Heka does not currently have short-term rental apartments. However, you can apply for short-term rental apartments from the non-subsidized apartments owned by the city of Helsinki

Short-term housing

If you only need housing for a few months, for example due to plumbing renovation, you can apply for short-term housing.

Heka asuintalo osoitteessa Mäkelänkatu 86
Perhe Kalasatamassa
Photo: Maija Astikainen

City-owned short-term rental housing

We offer short-term rental housing for temporary housing needs. You may receive short-term rental housing if you need to live away from your home for a few months due to, for example, a plumbing renovation, work assignment or practical training.

Short-term rental housing are non-subsidized rental apartments owned by the city of Helsinki. There are no income or wealth limits in the selection of tenants. You can also continue your rental agreement after the short-term stay if you wish to stay in the apartment.

Apply for a short-term apartment through Oikotie.fi (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Read more about non-subsidized rental apartments and how to apply for them.

Housing Services, rental apartment search advisory service

Visiting address:
Työpajankatu 8, 00580 Helsinki
Opening hours:

Customer service Työpajankatu 8:
Mon 12.00 - 15.00
Tue - Wed 8.30 - 12.00
Thu - Fri 12.00 - 15.00

Phone service, tel 09 310 13030:
Mon & Thu 9.00 - 12.00
Tue & Wed 13.00 - 15.30

Please note that the earliest time you can get a queue number is 11.00 on Monday, Thursday & Friday. We can use a translation service at the customer service desks.