Social work services encompass counselling, assessing service needs, devising client plans, and decision-making. We collaborate closely with you, your loved ones, and, when necessary, other professionals throughout this process.
You can apply for services for people with disabilities through us. Disability services include day activities, personal assistance and housing services.
You can apply for disability services using an application form. Simply fill out the disability service application form and submit it to the Social Work for People with Disabilities service point in your service area.
If you would like service in Swedish, deliver the application to Kallio Office Building.
Counselling for People with Disabilities offers more information about social work for people with disabilities and how to apply for disability services.
Our services are free of charge.
Call us
Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Finnish
Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Swedish
Fill in a form
Disability service application form
How can I find the service point of Social Work for People with Disabilities in my service area?
You can search for your service location in the accordion below. You can display and hide the text by clicking on the header.
If you cannot find your service point here, you can ask for help from Counselling for People with Disabilities.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
Southern Social Work for People with Disabilities (Kallio Office Building)
We serve clients over the age of 18 in southern Helsinki, Kulosaari and Herttoniemi.
The address of the southern service point of Social Work for People with Disabilities is:
Toinen linja 4A, 00530 Helsinki
PL 6009, 00099 Helsingin kaupunkiSee the detailed contact information for the service point
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors (Link leads to external service)
Eastern Social Work for People with Disabilities (Vuosaari Health and Well-being Centre)
We serve clients over the age of 18 in eastern Helsinki.
The address of the eastern service point of Social Work for People with Disabilities is:
Kahvikuja 3, 00980 Helsinki
PO Box 6250, 00099 City of HelsinkiSee the detailed contact information for the service point
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors (Link leads to external service)
Note! The clients of Services for People with Developmental Disabilities in eastern Helsinki are provided services at the southern service point.
Western and Northern Social Work for People with Disabilities (Ala-Malmin tori service point)
We serve clients over the age of 18 in western and northern Helsinki.
The address of the western and northern service point of Social Work for People with Disabilities is:
Ala-Malmin tori 2, 5th and 7th floor, 00700 Helsinki
PO Box 7980, 00099 City of HelsinkiSee the detailed contact information for the service point
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors (Link leads to external service)
Kallio Office Building (residents of southern and western Helsinki)
We serve clients under the age of 18 in southern and western Helsinki.
The address of Kallio Office Building’s Social Work for People with Disabilities is:
Toinen linja 4 A, 00530 Helsinki
PO BOX 6009, 00099 City of HelsinkiSee the detailed contact information for the service point
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors (Link leads to external service)
Itäkatu Family Centre (residents of eastern and northern Helsinki)
We serve clients under the age of 18 in eastern and northern Helsinki.
The address of Itäkatu Family Centre’s Social Work for People with Disabilities is:
Tallinnanaukio 1, 00930 Helsinki
PO Box 6730, 00099 City of HelsinkiSee the detailed contact information for the service point
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors (Link leads to external service)
Frequently asked questions
Read answers to frequently asked questions in the accordion below. You can view the answers by clicking on the headers.
Disability services are applied for with the disability service application form. Transport services and informal care support are applied for using separate forms.
See how to apply for disability services here
You can contact Counselling for People with Disabilities to ask about disability services and how to apply for them.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
You can ask about transport services from a transport service social instructor in your residential area.
See the contact information for the transport service social instructors
An office secretary handles travel card matters and serves you by phone Mon–Fri 8.15–16.00 at +358 9 310 23100(Link starts a phone call) .
You can order transport from Helsinki Transport Service (Helsingin Matkapalvelu).
See the contact information for Helsinki Transport Service (Link leads to external service)
If you would like to receive information about informal care support, please contact an informal care support social instructor at the social work service point in your residential area.
See the contact information for the informal care support social instructors
If you are not yet our client and have questions, you can contact Counselling for People with Disabilities.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
If you are already our client, contact your designated social worker, whose contact information you have received in connection with your service decision.
See the contact information for the social workers and instructors
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