Tervetuloa leikkipuistoon (PDF)
Välkommen till lekparken (PDF)
Welcome to the playground (PDF)
أهلاًً وسهلاًً بكم في
بستان اللعب (PDF)
Добро пожаловать на игровую площадку! (PDF)
Ku soo dhowow cuntaynta xagaaga ee jardiinooyinka ciyaarta (PDF)
We arrange fun and diverse indoor and outdoor activities, guided sessions, and various events. The activities are free of charge and no registration in advance is required. Our activities are guided, educational and goal-oriented and are governed by Helsinki’s curriculum for early childhood education and care.
At the playground, children can find playmates and parents and guardians can meet other families with children. We provide facilities for childcare. We also listen to the families when designing and planning activities. Speak to an employee about your wishes and ideas.
In the sections below, we have listed a few examples of the activities organised by playgrounds and family houses. See up-to-date information and upcoming playground events in the event calendar(Link leads to external service) . You can also search for events in the event calendar by a playground's name. Search playgrounds and family houses .
Outdoor activities
You are always welcome to spend time and play on the outdoor areas of playgrounds. Outdoor activity sessions feature play with changing toys and themes based on the participants’ wishes − we can play with hobby horses, create a shop or a car wash and who knows what else! The instructors would love to hear childrens', as well as others, ideas and plans for activities. Through play, children can find playmates and parents and guardians can meet other families with children.
For families with babies: Baby dates and baby mornings
All families with babies are welcome to the playground’s baby dates ('Vauvatreffit') and baby mornings (Vauva-aamu)! At the baby meeting, babies at crawling age, together with their parents, get to play, move around, explore, and express themselves through music, exercise, arts and crafts and story sessions.
Parents and children can participate in planning and carrying out activities together with the instructors. You can warm your own food at the playground and make coffee or tea.
Browse the baby dates in the event calendar(Link leads to external service)
Browse the baby mornings in the event calendar(Link leads to external service)
Baby circus
Have fun with your baby at this cheery and joyous baby circus. Your baby will enjoy both the thrill of speed and gentle moments of tenderness. Songs, nursery rhymes and games make the baby circus an enjoyable moment of quality time with your baby, and colourful circus equipment will arouse curiosity.
The occasion is suitable for babies aged four months and over who are not yet walking. The sessions are free of charge. Register with the playground or family house by email or phone. The sessions have a limited number of spaces available.
The playgrounds and family houses have facilities for baby care, warming up food and breastfeeding. You are free to stay to chat or play with other families after the session. Come play around!
‘Happily on the move’ sessions and family exercise
‘Happily on the move’ sessions ('Ilo liikkua-tuokio') are engaging exercise sessions with a story element for children aged 1 and over and their parents or guardians.
The exercise sessions are designed to improve basic motor skills by moving in various ways and using different equipment, such as balls. The sessions are fully supervised with a short free-form section.
The sessions also aim to create positive interaction experiences between the parent or guardian and child.
Let’s get moving and have fun together!
Music and nursery rhyme sessions for families
Guardians and children get together to sing, play and get musical outdoors or indoors at the playground or family house. For more information about music sessions ('Musiikkituokio') and nursery rhyme sessions ('Lorutuokio'), get in touch with the playground.
Find music sessions in the event calendar(Link leads to external service)
Find nursery rhyme sessions in the event calendar(Link leads to external service)
Today we play!
’Today we play!' ('Tänään leikitään!') sessions at the playground’ activities let you experience the joys of imaginative play with changing themes.
Today we play! activities let children and adults immerse themselves in the world of play and imagination. Together with the instructors, families build enticing environments for children to play in: a shop, harbour, house, traffic town, animal nests and who knows what else. Themes change based on the season and the participants’ wishes.
Browse the upcoming 'Today we play' sessions in the event calendar(Link leads to external service)
Sleep guidance
Playground instructors, together with family centre social instructors for families with children, organise sleep guidance groups for families who struggle with the “night life” of a 6 to 12-month-old baby: They might have difficulties putting the baby to sleep or getting the baby to fall asleep, or the baby might wake up several times during the night.
Families will be provided with individual support in small groups. Each sleep guidance group will meet three times. The meetings will be organised approximately every two weeks starting at mid-morning or early evening. One group will comprise 6 to 7 families.
Sleep guidance aims to get the baby to fall asleep and sleep through the night without constant adult assistance. Parents will be encouraged to solve the baby’s sleep issues with gentle home remedies. Register for the sleep guidance group with a social instructor for families with children.
Baby massage
Baby massage strengthens a baby emotionally, physically and motorically. Baby massage activates, soothes, relaxes and pleases the baby and enhances the bond between the guardian and the child.
Massage has many other benefits, too. Baby massage offers many parents and guardians a shared activity with their baby. Baby massage is also a method for strengthening the baby’s general fitness by increasing blood circulation, deepening breathing, and enhancing digestion.
