General enquiries – Contact Education Division's general advisory services
If you need general advice on the services of daycare centres, family daycare or playgrounds, please call us. Please note that the general advisory service does not have access to customer information systems.
The Education Division’s advisory services team provides general guidance about the division’s services. Call +358 9 310 44986(Link leads to external service) Mon–Fri at 9.00–12.00 noon and 13.00–15.00 or send email at opens default mail program)
See contact details for Education Division advisory services.
Applying – Contact the Service Guidance
If you have any questions on how to apply to early childhood education or pre-primary education, please email or call us. Please have your child's social security number or the case number on the Asti online service application ready when you call us.
Service guidance for early childhood education and pre-primary education provides guidance in application-related matters. Send email to opens default mail program) or call +345 9 310 80488. The telephone service is open Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Friday at 9.00–12.00 and Thursday at 9.00–11.00. Guidance in Swedish Tuesday at 9.00–12.00.
Unfortunately, our telephone service cannot accept calls after the service hours are over, even if there are callers in the queue. Please make sure to close the line when the service hours are over, because the answering machine does not inform you about the time.
If you have any questions about Asti, user guidance is available by calling 09 310 27196(Link starts a phone call) . The telephone service is open Mon–Fri at 8:00–18:00.
If you have questions about starting early childhood education, please contact the daycare centre assigned to your child.
On the closed days you can contact the Education Division's general advisory service by telephone on +358 9310 44986, or email the service counsellors at opens default mail program) .
If you wish to email your enquiry, please use one of the following as the email subject:
• Application for early childhood education/pre-primary education
• Attachment to an urgent application
• Question regarding the early childhood education application process
• Question regarding a decision
• Cancellation of the early childhood education place
• Problem with using the Asti service
• Other matter
Please also indicate your child's name and which daycare centre your matter concerns. You can also include the case number of your child’s early childhood education decision to speed up processing.
If you have questions about the practicalities of starting early childhood education, please contact the daycare centre assigned to your child.
If you have questions regarding early childhood education in different languages, get in touch with Eduguidance, our advisory service for English-language and bilingual services by email at opens default mail program) .
Contact the Daycare Fee Unit for Fees and Invoicing
If you have any questions about early childhood education fees, please email or call the Daycare Fee Unit of early childhood education.
The Daycare Fee Unit of early childhood education can help you by email at opens default mail program) or by phone on +358 9 310 43270. The telephone service is open Mon–Fri at 9.00–11.00.
If you have any questions about invoicing, payments, due date postponements or collection, please email or call the Financial Management Services. The Financial Management Services can be contacted by email at opens default mail program) or by phone on +358 9 3102 5300.
English or bilingual services – Contact our advisory service for English-language services
If you have any questions about English or bilingual education or early childhood education in different languages, please email or call us. (Link opens default mail program)
+358 9 310 38998(Link starts a phone call)
You can also book an online appointment. We speak Finnish and English.
Daycare centres, playgrounds and family houses' contact information
The contact information for daycare centres, playgrounds and family houses available on the locations’ own pages. Find the contact details via the links below:
- For municipal daycare centres' contact details, go to our daycare centre search tool
- City's playgrounds, opens Service map(Link leads to external service)
- City's family houses, opens Service map(Link leads to external service)
Early childhood education district managers
Helsinki is divided into early childhood education districts. The early childhood education district manager is responsible for the early childhood education services in the area, which include daycare centres, family daycare, pre-primary education and club activities.
The district manager is responsible for the finances and service network of the early childhood education district and acts as the superior of the daycare centre directors, head instructors of playgrounds and family daycare supervisors.
Contact the Service guidance in matters related to applying to early childhood education and receiving a place in early childhood education.
