A2 language
In Finnish-speaking schools, pupils moving onto the third grade can, if they wish, enrol in the optional A2 language teaching of their own school. You can find out more about A2 language studies, the available language options and enrolment from the child’s school and on the Curriculum, school subjects and assessment website.
All pupils in Swedish-speaking schools will begin studying an A2 language in grade three.
Weighted-curriculum education starting from the 3rd grade
A pupil may apply for weighted-curriculum education starting from the third grade. Explore the options for weighted-curriculum education .
Applying on Wilma
To apply for a place for weighted-curriculum education starting in the third grade, submit an application during the application period, using the form on Wilma. Your school will have more detailed instructions on how to fill in the Wilma form. Applications submitted late will not be processed.
Applications for the weighted-curriculum in music at the Swedish-language school Kottby Grundskolan follow the school's own guidelines. For more detailed instructions, see Kottby Grundskolan website under 'Intensifierad musikundervisning från årskurs 3'.
If you apply for a place in weighted-curriculum education for your child, you commit to accepting the place, if offered. If the pupil is selected for weighted-curriculum education, you must inform the principal of the pupil's current school of this. If the pupil is not selected, they may continue in their current school without a separate notification.
Applying by a method other than Wilma
Applicants who live in other municipalities, applicants in Swedish-speaking schools and applicants in private schools who do not have access to the Wilma form should apply with a separate electronic application form. Link to the electronic application form.(Link leads to external service)
Important dates
See the important dates for applying to weighted-curriculum education in 2025 below.
School information events held by 11 January 2024
Schools may hold information events. The dates and times of these events can be found on the schools’ websites. To find a school website, use the school search tool.
13–27 January 2025 Application period
Fill out the application form on Wilma. Late applications will not be processed. Applying in binding, so the pupil must accept the place if they are accepted.
3 February–3 March 2025 Aptitude tests
Check the dates and times on the school website. You will not receive a separate invitation to an aptitude test.
2 April 2025 The admission decisions to be posted to homes
You do not need to confirm the school place separately.
Weighted-curriculum education beginning in Grade 3
To gain admission to weighted-curriculum education, pupils must take an aptitude test, registering for it via Wilma.
Pupils can apply for five different options, i.e. schools/weighted subject areas. The applied for options should be listed in the order of preference. Schools with the same weighted-curriculum education subjects will use the same aptitude test, and pupils will participate in the examination at the school they listed as their first choice.
More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s website.
Art expression studies visual arts, music, crafts and performing arts. Pupils in art expression make their own works of art and joint projects. Pupils visit different cultural institutions, such as theatres and museums. Cooperation is pursued with different cultural operators.
Different art subjects are emphasised in different years. In the 4th grade, the emphasis is on crafts, in the 5th grade on music and in the 6th grade on visual arts. In the 8th grade of the lower secondary school, the emphasis is on theatrical expression and in the 9th grade on an art form important for each individual pupil. In the 3rd grade and 7th grade, pupils get to know different fields of art.
The aptitude test includes tasks in visual arts, music, crafts and performing arts. In the aptitude test, the pupil shows that they are able to cooperate.
The weighted curriculum in art expression can be studied at Puistopolku Comprehensive School.
In contemporary dance, the pupil expresses themselves by moving and doing things together with others. Pupils watch dance performances, have discussions and write about their own dancing. Pupils perform at school parties and at the dance pupils’ Dance Festival. Dance pupils work together with music pupils.
In the aptitude test, the pupil performs teacher-led exercises in a group. The exercises assess the pupil’s motoric and dance skills. They also assess the pupil’s courage to produce their own movement.
The weighted curriculum in dance can be studied at Kaisaniemi Primary School. The weighted curriculum in contemporary dance at the lower secondary school level is called dance art.
Pupils in the weighted curriculum in music study singing, playing, music knowledge, music history and music and movement. Pupils play music together.
In the aptitude test, the pupil sings and performs rhythm and melody tasks.
The weighted curriculum in music can be studied at the comprehensive schools of Laajasalo, Pakila, Suutarila and Vuoniitty, as well as at Oulunkylä Primary School. The Swedish-language weighted curriculum education in music is provided at Åshöjdens grundskola.
Motoric skills in different sports are practised in physical education. The exercises consist of movement skills, sports skills, balance skills and equipment handling skills. Functional learning methods can also be used in all the lessons.
The aptitude test measures general physical activity skills with tests suitable for children.
The weighted curriculum in physical education can be studied at the comprehensive schools of Haaga, Pukinmäenkaari, Merilahti and Puistopolku, as well as Tahvonlahti Primary School.
Performing arts means the ability to express oneself. Performing arts is studied in a group through play and roles. Speaking, moving and dancing, theatre and music are practiced in the performing arts class. The goal is that the pupil finds their own way of expressing themselves.
The aptitude test has a variety of expression tasks.
The weighted curriculum in expression can be studied at Kannelmäki Comprehensive School.
Visual arts studies drawing, painting, design and construction using different techniques and materials. The pupil develops their own personal expression and creativity in visual arts.
The aptitude test has a variety of art tasks.
The weighted curriculum in visual arts can be studied at Pikku-Huopalahti Primary School and Aleksis Kivi Comprehensive School.