The playgrounds and family houses organise baby massage. For information on the groups, please see the weekly programmes of the locations. Participation in the groups usually requires advance registration. You can register with the instructors at the playground or family house arranging the activity.
Baby colour play
Colour play is a way for the baby to get familiar with colours. The baby is guided in trying out and experiencing the colours and other materials using the senses and movement. The session is centred around doing things together in a relaxed atmosphere and progressing at the baby’s own pace. The art supplies used at the session are safe for children to use.
In 2025, a few playgrounds and family houses in Helsinki will start offering Swedish-language activities for families with babies and small children.
- Family House Kuutti, Katajanokka
- Family House Kajuutta, Vuosaari
- Family House Sahrami, Vallila
- Playground Hilleri, Siilitie
- Playground Iso-Antti, Marjaniemi
- Playground Isoneva, Etelä-Haaga
- Playground Loru, Kamppi (National Library Oodi, 3rd floor)
The playgrounds and family houses will update the details of their Swedish-language activities on their websites at the beginning of 2025.
The activities will provide a meeting place for Swedish-speaking families with babies and little ones, as well as for all those interested. The activities will consist of play, exercise, nursery rhymes and songs. Read more about the activities under the heading "Activities for babies and little ones" above.
Playgrounds organise infant family guidance as a follow-up to the child health clinic’s family training. There are three themes for the activities, which are discussed together with the instructors. The meetings have the same content at all locations.
The themes of infant family activities are:
- Being with the baby – what is early interaction?
- Coping with everyday life – being a parent
- The baby’s daily routine
Being with the baby: what is early interaction?
When registering, please enter the participant's name, the baby's age, the date and the time you plan to participate.
- 14 January 13.00–14.30 Family House Kuutti, Merikasarminkatu 8, (Kajanokka) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program) (Note! also in Swedish)
- 14 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 15 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 17 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Tuorinniemi, Agnetankuja 4, (Herttoniemi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 29 January 13.30–15.00 Family House Kajuutta, Kaivonkatsojanpolku 4, (Vuosaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 31 January 9.30–11.00 Playground Kiikku, Kiikku 6, (Kontula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 31 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Brahe, Porvoonkatu 4, (Alppiharju) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 31 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Laurinniitty, Laurinniityntie 14, (Lassila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 February 9.30–11.00 Playground Kotinummi, Uudenpellonkuja 5, (Malmi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 12 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Viiri, Herukkakuja 3, (Pikku-Huopalahti) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 26 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Strömberg, Strömbergintie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 27 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Taivallahti, Pohjoinen Hesperian katu 22, (Etu-Töölö) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 17 Marc 10.00–11.30 Playground Mäkitorppa, Mäkitorpantie 42, (Oulunkylä) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 18 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 20 March 9.30–11.00 Playground Kurranummi, Kotinummentie 51, (Tapanila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 26 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Intia, Intiankatu 44, (Kumpula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 1 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Ulvila, Ulvilantie 17 b, (Munkkivuori) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 3 April 9.30–11.00 Playground Kurranummi, Kotinummentie 51, (Tapanila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 9 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 10 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Lahnalahti, Lauttasaarentie 40a, (Lauttasaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
Coping with everyday life: being a parent
When registering, please enter the participant's name, the baby's age, the date and the time you plan to participate.
- 28 January 13.00–14.30 Family House Kuutti, Merikasarminkatu 8, (Kajanokka) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program) (Note! also in Swedish)
- 29 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 31 January 10.00–11.30 Playground Tuorinniemi, Agnetankuja 4, (Herttoniemi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 4 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 February 9.30–11.00 Playground Kiikku, Kiikku 6, (Kontula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Brahe, Porvoonkatu 4, (Alppiharju) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 12 February 13.30–15.00 Family House Kajuutta, Kaivonkatsojanpolku 4, (Vuosaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 28 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Laurinniitty, Laurinniityntie 14, (Lassila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 5 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Viiri, Herukkakuja 3, (Pikku-Huopalahti) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 March 9.30–11.00 Playground Kotinummi, Uudenpellonkuja 5, (Malmi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 12 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Strömberg, Strömbergintie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 13 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Taivallahti, Pohjoinen Hesperian katu 22, (Etu-Töölö) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 31 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Mäkitorppa, Mäkitorpantie 42, (Oulunkylä) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 8 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 9 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Intia, Intiankatu 44, (Kumpula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 17 April 9.30–11.00 Playground Kurranummi, Kotinummentie 51, (Tapanila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 22 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Ulvila, Ulvilantie 17 b, (Munkkivuori) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 23 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 24 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Lahnalahti, Lauttasaarentie 40a, (Lauttasaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
The baby's daily routine
When registering, please enter the participant's name, the baby's age, the date and the time you plan to participate.
