
As you get older, you may need more support in your everyday life than before. If you already have your own designated worker in Helsinki’s disability services or senior services, contact them directly for advice and guidance.

Ageing impacts your functional capacity

Functional capacity declines with age in many different ways. Your muscles and bones may be compromised, you may experience vision and hearing loss, and your memory may begin to fail. The risk for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and memory disorders also increases with age.  

Ageing varies from person to person. However, with some developmental disabilities, such as Down syndrome, people may age sooner and more quickly than the general population.

You may need new services

Functional decline may influence the quantity and quality of the services that you need. For example, if you have been able to live at home, a drop in functional capacity as you grow older may mean that service housing becomes the best option for you.

Helsinki's senior services provide 24-hour housing and care in senior centres and service homes.  

Read more about housing services for seniors

You can get information on senior services from the webpages of our senior services as well from the Senior Info advisory service.

See the contact information of Senior Info

In addition, Helsinki’s disability services operate the group homes of Hämeentie, Karviaismäki, Kestikuja, Kestilä, Koskela, Mäntylä, Roihu, Tilkka, Tyynelä and Veräjä, which provide housing services for elderly people with disabilities.

As you age, you may also need various modifications, equipment and aids in your apartment to make it safer and better suited to your mobility needs.

Read more about housing units and housing services for people with disabilities

If you have questions about disability services and how to apply for them, you can contact our counselling service for people with disabilities.

See the contact information of counselling for people with disabilities

In older age, you may experience more loneliness and social isolation. The City's service centres provide a wide range of services, activities and things to do.  

Learn about service centres and their activities