Weighted-curriculum education

Some of our schools offer weighted-curriculum education from grade 1, 3 or 7 onwards. Weighted-curriculum education emphasises a certain subject or subject area. The available options are digital visual arts, performance arts, visual arts, Latin, physical education, physical education and home economics, nature and science, mathematics, mathematics and natural sciences, media education, music, modern dance, art expression, dance, movement and expression, dance arts, technology education and communications.

Pupils studying in weighted-curriculum education may have 1–2 hours longer school weeks than pupils studying in general education.

Pupils applying for weighted-curriculum education must take an aptitude test that tests the pupils’ ability to study the weighted subject area they have applied for. Schools with the same weighted-curriculum instruction apply the same aptitude test and hold the tests at the same time.

Applicants living in Helsinki 

  • Apply to Grade 1: Weighted-curriculum education starting in grade 1 is offered in one school: Poronlahti Comprehensive school's, special emphasis in music. Apply with a PDF form in January when all future-first grades enrol to school. The PDF will be uploaded here closer to the application period.
  • Apply to Grade 3: Register for the aptitude test via Wilma. Application period is in January. Applications for the weighted-curriculum in music at the Swedish-language school Kottby Grundskola follow the school's own guidelines. For more detailed instructions, see Kottby Grundskolan website, section 'Intensifierad musikundervisning från årskurs 3'.
  • Apply to Grade 7: register for the aptitude test via Wilma. Application period is in January. Applications for the weighted-curriculum in music at the Swedish-language school Kottby Grundskola follow the school's own guidelines. For more detailed instructions, see Kottby Grundskolan website, section 'Intensifierad musikundervisning från årskurs 7'.
  • For more information on the dates and the equipment needed for the selection tests, visit the school website.  Find all our comprehensive schools on the Comprehensive Schools page.

Applicants living in other cities

Please note that applicants enrolled in municipal schools in Helsinki are given priority in the admissions. If there are free places in the study groups, applicants from other cities can also be admitted. You can find detailed instructions in each grade's own section.

More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s own websites. You can find all Helsinki's comprehensive schools on this page.

Schools offering weighted-curriculum education

Weighted-curriculum education beginning in Grade 1

To gain admission to weighted-curriculum education, a pupil must take an aptitude test. More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s website.

Weighted-curriculum education beginning in Grade 3

To gain admission to weighted-curriculum education, pupils must take an aptitude test, registering for it via Wilma.

Pupils can apply for five different options, i.e. schools/weighted subject areas. The applied for options should be listed in the order of preference. Schools with the same weighted-curriculum education subjects will use the same aptitude test, and pupils will participate in the examination at the school they listed as their first choice.

More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s website.

Self-expression as a school subject means studying performance skills. Self-expression is studied in a group with the help of play and role play. Self-expression classes consist of exercises in speaking, movement, dance, theatre and music. The aim is for the pupils to find their own ways to express themselves.

The aptitude test consists of different kinds of self-expression tasks.

Weighted-curriculum in self-expression is available at Kannelmäki Comprehensive School.

Weighted-curriculum education beginning in Grade 7

To gain admission to weighted-curriculum education, pupils must take an aptitude test, registering for it via Wilma. Pupils can apply for five different options, i.e. schools/weighted subject areas. The applied for options should be listed in the order of preference. Schools with the same weighted-curriculum education areas will use the same aptitude test, (with the exception of Helsinki Normal Lyceum, which uses its own aptitude test for Latin) and pupils will participate in the test at the school they listed as their first choice.

More detailed schedules and additional information about the aptitude tests and the equipment needed for them are available on the school’s website.