Day activities

Experience goal-oriented activities and meaningful social connections with us.

Our day activities are tailored to individuals who are in search of fulfilling and goal-oriented pursuits yet may be unable to partake in regular work activities due to disabilities or illnesses.

We will collaboratively establish personalised objectives for your day activities, involving both you and your loved ones in the goal-setting process. These activities encompass a diverse range, including exercise, interactive discussions, enriching excursions, creative endeavours, culinary experiences, and sensory engagements like music appreciation and play.

We also employ communication methods that provide support and alternatives to verbal communication, ensuring inclusivity for everyone involved.

To enrol in our day activities program, please reach out to the social work services in your residential area.

For Helsinki residents with disabilities, day activities are offered at City of Helsinki's designated service points and through procured service providers.

Photo: Maarit Hohteri
Photo: Maarit Hohteri

Learn more about day activities

Click on the questions to see their answers. 

Day activities are intended for people with disabilities who are past the compulsory education age and who cannot participate in work activities due to their disability or illness. 

The day activities include diverse activities, which can include exercise, discussions, excursions, cooking or playing music. The activities are planned by taking into account your and possibly your family’s needs, wishes and resources.  

A day activity place is applied for using the disability service application form.  

See the instructions for applying for disability services 

If you receive a positive decision, we will select you a suitable day activity location from the city’s own housing units or the city’s purchased services units. Alternatively, you can also purchase day activity services with a service voucher.  

You can explore the places in the following ways:  

  1. You can find the day activity locations of the City of Helsinki under the header Service Places provided below. 

  2. You can find links to the housing services of the city’s purchased services units under the header Day activity locations of the purchased services units.  

  3. You can explore the places available with service vouchers by using the service provider search at Select “Helsingin sosiaali-, terveys- ja pelastustoimi” (Helsinki Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services) as the grantor of the service and “Vaikeavammaisten päivätoiminta” (Day activities for persons with a severe disability) as the service. 

Go to the service provider search at leads to external service) 

Service points

Landbo Activity Centre

Address: Landbontie 2, 00890 Helsinki

Octavens verksamhetscenter

Address: Puusuutarintie 19, 00620 Helsinki

Pasila Activity Centre

Address: Pakkamestarinkatu 2, 00520 Helsinki

Polku Activity Centre

Address: Ruotutorpankuja 13, 00700 Helsinki

Sofianlehto Activity Centre

Address: Sofianlehdonkatu 8 A-house, 00610 Helsinki

Tanhua Activity Centre

Address: Tanhuankuja 4, 00940 Helsinki

Treklangens servicepunkt

Address: Konalantie 47, 00390 Helsinki

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