Preparatory education

Children aged 6 to 16 who do not yet speak enough Finnish or Swedish can start school in a preparatory education class, even during the school year. In preparatory education, pupils study Finnish or Swedish for one year and get to know the Finnish school.

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Enrol in Finnish-language preparatory education

A child who has arrived to Finland and is 6 or turns 6 years in the current year participates in pre-primary education. 

In Finland, all children participate in pre-primary education one year prior to starting school. Pre-primary school lasts one year and is provided by the daycare centre. You can apply for preparatory education already in pre-primary education for 6-year-olds. It is part of the overall education and activities provided.

Please note that preparatory education is not available in private pre-primary education at the moment.


  1. Find a daycare centre that provides pre-primary education.

    Check the Service Map(Link leads to external service) for daycare centres offering pre-primary education. You can apply for a place in pre-primary education in your own neighbourhood or request a place elsewhere.

  2. Enrol your child in pre-primary education.

    Fill out and print the PDF application form Application for pre-primary education, PDF. Post the application to:
    Service Guidance for Early Childhood Education, P.O. Box 51300, 00099 City of Helsinki.


    If you have a Finnish personal identity code or online banking credential, apply to pre-primary education through the  Asti online service(Link leads to external service) .

  3. Inform the daycare centre that you wish to apply for preparatory education for your child.

    Once your child has started pre-primary education in a daycare centre, inform the daycare centre staff that you wish to apply for preparatory education for your child.

    Please note that preparatory education is not currently available in private pre-primary education.

Children start school the year they turn seven. In Finnish-speaking preparatory education, the first and second grade pupils (children aged 7–8) attend preparatory education in their local school, which is the school assigned to them according to the home address. Preparatory education is part of the overall education provided. When the preparatory education year ends, the pupil will continue as a basic education pupil in the same teaching group. 

  1. Check the child's local school.

    Find your nearest school on the  Service Map(Link leads to external service) . Enter your home address in the search field. 

  2. Fill out the PDF form.

    Download and fill in the PDF enrolment form for preparatory education. If you need help with the form, please contact the school principal.

    PDF application form for preparatory education

  3. Deliver the form to the school.

    Send or bring the form directly to the principal of your local school.

  4. Wait for the school to contact you.

    Wait to hear from the school. The school will contact you once your application has been processed.

Pupils aged 9 to 16 receive preparatory education in their own preparatory education group. Not every school has these groups. Each pupil will be assigned to a group that is either as close to their home as possible or has good transport connections. During preparatory education, the pupils will also attend other classes at their school.

Finnish is the main language of study in the preparatory education groups. In addition to Finnish, the pupils study other subjects.

If a pupil’s preparatory education group is not at their local school, the pupil will transfer to their local school once their preparatory education has ended. Alternatively, the pupil’s guardian may submit an enrolment application to the school that has been providing the preparatory education.

  1. Fill out the electronic application form

    Fill out the online enrolment form for preparatory education:

    Online enrolment form for preparatory education(Link leads to external service)

    If you need help with filling in the form, please contact opens default mail program) .

  2. Wait for the school to contact you

    The school will contact you when they are ready to enroll your child. This might take 1–5 weeks depending on the volume of incoming applications. 

Enrol in Swedish-language preparatory education

Swedish-speaking preparatory education is always provided in the child’s own local school based on the home address. When the child has been in preparatory education for one year, the child will continue in the same Swedish-speaking class in the local school.

A child who has arrived to Finland and is 6 or turns 6 years in the current year participates in pre-primary education. 

In Finland, all children participate in pre-primary education one year prior to starting school. Pre-primary school lasts one year and is provided by the daycare centre. You can apply for preparatory education already in pre-primary education for 6-year-olds. It is part of the overall education and activities provided.

Please note that preparatory education is not available in private pre-primary education at the moment.

  1. Find a daycare centre that provides pre-primary education.

    Check the Service Map(Link leads to external service) for daycare centres offering pre-primary education. You can apply for a place in pre-primary education in your own neighbourhood or request a place elsewhere.

  2. Enrol your child in pre-primary education.

    Fill out and print the PDF application form Application for pre-primary education in Swedish, PDF. Post the application to:
    Service Guidance for Early Childhood Education, P.O. Box 51300, 00099 City of Helsinki.


    If you have a Finnish personal identity code or online banking credential, apply to pre-primary education through the  Asti online service(Link leads to external service) .

  3. Inform the daycare centre that you wish to apply for preparatory education for your child.

    Once your child has started pre-primary education in a daycare centre, inform the daycare centre staff that you wish to apply for preparatory education for your child.

    Please note that preparatory education is not currently available in private pre-primary education.

  1. Check the child’s local school.

    Check the child’s Swedish-speaking local school on the Service Map(Link leads to external service) . Enter your home address in the search field.

  2. Fill out the application form.

    Fill in the application form at the school or order the form through the advisory services of the Education Division. If you need help with filling in the form, please contact the principal.

  3. Deliver the form to the principal of the local school.

    Send or deliver the form directly to the principal of your local school.

  4. Wait for the school to contact you.

    Wait for the school to contact you. The school will contact you when your application has been processed.

Learn more

Preparatory education is for children aged 6–16 who do not yet speak Finnish or Swedish well enough to begin their basic education. In preparatory education, the focus is on learning Finnish or Swedish and becoming familiar with the Finnish school system. Every pupil gets an individual education plan.

The child’s age determines the type of preparatory education they will receive. The children receive 24–26 hours of teaching per week. The aim of preparatory education is for the pupils to learn basic language skills, so that they can manage everyday situations in Finnish or Swedish.

Pupils may attend preparatory education for a maximum of one calendar year. If a pupil can follow teaching in Finnish or Swedish, preparatory education may end sooner. The teacher will assess the child’s skills.

To register for preparatory education, you need to send an application. You can apply for a place for a child who has arrived from abroad as soon as the child has arrived in Finland. In Finnish-speaking schools teaching is provided in Finnish, and in Swedish-speaking schools in Swedish. You can choose which language will be used as the pupil’s teaching language in Finland. Pupils can register for Swedish-language preparatory education by contacting a school directly.

Preparatory education for 6-year-olds

Preparatory education for 7 and 8-year-olds

Video: Saqrib and Sa'adi's day in preparatory education

This video tells the story of Saqrib and Sa'adi's in a preparatory class at a lower secondary school. Watch the video to find out more about the boys' school day!

Preparatory education in a separate group

Video: Zainab and Mohamed's story in preparatory education

In this video, 20-year-old Zainab and 18-year-old Mohamed talk about what it was like to come to Finland for preparatory education, and how a year in a preparatory education class helped them get started in their studies.

Zainab and Mohamed in Preparatory education