Preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA)

Still wondering what you should study? Maybe you should consider preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification.

Preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA) combines voluntary additional basic education, also known as 10th grade, with preparatory education for general upper secondary education (LUVA) and preparatory education for vocational education and training (VALMA).

You can participate in TUVA education if you need preparatory education, regardless of whether you are of compulsory school age. The training takes one year. However, you can move on to general upper secondary school or vocational education and training immediately once you have achieved a sufficient skill level and know what you want to study.

In TUVA education, you can

- specify your plans for further studies
- raise your comprehensive school grades
- study general upper secondary school and vocational qualification units.

We will prepare a personal study plan for you, based on your skills and goals.

How to apply to TUVA education

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The theme of video is Student Welfare as a Basis for Learning. There is option to choose English subtitles.

Service points

Helsinki Vocational College, Hattulantie unit

Address: Hattulantie 2, 00550 Helsinki
Kolme ajoneuvoalan opiskelijaa tutkii autoa.

Helsinki Vocational College, Ilkantie unit

Address: Ilkantie 3, 00400 Helsinki

Helsinki Vocational College, Vilppulantie unit

Address: Vilppulantie 14, 00700 Helsinki