If necessary, we can support your coping by arranging discretionary care for your care recipient in a service housing unit.
Such care can involve intensive 24-hour care or care where staff are not present at night.
We can also support your coping by offering your care recipient day activities.
Discretionary short-term care is applied for with the disability service application, which is delivered to a service point in your area of residence. Together with the care recipient and a social worker, you will assess the need for short-term care.
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Care options during the caregiver’s discretionary leave
In short-term service housing, you will receive care and attention for part of the day.
You will make a copayment of EUR 30.50 per day for your care.
In short-term intensive service housing care is provided round-the-clock.
You will make a copayment of EUR 39.30 per day for your care.
Day activities can also support your coping and reduce the need for other care when your care recipient participates in the activities of day activity units. The objective of day activities is to support your care recipient’s physical and mental well-being. It provides them with peer support and supports their living at home.
We arrange day activities tailored for people with disabilities under the age of 65 residing in Helsinki.
Day activities are free of charge, but we charge a meal fee for meals served at the day activity units.
Day activities are applied for from Social Work for People with Disabilities, through a social worker in your area.