District managers:
Southern Early Childhood Education District: Kampinmalmi, Lauttasaari, Taka-Töölö, Ullanlinna, Vironniemi
District Manager: Sari Utriainen, tel. 09 310 44655, opens default mail program)
Central Early Childhood Education District: Kallio, Alppiharju, Vallila, Pasila, Vanhakaupunki
District Manager: Sirpa Juuri, tel. 310 43226, 050 336 1829
Western Early Childhood Education District: Reijola, Munkkiniemi, Haaga, Kaarela, Pitäjänmäki, Kannelmäki, Maununneva, Hakuninmaa, Kuninkaantammi, Malminkartano
District Manager: Ida Mäkinen, tel. 09 310 39993, 040 734 8933
Northern Early Childhood Education District: Maunula, Länsi-Pakila, Tuomarinkylä, Oulunkylä, Itä-Pakila, Paloheinä, Torpparinmäki, Veräjänmäki
District Manager: Raila Tiainen-Ala-Maunus, tel. 09 310 41222, 050 516 7720
Southeastern Early Childhood Education District: Kulosaari, Herttoniemi, Laajasalo
District Manager: Tiina Ahonen, tel. 09 310 56407, 050 345 1447
Eastern Early Childhood Education District 1: Vartiokylä, Vuosaari, Östersundom
District Manager: Antti Lehto-Raevuori, tel. 09 310 62842, 050 301 1969
Eastern Early Childhood Education District 2: Myllypuro, Mellunkylä
District Manager: Heini Valppu-Virenius, tel. 09 3106 2508, 050 3623 692
Northeastern Early Childhood Education: Jakomäki, Latokartano, Malmi, Puistola, Pukinmäki, Suutarila
District Manager: Eeva Tiihonen, tel. 09 310 58499, 050 336 5725
Private early childhood education
District Manager: Riikka Reunanen, tel. 09 310 32641, 040 827 6926
Early childhood education support services manager: Paavali Pipatti, tel. puh. 09 310 22968, 040 504 6003 (early childhood education client fees and service guidance)
Swedish early childhood education
District manager: Jenni Tirronen, tel. 09 310 73014, 050 362 4285
Psychologists and social workers in Finnish-language pre-primary education pupil welfare
Eastern major districts
Social worker Hanna-Mari Pitts (Eastern), tel. 09 310 65993, opens default mail program)
Social worker Eeva-Kaarina Männikkö (Eastern), tel. 09 310 22962, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Anette Taskinen, tel. 09 310 40919, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Erika Tasanen (Myllypuro area only), tel. 09 310 22656, opens default mail program)
South-eastern major district
Social worker Matias Grönmark, tel. 09 310 31677, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Erika Tasanen, tel. 09 310 22656, opens default mail program)
North-eastern major district
Social worker Miia Holmberg, tel. 09 310 22657, opens default mail program)
Social worker Annamari Njie, tel. 09 310 60023, (Link opens default mail program)
Psychologist Saara Ollikainen, tel. 09 310 53008, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Satu Roininen, tel. 09 310 80191, opens default mail program)
Western and Northern major districts
Social worker Katja Lehto (Western), tel. 09 310 22658, opens default mail program)
Social worker Noora Tuhkanen (Northern), tel. 09 310 32570, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Karri Villanen, tel. 09 310 22659, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Satu Roininen (Northern), tel. 09 310 80191, opens default mail program)
Southern major district
Social worker Hanne Launamo, tel. 09 310 28235, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Milla Hormaluoma, tel. 09 310 22661, opens default mail program)
Central major district
Social worker Katri Pulkkinen, tel. 09 310 22660, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Taija Kivestö, tel. 09 310 39896, opens default mail program)
Psychologists and social workers in Swedish-language pre-primary education pupil welfare
Southern district
Social worker Nina Mikander, tel. 09 310 82177, opens default mail program)
Social worker Moa Lillkaas, tel. 09 310 33423, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Markus Varjonen, tel. 09 310 71953, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Ann-Kristin Åkerholm, tel. 09 310 71808, opens default mail program)
Western district
Social worker Monica Kulmala, tel. 09 310 80154, 040 660 9808, opens default mail program)
Social worker Ina Ylitervo, tel. 09 310 80955, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Lina Johansson, tel. 09 310 71980, 050 591 7237, opens default mail program)
Northern district
Social worker Linda Huhtamäki, tel. 040 624 9113, opens default mail program)
Social worker Lina Stenman, tel. 050 5917235, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Andrea Holm, tel. 09 310 26048, 040 638 9034, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Marie-Estelle Hokkanen, tel. 09 310 39817, 040 564 5754, opens default mail program)
Eastern District
Social worker Reem Ali Dib, tel. 09 310 27868, 040 565 5273, opens default mail program)
Social worker Michaela Rask, tel. 050 401 3207, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Marie-Estelle Hokkanen, tel. 09 310 39817, 040 564 5754, opens default mail program)
Psychologist Minna Sirelius, tel. 050 553 9694, (Link opens default mail program)