About the test: leads to external service)

The weighted curriculum in physical education can be studied at the comprehensive schools of Haaga, Itäkeskus, Laajasalo, Merilahti and Pakila, Puistopolku and Pukinmäenkaari and Maunula Secondary School.

Physical Education - Sports Classes (Urhea)

Sports-focused lower secondary schools have a sports-focused lower secondary school status granted by the Finnish Olympic Committee. The aim of sports-focused lower secondary schools is to support young competitive athletes in combining studies and sports, as well as in growing up as athletes. Pupils participate in sports and physical training coordinated by Urhea. Teaching is planned in such a way that pupils have the opportunity to participate in morning and afternoon sports coaching.

The aptitude test has indoor tests measuring movement skills, speed, endurance, strength, balance skills, sense of rhythm, mobility and equipment handling skills. About the test: leads to external service) . In addition, the pupil participates in a specific sport test of their choice.

A sports class is available at the comprehensive schools of Haaga, Pasila, Puistolu and Pukinmäenkaari and the secondary schools of Herttoniemi and Pohjois-Haaga. Learn more: leads to external service)

Performing arts means the ability to express oneself. Performing arts are studied in a group through play and roles. Speaking, moving and dancing, theatre and music are practiced in the expression class. The goal is that the pupil finds their own way of expressing themselves.

The aptitude test has different expression tasks.

The weighted curriculum in expression can be studied at Kannelmäki Comprehensive School.

The teaching is suitable for anyone interested in applied problem solving, craftsmanship and information technology. The teaching includes versatile use of technology. With the help of technology, artistic and practical subjects are combined with theoretical subjects: the “Chemistry in the kitchen” theme studies chemistry, domestic science and information technology.

In the aptitude test, the pupil performs applied tasks that require reasoning skills, for example. The aptitude test involves technical drawing with a pencil and paper.

The weighted curriculum in technology education can be studied at Aurinkolahti Comprehensive School.

The pupil focuses on and deepens their knowledge of different ways of making pictures. Pictures are made by drawing, painting, shaping, constructing and using digital tools, for example. The pupil is part of an artistic school community. Pupils participate in cooperation between subjects and art projects and get acquainted with current cultural offerings.

The aptitude test has a variety of art tasks.

The weighted curriculum in visual arts can be studied at Meilahti Lower Secondary School, Aleksis Kivi Comprehensive School, Porolahti Comprehensive School, Helsingin Uusi Yhteiskoulu Secondary School and Helsingin Yhteislyseo Secondary School.

Oppilaita ulkona.
Photo: Frida Lönnroos