Our activity centre in Vallila is located next to Itä-Pasila by good transport connections. Our facilities are fully accessible, and we operate on two floors.
We have roughly one hundred clients and operate in four different units within the activity centre. Our groups are quite large.
Our aim will be for you to get acquainted with working life and develop the skills needed in it. We aim to build a suitable path into working life for everyone.
All clients are provided with an individualised implementation plan in which we list the goals of their activities. We will discuss your plans for the future with you.
If needed, we can guide you towards further studies and familiarising yourself with study places.
Contact information
Unit manager: Jonna Mendolin, +358 9 310 22919, jonna.mendolin@hel.fi
Senior instructor: Reetta Pöyry, +358 9 310 73322
Contact information
How long do the work activities last?
The duration of the work activities will depend on your goals and your plans for the future. We will plan the number and duration of activity days together with you.
Our activity centre is open on weekdays at 8.00–16.00. We provide activities at 9.00–15.00.
How will the work activities affect my income?
Attending the work activities is free of charge, but a fee is collected for meals. The activity centre will pay for your travel. If you use public transport, you will be given an HSL travel card. If you need transport services, the activity centre will pay for them.
No salary is paid for the work activities of activity centres.
Can I influence the programme of the day activities?
For your work activities, we will chart your personal goals and create a programme for you. We will do this together with you.
At Vallila Employment and Training Centre, we practise working life skills under different themes. Examples of activities involved in this include subcontracting and outdoor work, group work, having discussions, playing games, taking care of responsibilities, practical training and familiarisation visits.
We also have a kitchen and facility maintenance coaching group in which participants operate in small groups.
The theme of life management covers aspects such as:
- taking care of personal hygiene
- taking care of cleanliness at home
- adhering to schedules
- following a good exercise, eating and sleep rhythm
- taking care of financial affairs
- social skills
- acting in a group.
The theme of working life covers aspects such as:
- adhering to working hours
- taking care of work tasks and working with care
- customer service
- cash services
- getting acquainted with various work tasks and workplaces.
Tasks outside our unit:
Outside our unit, we carry out tasks such as park maintenance, outdoor activity assistance, litter picking and practising errands. Some of these tasks are led by an instructor, whereby the group will consist of 2–6 clients. You may also get to carry out work gigs independently or together with a partner.
Our instructors will talk with you and chart the most suitable tasks for you with you.
Our activity centre has 18 workers, 11 of whom are unit instructors.
Job coaching services
Vallila Employment and Training Centre also provides job coaching services in accordance with the supported employment service model. Job coaching is a separate service that supplements work activities, and you may have to wait for a place to become vacant.
The coaching service starts with mapping skills and job options in order to determine the client’s opportunities for finding employment, and their support needs. The main goal will be for you to find full-time or part-time employment.
During the coaching period, we will look for a suitable job together with you. We will practise making job applications and attending job interviews.
We will also support you in taking care of all matters related to work, if necessary.
The route to the main entrance
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
Reitti pääsisäänkäynnille
- Saattopaikan merkitsemistä ollaan pyydetty ulko-oven eteen
The main entrance
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- In connection with the entrance, there are 3 consecutive steps. The steps are marked with contrast stripes.
- The entrance has a ramp under 6 m long, with handrails on both sides.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door requires the use of a door phone, opening easily manually.
In the facility
- The customer service point is located on the entrance floor.
- The doors in the facility are hard to perceive. The glass doors have contrast markings.
- The facility has a toilet marked as accessible. The toilet door cannot be easily opened and closed.
- A second toilet marked as accessible is located on floor 1.