Apply to general upper secondary school

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Photo: Maija Astikainen

How to apply to the city's general upper secondary school

You can apply to a general upper secondary school during joint application periods through the Studyinfo (Link leads to external service) online service. For this, you will need a basic education certificate or a similar certificate. The joint application period for studies starting in the autumn takes place in the spring. Some of our general upper secondary schools may emphasise one or more subjects when it comes to the criteria for selecting students. Schools may also have entrance or aptitude tests and take into account the applicant’s other education, hobbies or other demonstrations of their skills. Find more information on the selection criteria on the Studyinfo website or on the website of the general upper secondary school that you are interested in.

If you are interested in studying at Konepaja Upper Secondary School for Adults, please see the school’s website for enrolment instructions.   

If you are moving to Helsinki without a study place and the school year has already begun, please contact Ohjaamo Helsinki(Link leads to external service) . There you will receive advice and guidance on finding a study place. 

Apply through the rolling admission if places are available

If, during the school year, there are open places in the city's general upper secondary schools, they are made available for application through the rolling admission process. This admission process uses the same admission criteria as the joint application system.

The rolling admission process is for those who

  • move to Helsinki in the middle of the school year
  • have received their basic education certificate  in the middle of the school year
  • are in preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA) and want to apply to general upper secondary schools in the middle of the school year

The rolling admission process is held four times a year: autumn, winter, spring and summer. The open places in general upper secondary school programmes that require passing an entrance test are made available through the rolling admission process in the spring unless the school organises additional entrance tests during other application times. 

The spring application period is primarily meant for applicants who have already taken some general upper secondary school courses. Those who receive their basic education certificates in June do not participate in the rolling admission process in the spring.

Places in education that were not filled through the joint application system are made available for application in the rolling admission process organised in summer.

Application dates

Helsinki City general upper secondary schools' continuous application process for winter 2024 has no vacancies. The next application period will begin in the spring.

  • Autumn: 16–20 September 2024 (week 38)
    • In the five-period system, the starting time is the 3rd period
    • In the four-period system, the starting time is the 2nd period
  • Winter:  9–13 December 2024 (week 50) -  No vacancies. 
    • In the five-period system, the starting time is the 4th period
    • In the four-period system, the starting time is the 3rd period
  • Spring:  7–11 April 2025 (week 15)
    • In the five-period system, the starting time is the 1st period
    • In the four-period system, the starting time is the 1st period
  • Summer: 9 June–1 August 2025, open Mon–Fri, closed on weekends (weeks 24–31)
    • In the five-period system, the starting time is the 1st period
    • In the four-period system, the starting time is the 1st period

The rolling  admission process also uses the Studyinfo service(Link leads to external service) . The general upper secondary schools of the City of Helsinki have a joint application form. This means that you can use the same form to apply to all of the city’s general upper secondary schools that interest you. Please note, that the form is open only during application periods. The form opens at 8.00 am on the first day of the application period. For the summer admission round, general upper secondary schools will open any free places for applications when the places not filled in the joint selection are confirmed.

Those who organise the preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA) must enter the increased basic education grades in the KOSKI online service by the last day of the application period. In addition, the applicant must have an official certificate of the increased grades, which must be attached to the application as an image or pdf file. The attachment must be submitted within the application deadline.

Go to the application form(Link leads to external service)

Average grades and points for admission to our general upper secondary schools

The City of Helsinki’s general upper secondary schools select students based on their average grades and points. Some of our general upper secondary schools may take the grades for the subjects they emphasise into account in calculating the average grades. 

Our general upper secondary schools may require applicants to take entrance or aptitude tests. They may also take into account the applicant’s other education, hobbies or other demonstrations of their skills. The selection criteria and maximum score may vary from year to year.  More detailed information on the selection criteria can be found on each general upper secondary school’s website.  

General upper secondary school and programme  Minimum average grade or points 2024 Minimum average grade or points 2023 Minimum average grade or points 2022
Alppila Upper Secondary School 8,42 Avg. 8,42 Avg. 8,33 Avg.
Brändö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, General programme 8,54 Avg. 8,17 Avg. 7,83 Avg.
Brändö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, PE (physical education) emphasis 15,15 / 20 pt 15,69/20 pt 15,45 / 20 pt
Etu-Töölö Upper Secondary School 8,5 Avg. 8,46 Avg. 8,42 Avg.
Gymnasiet Lärkan Upper Secondary School 8,23 Avg. 8,15 Avg. 7,75 Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Languages, General programme 7,92 Avg. 7,62 Avg. 7,38 Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Languages, Languages and internationality emphasis 8,17 Avg. 8,00 Avg. 8,00 Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Languages, Bilingual Finnish-English emphasis 8 wgt.Avg. 7,79 wgt. Avg. 9,1 / 15 pt
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Visual Arts, Visual arts emphasis 13,5 / 20 pt 14,42/20 pt 15,12 / 20 pt
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences, General programme 8,58 Avg. 8,58 Avg. 8,46 Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences, Natural sciences emphasis 9,06 wgt. Avg. 9,03 wgt. Avg. 9,50 wgt. Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Media Arts, General programme 7,17 Avg. 7,25 Avg. 7,25 Avg.
Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Media Arts, Media and society emphasis 7 / 12 pt 7,11/12 pt 7,59 / 12 pt
Kallio Upper Secondary School of Performing Arts, Performing arts emphasis 14,56 /20 pt 14,9/20 pt 15,08 / 20 pt
Konepaja Upper Secondary School 7,08 Avg.    
Mäkelänrinne Upper Secondary School, General programme 9,23 Avg. 9,00  Avg. 8,85 Avg.
Mäkelänrinne Upper Secondary School, Sports emphasis 15,97 /20 pt 16,15/20 pt 15,91 / 20 pt
Ressun lukio Upper Secondary School / Ressun lukio IB World School, General programme 9,75 Avg. 9,69 Avg. 9,67 Avg.
Ressun lukio Upper Secondary School / Ressun lukio IB World School, IB-programme 9,17 Avg. 9,42 Avg. 9,17 Avg.
Sibelius-lukio Upper Secondary School, General programme 9,33 Avg. 9,25 Avg. 9,23 Avg.
Sibelius-lukio Upper Secondary School, Music emphasis 16,82 /20 pt 16,15/20 pt 16,08 / 20 pt
Sibelius-lukio Upper Secondary School, Dance emphasis 16,88 /20 pt 17,58/20 pt 16,85 / 20 pt
Tölö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, General programme 7,92 Avg. 7,17 Avg. 7,92 Avg.
Tölö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, Visual arts emphasis 15,5 / pt 17,5/20 pt 16,17 / 20 pt
Tölö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, Music emphasis 16,54 /20 pt 16,92/20 pt 17,00 / 20 pt
Tölö Gymnasium Upper Secondary School, Human ecology emphasis 7,54 /20 pt 16,25/20 pt 16,17 / 20 pt
Vuosaari Upper Secondary School,  General programme 7,58 Avg. 7,67 Avg. 7,70  Avg.
Vuosaari Upper Secondary School, Music emphasis 12,83 / 20 pt 11,5/20 pt 9,92 / 20 pt
Vuosaari Upper Secondary School, Technology emphasis 11 /20 pt 13,5/20 pt 12,50 / 20 pt
Average grades and mininum points for admission 2022 - 2024

Source: Education Statistics Finland Vipunen by the Finnish National Agency for Education(Link leads to external service)