Tilkka Group Home is located in Pikku-Huopalahti, within walking distance from tram and bus stops. There are good traffic connections to the city centre and other services.
We provide instructed and supported housing services for adults with developmental disabilities. Our group home has 37 long-term residents in three housing groups. In addition to supported housing, one of the groups also has five temporary care places, the clientele of which varies somewhat.
Our staff are present around the clock.
Tilkka Group Home is suitable for you if you are able to manage everyday activities relatively independently but need regular everyday help, support and guidance.
Our staff will take care of your basic and specialist health care appointments.
Contact information:
Unit manager: Tuija Purhonen, +358 931021039
Valkama housing group: +358 9 310 41743
Pisara housing group: +358 9 310 74014
Vellamo housing group: +358 9 310 42730
Contact information

What is it like to live in Tilkka Group Home?
At Tilkka, our core values revolve around promoting self-reliance, respecting individuality, and upholding the fundamental right to self-determination.
Our staff takes every opportunity to organise a diverse array of activities for our residents. During the summer, we relish playing outdoor games in our courtyard and savouring barbecues beneath the shelter.
Evenings bring us together for dinner in our communal living area. On weekdays, we gather in the dining room downstairs, while during mid-week holidays and weekends, we dine on the residential floors. During weekends, our staff can prepare meals, and residents are welcome to join in if they desire.
For relaxation, we offer access to the sauna on the first floor of the building, available to all residents. Adjacent to the sauna, you'll find a club room where you can socialise with fellow residents. A shared laundry room, serving all residents of the building, is also conveniently located on the first floor. Each living group additionally has its dedicated utility room.
Our first-floor dining room is where our in-house cook serves lunch Mon–Fri 11.30–12.30. In addition to lunch, dinner is also an option for our residents in the shared dining room. For those in our transitional apartments, preparing your own dinner is part of the independent living experience.
What is Valkama Living Group like?
Valkama Living Group, situated on the second floor of the building, provides a range of services, including temporary care alongside supported housing. Within Valkama Living Group, you'll find 16 transitional apartments, distributed across the second, fifth, and sixth floors. Many of these apartments come with their own balconies.
The group home residents reside on the third and fourth floors, while the second floor houses five resident spots designated for temporary care. Each floor is equipped with a shared kitchen and a communal living area featuring a television.
Residents are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their own rooms and common areas, with our instructors available to provide assistance when needed.
What is Pisara Living Group like?
Pisara Group Home occupies the third floor of the building, offering a supportive and nurturing environment.
Within Pisara, we provide nine group-based service housing spaces. Each resident enjoys the independence of their own apartment, complete with a private bathroom and kitchen facilities.
Our apartments come in the form of studios or one-bedroom units, allowing you the freedom to furnish your space with your own furniture. Additionally, some of the apartments feature their own private balconies, enhancing the living experience.
Our premises further include a shared kitchen and a communal living area equipped with a balcony. These spaces offer opportunities to socialise with fellow residents and partake in activities like movie nights, creating a sense of community.
What is Vellamo Living Group like?
Vellamo is situated on the fourth floor of the building, offering a welcoming and supportive environment.
Within Vellamo, we provide nine group-based service housing spaces, where each resident enjoys the privacy of their own apartment, featuring a personal bathroom and kitchen facilities.
Our apartments include both studios and one-bedroom units, allowing residents the flexibility to furnish their rooms with their own furniture. Some of these apartments also boast private balconies, adding to the overall living experience.
In addition to individual apartments, our premises include a shared kitchen and a communal living area equipped with a balcony on the group home side. These spaces provide opportunities for socialising with fellow residents, engaging in cultural activities, or simply enjoying a coffee together.
We're fortunate to be located close to nature, providing access to scenic outdoor trails that residents can explore independently or with their fellow supported housing residents. Our commitment to a holistic living experience ensures residents have the chance to participate in various excursions and cultural activities, promoting a vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.
The route to the main entrance
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide.
- The passage has 3 consecutive steps.
- The route has a ramp over 6 m long without an intermediate landing, with handrails on both sides.
Reitti pääsisäänkäynnille
- Saattoliikenne tapahtuu Tilkan ryhmäkodin pääovelta ,sekä sisäpihan puolelta . Kulkuluiskat sijaitsee sisäpihan ja pääoven yhteydessä.
The main entrance
- The entrance stands out clearly. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- In connection with the entrance, there is 1 step.
- The entrance has a ramp under 6 m long.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens with an access control key.
The entrance "alternative entrance"
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- In connection with the entrance, there are 3 consecutive steps.
- The entrance has a ramp over 6 m long without an intermediate landing, with handrails on both sides.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens with an access control key.
In the facility
- The customer service point has 6 floors.
- For moving around, there is a lift, which can hold a wheelchair; the door opens automatically. The floor numbers in the lift cannot be felt with fingers. The button for the exit floor stands out from the other buttons. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
- The facility uses movement-guiding surface material.
- The doors in the facility stand out clearly.
- The facility has an accessible toilet on the entrance floor.