Services provided by the City of Helsinki when you receive temporary protection and reside in Helsinki without a registered municipality of residence

We support all Ukrainians living in Helsinki. The following services of the City of Helsinki can help you when you have a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection and you reside in Helsinki without a registered municipality of residence.

The Finnish Immigration Service provides all the advice you need. You should first contact the reception centre where you are registered.
Advisory services for applicants seeking temporary protection (Finnish Immigration Service)(Link leads to external service)

You will receive information and advice on the services provided by the City of Helsinki’s Childhood and Education Division.  

Information about starting basic education for families moving to Finland from abroad

Welcome to the playground (PDF)

The Finnish Immigration Service organises the health and social services you need. You can also read more about the topic on the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health via the link below.

Health and social services for applicants seeking temporary protection (Finnish Immigration Service)(Link leads to external service)  

Health and social services for people arriving from Ukraine (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)(Link leads to external service)  

If you have a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection, you are unemployed and your registered address is in Helsinki, you can become a client of Helsinki Employment Services, and use our services at no cost.  We can help you find a job, apply for study and training programmes, and sign up for Finnish and Swedish classes. If necessary, we can book an interpreter to help explain things in your own language.

Helsinki Employment Services

Helsingin työllisyyspalvelut ukrainalaisille (Helsinki Employment Services for Ukrainians) Facebook group (in Finnish and Ukrainian)(Link leads to external service)  

Working in Finland (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)(Link leads to external service)  

Work and Enterprise in Helsinki (InfoFinland)(Link leads to external service)  

Business Helsinki: Events

We help you to: 

  • find a job
  • update your CV and job application
  • consider different education and training options
  • apply for Finnish recognition of qualifications earned abroad
  • draw up an integration or employment plan
  • enrol in Finnish or Swedish language classes, if desired
  • benefit from a wide range of advisory and coaching services
  • stay informed about various recruitment events, and
  • integrate into Finland.

How can I register as a client?

  1. To become a client, you must first  visit Helsinki Employment Services: 
    1. Malminkatu 34 in the Kamppi district
    2. Asiakkaankatu 3 in the Itäkeskus district
  2. After registration, an employment services specialist will contact you to arrange an appointment. At the appointment, you will review your situation and goals, and map out the services you may need together with the specialist. You will also jointly prepare a personal employment or integration plan.
  3. Over the next few weeks, Helsinki Employment Services will be in touch with you via meetings, phone calls and email. If you wish, you can meet with your appointed specialist in person. During this time, you can use any of our advisory services without an appointment.

As a Helsinki Employment Services client, you will be required to:

  • Carry out your personal employment or integration plan as agreed
  • Actively seek employment or apply for a study or training programme
  • Inform your specialist of any changes to your contact details.

Integration plan

If you would like to settle down and live in Finland for a longer period of time, we can jointly draw up an integration plan with you. The plan specifies the services you will need for integration and finding employment. These may include:

  • Finnish or Swedish language classes
  • integration training
  • vocational education, and/or
  • job search coaching.

Integration training generally lasts about a year but may last up to three years maximum. It is intended for migrants who have moved to Finland recently. In the integration training, you will study the Finnish language and attend classes on Finnish society and working life.

Relevant news

Filter the city’s news in English for Ukraine-associated stories by choosing the topic of Ukraine in the city website’s news item search field.