Contact information for the informal care support workers

You can find the contact details of the informal care support workers in the phone book at

You can find the contact information with the help of your postal code

You can find employees' phone numbers in the phone book by the postcode of your residential area.  

If you have trouble finding the contact information for your social instructor, please contact Counselling for People with Disabilities.  

See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities  

Note! Senior Services are responsible for addressing informal caregiving needs for the elderly and individuals with memory disorders.  

Go to Informal Care Support for the Elderly and People with Memory Disorders

You can display and hide the contact information by clicking on the header. 

Itäkatu Family Centre  

Here you can find the contact details of the Itäkatu Family Centre employees(Link leads to external service)


Itäkatu Family Centre, Social Work for People with Disabilities  

Tallinnanaukio 1, 00930 Helsinki 

PO Box 6730, 00099 City of Helsinki   

Go to the website of Itäkatu Family Centre  

Kallio Virastotalo

Here you can find the contact details of Kallio Office Building employees(Link leads to external service)


Kallio Virastotalo, Social Work for People with Disabilities  

Toinen Linja 4 A, 00530 Helsinki    

PO Box 6009, 00099 City of Helsinki   

Go to the website of Kallio Virastotalo


Social Work for People with Disabilities, eastern service point  

Here you can find contact details for employees in the East Helsinki area(Link leads to external service)


Social Work for People with Disabilities, eastern service point  

Kahvikuja 3, 00980 Helsinki   

PO Box 6250, 00099 City of Helsinki   

Go to the website of the eastern service point  

Social Work for People with Disabilities, southern service point  

Here you can find contact details for employees in the South Helsinki area(Link leads to external service)


Social Work for People with Disabilities, southern service point  

Työpajankatu 14 A, 6. kerros, 00580 Helsinki    

PO Box 6420, 00099 City of Helsinki  

Go to the website of the southern service point  

Social Work for People with Disabilities, western and northern service point  

Here you can find contact details for employees in the West and North Helsinki area(Link leads to external service)


Social Work for People with Disabilities, western and northern service point  

Ala-Malmin tori 2, 5 ja 7. krs, 00700 Helsinki  

PO Box 7980, 00099 City of Helsinki  

Go to the website of the western and northern service point