What is the pedagogy of hope?
Pedagogy of hope is a common way of working and thinking in general upper secondary education and upper secondary student welfare in the City of Helsinki. According to it, everyone, from student to principal, is treated with respect while seeing the good in others. Our goal is to strengthen the well-being, learning and community spirit of not just you and other students, but the upper secondary school staff as well.
At its simplest, the pedagogy of hope can be about being considerate to others in everyday life. However, being able to treat others with respect is not always self-evident. Therefore, upper secondary schools in Helsinki practice socio-emotional skills and how to set an example. With regular exercises, it is easier for teachers, students and the whole community to work for a common goal: a hopeful future.
We will take care of you now and in the future
Hope does not come out of nothing, and to instil hope is an effort that will never be completed. At the City of Helsinki, we develop, apply and share the pedagogy of hope especially during academic years 2024–2025 and 2025–2026.
Everyone is treated with respect
In our upper secondary schools, we take care of you by ensuring that the teachers, principals and other staff are qualified and competent in how they treat people as well. For example, we plan and implement the contents of training, studies and events that promote the pedagogy of hope.
No subject to be feared
With the help of the Matikkailo ('Math joy') research pilot, we ensure that all students get to find the joy of studying mathematics and that there is no need to be afraid of any subject.
Your opinion matters
We listen to the students' opinions on well-being, learning, and faith in the future in the Advisory Board forums.
The message of hope can and must be shared
We hold a variety of events and trainings, many of which are open to all.
How is the pedagogy of hope implemented in our upper secondary schools?
The staff of our upper secondary schools promotes the pedagogy of hope through their own interactions and teaching efforts. How the pedagogy of hope is implemented also depend on you and the other students. Below, we have listed different ways and situations that you can implement it in.
What is the pedagogy of hope based on?
Positive psychology studies human well-being and happiness. The pedagogics of hope are based on the idea of flourishing of well-being and happiness through the power of positive emotions, commitment, relationships, meaningfulness and achievement of goals. Positive psychology has also come to a later awakening on the importance of vitality, as physical health is a springboard for holistic well-being.
Resilience refers to the ability to handle difficulties, adapt to changes and even grow as a result. It keeps you in good physical and mental health, as well as turns your eyes to the future and its opportunities: hope. Resilience is influenced not only by your own qualities and strengths; environmental changes and resources also play a huge role in its emergence.
SchoolWell is a multidisciplinary research project. It aims to create research-based, sustainable and effective socio-pedagogical solutions that promote and maintain the good life and positive development of children and young adults from different backgrounds. SchoolWell emphasizes, for example, the quality of interaction and the connection between well-being and learning.

The pedagogy of hope is based on observations from positive psychology, resilience studies and SchoolWell research consortium. By drawing on them, the upper secondary schools of the City of Helsinki can boost your well-being and learning in the best possible way. As a student, you spend much of your time at school, which gives it a significant role, responsibility, and potential to promote your well-being. In upper secondary schools, the observations of positive psychology are applied as means to boost, for example, commitment, faith in the future and meaningfulness.
During an adolescent’s development, their psyche undergoes significant changes. When you are young, you learn to manage your own emotions and tolerate uncomfortable situations, even in upper secondary school. An appropriate level of stress supports development of resilience – and learning. However, some of life's challenges can be so great that they stop you in your tracks. You need to give them space so that you can process your emotions.
To keep you full of hope, our upper secondary schools’ teachers and other adults will stop and listen to your worries and desperate experiences without making light of them. In difficult and disappointing situations, the upper secondary school’s staff can show you that you can get through anything.
Webinars on managing the pedagogy of hope
In the Finnish-language webinar series Toivon johtamisen aamukahvit ('morning coffee with the management of pedagogy of hope'), specialists discuss the development of upper secondary education students' hope, faith in the future, wellbeing and learning through school management. The webinars are in Finnish.
The webinars, hosted by Elina Aaltolainen, the CEO of Milestone, can be watched on Helsinki Channel. Everyone who is interested in managing the pedagogy of hope is welcome!
Managing hope by creating a safe community
In the first webinar of the series, Jenni Spännäri, PhD in theology, researcher and educator, talks about the connection between safe community and hope.
Date and time: 10 February 2025 at 9–10 am. The webinar is in Finnish.
Watch Webinar 1 on Helsinki Channel (Link leads to external service)
Finding and managing meanings
In the second webinar, organisation psychologist and entrepreneur Jaakko Sahimaa talks about the meaning of work and managing meanings.
Date and time: 18 March 2025 at 9–10 am. The webinar is in Finnish.Watch Webinar 2 on Helsinki Channel(Link leads to external service)
See the strengths and manage a group that tolerates imperfections
In the third webinar of the series, Kaisa Vuorinen, PhD in philosophy, special educational needs teacher and solution-oriented coach, talks about managing strengths and incompleteness.
Date and time: 5 May 2025 at 9–10 am. The webinar is in Finnish.Watch Webinar 3 on Helsinki Channel(Link leads to external service)
Hope by managing emotions
In the final webinar, Tanja Lappi, occupational health psychologist and management coach talks about managing emotions.
Date and time: 12 May 2025 at 9–10am. The webinar is in Finnish.
Watch Webinar 4 on Helsinki Channel(Link leads to external service)
Learn more about the pedagogy of hope
Do you have questions about the Pedagogy of hope? Get in touch with the student welfare unit or Ida Orellana, upper secondary education specialist.