Operations and finances

The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division is part of the City of Helsinki, but our finances are separate from the city’s finances.

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Annual Report

Helsinki’s Social Services and Health Care Division and the Rescue Department merged as part of the national health and social services reform on 1 January 2023. 


Change programme for the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division 2023–2026

The state has required Helsinki, the HUS Group, and all wellbeing services counties to prepare a change programme to balance their finances.

Helsinki’s Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division has prepared a change programme for 2023–2026. The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Committee decided on the preparations in the spring of 2023.

The financial change programme will help us ensure that we can continue to provide high-quality social services, health care and rescue services to Helsinki residents. 

Our change programme aims to find ways to increase our impact, cost-effectiveness, productivity and revenues without compromising the services our customers need.

We are implementing the change programme under five themes:

  1. ‘Service structure and management’, which consists of measures to improve our client intake process and streamline our service structures, shifting from heavy and expensive forms of care to lighter, preventive services.
  2. ‘Increasing revenue and defining our service offering’, which we will do through advocacy, potentially by revising our client fees and the content of our service provision, and by collecting fees efficiently.
  3. ‘Developing our service network and facilities’, which includes measures to help us develop operationally and financially successful solutions. ratkaisuja.
  4. ‘Production method selection and procurement’, which consists of the measures we will take to produce our services appropriately.
  5. The ‘Common’ theme, under which we will address division-wide financial adjustment measures as well as city-wide measures.

On 12 December and 19 December 2023, the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Committee discussed the planned change programme measures for 2024 in the context of the 2024 action plan and income budgets.

Read more about this topic

The City of Helsinki's Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division's change programme for balancing its finances 2023–2025 (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Change Programme 2023–2025, City of Helsinki's Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division (pdf, in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Annual reports of the wellbeing services county

The Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services (612/2021: Section  29(2)) requires wellbeing services counties to monitor:

  • the wellbeing and health of the population in their area;
  • the service needs by population group; and
  • the accessibility, quality, effectiveness ja equality of their services.

In addition, they must monitor the coordination of services and the costs and productivity of healthcare and social welfare services.

In this context, ‘welfare services county’ also refers to the City of Helsinki and the HUS Group.

In May 2023, the City of Helsinki submitted its report on the state of social welfare, health care and its finances to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STM) and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) as responses to a structured questionnaire. The report is required for the autumn 2023 negotiations on wellbeing services counties, THL’s expert assessments and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s annual review. The report aims to provide information on the quality of services and the effectiveness of activities in the wellbeing services county.

As requested by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the report includes the City of Helsinki’s assessments of the themes listed in the survey.

The report identifies the key findings regarding health and social services and the state of the area’s finances.

It also describes situations that indicate deficiencies in service provision and delivery or service production management that pose problems. We have identified the most significant operational and financial measures taken and the measures that are planned to address these deficiencies.

The priorities selected for the 2023 report are: 

  1. improving the quality of services (e.g. equality, integration, staff availability, and gaps in care and services); and
  2. increasing the effectiveness of operations (e.g. finances and cost developments).

Report to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in accordance with Section 29 (2) of the Organising Act, sirping 2023 (pdf, in Finnish)