- 11 February 13.00–14.30 Family House Kuutti, Merikasarminkatu 8, (Kajanokka) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program) (Note! also in Swedish)
- 12 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 14 February 9.30–11.00 Playground Kiikku, Kiikku 6, (Kontula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 14 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Tuorinniemi, Agnetankuja 4, (Herttoniemi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 14 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Brahe, Porvoonkatu 4, (Alppiharju) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 25 February 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 26 February 13.30–15 Family House Kajuutta, Kaivonkatsojanpolku 4, (Vuosaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 March 9.30–11.00 Playground Kotinummi, Uudenpellonkuja 5, (Malmi) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 14 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Laurinniitty, Laurinniityntie 14, (Lassila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 26 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Viiri, Herukkakuja 3, (Pikku-Huopalahti) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 26 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Strömberg, Strömbergintie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 27 March 10.00–11.30 Playground Taivallahti, Pohjoinen Hesperian katu 22, (Etu-Töölö) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 14 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Mäkitorppa, Mäkitorpantie 42, (Oulunkylä) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 17 April 9.30–11.00 Playground Kurranummi, Kotinummentie 51, (Tapanila) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 23 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Intia, Intiankatu 44, (Kumpula) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 29 April 10.00–11.30 Playground Piika, Arentikuja 5 (Malminkartano) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 7 May 10.00–11.30 Playground Nuoli, Nuolitie 5 (Pitäjänmäki) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 13 May 10.00–11.30 Playground Ulvila, Ulvilantie 17 b, (Munkkivuori) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
- 15 May 10.00–11.30 Playground Lahnalahti, Lauttasaarentie 40a, (Lauttasaari) Sign up here(Link opens default mail program)
Free clubs for 2–4-year-olds meet for a few hours 1–4 times a week.
Organising of after-school activities in basic education at playgrounds
After-school activities are intended for 1st and 2nd graders and pupils who need special support. The activities are organised in accordance with the National Core Curriculum for Morning and After-school Activities of the Finnish National Agency for Education and the action plan for the morning and after-school activities of the city. In addition to playgrounds, activities are organised at schools and other suitable premises near schools.
After-school activities can be applied for each year during the application period. The children are selected for after-school activities for one school year at a time and are charged a fixed monthly fee: EUR 100/month for activities until 16.00 and EUR 120/month for activities until 17.00. You can apply for discount on the client fee.
Playgrounds organising morning and after-school activities in accordance with the Basic Education Act in the school year 2025–2026: Arabia, Brahe, Etupelto, Filpus, Hilleri, Ida, Intia, Iso-Antti, Isonneva, Kankarepuisto, Kannelmäki, Kesanto, Kiikku (service provider, Beanet Oy), Kiiltotähti, Kimmo, Kipinäpuisto, Kotinummi, Kurranummi, Lahnalahti, Lampi, Laurinniitty, Lehdokki, Linja, Linnunrata, Lohikäärmepuisto, Maasälpä, Maunula, Mellunmäki, Munkki, Mustakivi, Myllynsiipi, Mäkitorppa, Nuoli, Nurkka, Orava, Piika, Roihuvuori, Rudolf, Ruoholahti, Rusthollari, Salpausselkä, Sanna, Santahamina, Seppä, Strömberg, Taivallahti, Trumpetti, Tuorinniemi, Ulvila, Viikkari, Viiri ja Vähätupa.
Learn more about schoolchildren's after-school activities.
Activities during school holidays
During the school holidays (autumn break, Christmas holiday, winter break and summer holiday), some playgrounds organise free day camps and open guided holiday activities for school children. Further details about the holiday activities will be posted on the playgrounds’ websites before the holidays.
Café Tänään tavataan (“See you today” or "Let's spell words today") is part of the activities for families with small children at the city playgrounds and family houses.
At the café, families with different language and cultural backgrounds can meet, spend time and talk Finnish in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Adults get to know each other, and children find playmates. You can also take part in the activities without your child.
The activities take place at playgrounds and family houses’ indoor spaces.
Café Tänään tavataan uses everyday Finnish language in a practical way with children and parents by singing, playing, moving and making art. Participants learn about Finnish and Helsinki culture and introduce others to their own culture.
Café Tänään tavataan provides information about the playgrounds and family houses’ activities and can help you find the city services you need.
Welcome! We hope to see you at Café Tänään tavataan.
Find a Café Tänään tavataan
- Playground Strömberg
Mondays at 10-11 - Playground Kannelmäki
Tuesdays at 10-11 - Playground Viiri
Tuesdays at 10-11 - Playground Kotinummi
Wednesdays at 9.30-11.00 - Family house Kajuutta
Wednesdays at 10-12 - Family house Sahrami
Wednesdays at 13-14 - Playground Lampi
Wednesdays at 10-11 - Playground Kiikku
even weeks Thursdays at 9.30-11.30 - Playground Maatulli
Fridays at 9.30-11.00 - Playground Lehdokki
Fridays at 10-11