Intensive service housing is intended for you if you need constant and 24-hour assistance in your daily activities due to a disability or illness.
In 24-hour service housing, we offer care and activities that help maintain and promote your functional capacity. We can, for example, enjoy outdoor activities and exercise with you.
Intensive service housing includes meals, laundry and clothes care, washing and cleaning services, as well as other necessary services.
We offer intensive service housing in group homes and housing groups.
You pay the rent and other costs of your daily life, such as medicines and other medical care services. However, the necessary assistance and support in housing due to your disability are free of charge to you.
For more information on service housing, please contact Counselling for People with Disabilities or your designated worker. Housing services are applied for using the disability service application form.
Call us
Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Finnish
Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Swedish
Fill in a form
Disability service application form
How do I apply for intensive service housing?
Housing service is applied for using the disability service application form.
See the instructions for applying for housing service
If you receive a positive decision on intensive service housing, we will select you a suitable place to live from the city’s own housing units or the city’s purchased services units. Alternatively, you can also purchase housing service with a service voucher.
How can I learn more about the service housing places?
You can explore the places in the following ways:
- You can find the housing units of the City of Helsinki under the header Service Places provided below.
- You can find links to the housing services of the city’s purchased services units under the header Housing services of the purchased services units.
- You can explore the places available with service vouchers by using the service provider search at Select “Helsingin sosiaali-, terveys- ja pelastustoimi” (Helsinki Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services) as the grantor of the service and “Vammaispalvelulain mukainen palveluasuminen” (Service housing pursuant to the Disability Services Act) as the service.
Go to the service provider search at leads to external service)