Studies after basic education

After basic education, all pupils continue their studies at the upper secondary level. Options include general upper secondary school, vocational school and preparatory education for upper secondary qualification (TUVA).

All 9th-graders apply for upper secondary education to continue their studies after comprehensive school. Students of compulsory school age (pupils under 18 years of age) can have their first upper secondary qualification free of charge.  

If you want to learn more about basic education, such as what free education includes, read more on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture: Questions and answers related to compulsory education. (Link leads to external service)

Where to apply

Finding the right place to study in Helsinki depends on three things:

1. Your language skills

Most of our study options are in the local languages, Finnish or Swedish. If you do not know the local language, you should enroll for language training programmes or for example IB programmes that are fully in English language.

2. Your year of birth

If you are under 16, you should first complete comprehensive education (lower secondary). If you are 16 to 18, you should apply to upper secondary education.  Don’t hesitate to contact our guidance services and find out your correct study level.

3. Your previous education

Having completed comprehensive education (e.g. Finnish comprehensive school grades 1–9, from age 7 to 15) in Finland or in another country makes it easier to continue to upper secondary education.  

How to apply

Joint application in February-March

Ninth-graders apply for upper secondary education or preparatory education for upper secondary qualification (TUVA) through the joint application system. The applications are submitted on the studyinfo website(Link leads to external service) .

You need a school-leaving certificate to apply for upper secondary education. Without it, you need to apply on discretionary grounds. Read more on applying on discretionary grounds.(Link leads to external service)

The school guidance counselor will help you in choosing your study path and the application process. If you aren’t currently enrolled in a Finnish comprehensive school, you can receive guidance from the guidance counselors in Ohjaamo and from the Compulsory education team ( opens default mail program) ). 

Rolling admissions  

If there are seats left after the joint application round, you can apply for a school place in the rolling application process. For general upper secondary, the admissions are open 4 times a year, for vocational and preparatory education (TUVA/HUX), the admission is year-round. The selection criteria are the same as in the main admission. You can apply in the rolling admissions at  

More information about compulsory education

If you want to learn more about compulsory education, such as what free education includes, read more on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture: Questions and answers related to compulsory education(Link leads to external service) .