Community workers of health and social services

Community workers are employees of health and social services available for you to reach out to when you want to improve the comfort, safety and well-being of your residential area.

Community work involves sustained efforts aimed at influencing and improving the affairs of a city district through collaboration with local residents, associations, organisations, and authorities. A community worker can provide valuable support when you seek to address pressing regional challenges in cooperation with fellow residents and stakeholders in your area.

Contact the community worker for your area

Kallio, Alppiharju, Vallila, Pasila, Vanhakaupunki, Vironniemi, Ullanlinna, Kampinmalmi, Taka-Töölö, Lauttasaari, Kulosaari, Herttoniemi

+358 9 3104 1249 (Link starts a phone call) / +358 50 3475 071(Link starts a phone call)
Community Worker Annamari Aalto opens default mail program)

Maunula, Länsi-Pakila, Tuomarinkylä, Oulunkylä, Itä-Pakila, Latokartano, Pukinmäki, Malmi, Suutarila, Puistola, Jakomäki

+358 9 3107 3206(Link starts a phone call) / +358 50 3497 611(Link starts a phone call)
Community Worker Soile Atacocugu opens default mail program)